31. You are the most beautiful thing, I kept inside my heart...

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I want to be your favorite place to go when you had a bad day or good day..

I want to be in your arms, leaning close to your heart and hear the world's bestest music ever , which can soothe my soul, give me the needed comfort and make me to sleep without bothering about anything...

He is a man who loves to play with a volcanic  fire, a ferocious lion, a terrific angry bird and an aggressive tiger... She is the perfect match to his needs...


After hearing Aaliya's wish to forgive Sid and give him a chance in their relationship, everyone felt relieved and they all agreed happily for their union and wish them to get engaged soon... Purab gestures Abhi to come outside without anyone's knowledge and they stealthily goes to the back side lawn without anyone's notice too....

Purab and Abhi were talking generally and Purab is teasing Abhi saying that he had done a wonderful job and made Pragya to madly fall in love with him... But, Abhi replied to him that it's not easy to tame the shrewd Pragya soon and he become only her friend and he is not aware that when she will accept him as her husband...

Purab: oh come on Abhi... Accept it man... Days are not longer for Pragya to open her heart to you.. Seriously Abhi... I didn't expect such a change in Pragya... She is madly in love with you and it's clearly visible in her actions and those tears on seeing your sadness, came out of love only...

Abhi: Yeah... I too understand that..
Pragya is changing for good, Purab.. I'm also happy about that..  Pragya is not forcing me to do anything now a days and she is carving for my love and care only...

Really I'm feeling pity on my Pragya... She is opening up now only and saying me what's hidden inside her heart.... She is a stubborn girl, Purab... Stupid girl has hidden a lot of pain inside her....

Pragya has never opened to anyone about her needs, wishes, wants, desires, carvings or longiness at all... She sacrified a lot in her life to achieve big in her career and lived only for others happines... Pragya had built a big wall beneath her thinking that she is strong enough to face anything....

But poor girl, failed in this attempt and she has lost her original self and just showing off that she is heartless and cold hearted... My Pragya deserves to get a lot of love and she has all the rights to get all happiness...

I will shower her with my abundance love... Pragya is no less than a baby, who is in need of the care and comfort of a mother and a father and a love truly from her husband...

You know what Purab... This is what made her to get in to the trap of the bas***d Rocky.... He tricked her easily and used Pragya's weakness completely and made an illusion that my Pragya is in love with him... But the reality is, My pragya has been blinded by the fake drama and she thought that she loved him....

What happened Purab??? Why your face went pale on hearing that moron's name?? He is in jail only na... Producer Armaan said to me that the case is way too strong and he can't get out easily....

Purab: Haan Abhi... Not to bother about that a***e... He is  a characterless, money minded guy, who is not capable for anything... He doesn't deserve to stand near you and he is nothing but an ugly dust in your branded shoes...

But you know what, that good for nothing idiot is talking too much and ill treating and bad mouthing you, Abhi ... I want to kill that moron... That cheap womaniser is speaking badly about you, Abhi... I just can't digest it... He is behind the bars or else I would have killed him mercilessly....

Abhi: Arrey, Purab... Chill up man... I won't become low, if he ill treat me... All knows who this Abhi is.... Leave it man and relax... All will be fine soon... Why now too you are sulking???

Purab: What about the reaction of Pragya, after knowing the betrayal of that Rocky??? Is she keep on repeating that idiot's name??? Did she understood the true colours of that idiot??? Or is she chanting the age of old dialogues???

Abhi: 😂😂😂 No purab... The name which Pragya hates the most is rocky and she doesn't want to hear it from anyone's mouth too... She is hell angry on him and if he ever comes before our Rockstar, she will kill him for sure...

God save Rocky from our Rockstar... She will dig a big grave and bury that Rocky and who knows she can make him to get buried when he is all alive too... Her looks will itself burn him completely... And no one can save him from the wrath of our Rockstar...

Purab: Thank god.. But we need to be very careful, Abhi... We have only few months to change the mind set of Pragya completely... If he comes out, he will pull up some stupid stunts and try to gel up with Pragya for sure, as Pragya is like a golden goose for him...

Abhi: Don't worry, Purab... Rocky can't even near the shadow of my pragya... I'm not letting anyone to snatch my wife from me...

They were busy talking and discussing how their plans have clearly worked and they made Rocky to taste the bitter medicine and made him to rot in jail... But they were hell shocked as they heard a gasp sound near by....

They felt relieved as bulbul is standing there with an unbelievable look and she couldn't believe this much would have happened .. Purab takes a deep breath and explained bulbul what all have happened and she too assured to help Abhi by initiating a talk with Pragya and change her mind set soon...


All are happily chit chatting and having their foods... Abhi couldn't understand why Pragya is showing cold shoulders to him and is not talking with him... He clearly understands that her smile is not reaching her eyes and she is boiling in anger for sure...

Abhi (whispers) : What happened Rockstar???? Why are you looking so sad???

Pragya: You cheated me , Abhi... I didn't expect that you will do this to me...

Abhi: Whaaatttt.... 😨😨😨😨😨... What did I do??? Pragya... I swear... I didn't do anything and never will I cheat you...

Pragya: You are not at all doing anything... That's my problem, you dumbo head... So, you forget to fufill the promise na... Just a day, you started to ignore me Abhi and I didn't expect you are not thinking about what I feel too... Get lost... Don't come near me...

Pragya spits out angrily and turns her face... Her eyes welled up and she tries to control her tears by biting her lips so that she doesn't want to embarrass her, in front of her whole family... Abhi caress Pragya's head and leans closer to Pragya and kisses her hairs without anyone's knowledge....

Abhi: So, my Rockstar is angry haan... I thought you won't like to do it, in front of our family.... But I swear Pragya, I didn't forget that...

Pragya: Don't come up with your stupid excuses, if you didn't wished to do.... Haaan... Why am I expecting this from you??? I'm a fool to believe you...

Pragya's eyes widened in shock as her mouth chocked as Abhi has thrusted a large morsel of rice along with the vegetables, which Pragya hates the most... Pragya makes faces to spit it out but Abhi cleverly tricked Pragya and teased her in his own way, making her to melt in his touches and she eat all the food without her knowledge too....

All are smiling to see the love and care of Abhi and no one said anything to embarrass them and they diverted their attention and is busy in talking what all the arrangements to be made for Sid and Aaliya's engagement...


Two days passes.... All are seated nervously before the Pandit who is examining the kundali of Aaliya and Sid for a long time... Aaliya is completely nervous and is biting her nails tensedly and Sid who is watching it from far, smiled and comes near Aaliya and touches her shoulders...

Aaliya nervously smiled and Sid encircles his arms around her waist and pulls her closure in his embrace... He kisses her forehead and pats her back....

Sid: Aalu darling... Relax.. No need to get tensed like this... By the way, biting nails is a very bad habit...

Aaliya: Im hell nervous and I'm feeling feverish too... This old man won't separate us na saying that something is wrong in our kundali.... Blah blah blah... If he says any such thing, I will break his bald head with the coconut....

Sid: He can say whatever he want... Who is going to care about that.... Aaliya and Sid are getting married, whatever happens... Trust me.. I'm only for you and I'm not letting anyone to get my aalu...

Aaliya really felt the needed assurity in Sid's words and the love Sid is showering on her for the past two days is making her to feel elated... The ways their hands are entwined makes her to feel happy and contented..

Pandit: Its better to fix the engagement soon... Something is not good in their kundali and it will take some time for their wedding to happen... You can very well fix the engagement on sunday or monday of this week , as both are good days....

As they have planned the wedding after two years, no one felt bad about that and all have happily agreed to fix the engagement on Sunday ... All are enthusiastically engaged themselves and busy in looking after the arrangements, not aware of the darkness that is going to snatch all of their happiness....


All the teasings of the family goes in deaf ears, as Pragya is showing lot of trantrums in choosing the costumes for her and Abhi, ahead of the going to be engaged couples Aaliya and sid... Only a day left for the engagement.... Other than Abhi and Pragya, all got their dresses....

Abhi is controlling his laugh hardly, as Pragya is yelling mercilessly on the poor designer in the boutique, as the designs are not upto her expectations... Abhi is admiring Pragya and tries to calm her down but she glared at Abhi, making him to shut his mouth completely....

As Pragya is getting out of control iñ anger, Abhi gently holds the little finger of Pragya and rubs it gently to calm her down... Pragya sighs and leans to Abhi's shoulder and he too kissed her head knowing well that she wants it at that time....

Abhi: Pragya... Relax... Don't stress yourself... Why are you getting this much angry and showing tantrums like a baby??? I like this sherwani so much... Why not we choose this???

Pragya: Alright... But mine is not upto the mark... Show our dresses together... Hmm.... Not bad... Abhi... How is my gown??? Is it nice???? I feel little bit odd, as it's not matching with yours.... Huh... I'm confused....

Abhi: Its nice only, Pragya.... But... If you are okay, can you try the dress which I suggest... No compulsions... Just try it, if you wish only...

Pragya widens in surprise to see a beautifully designed lehenga matching exactly to Abhi's sherwani... She giggles and took it from the designer and enters the trial room... The thought that, Abhi has instructed to design such a gorgeous lehenga for her, made Pragya to melt completely in Abhi's love...


Abhi's jaws dropped and he forget to breathe too to see Pragya is looking etheral like a queen in the lehenga.... His eyes are completely fixed on her and uncontrollably his legs moved towards Pragya with full of desire and love....

Pragya's cheeks turns red and she couldn't resist Abhi who kissed her ears sensually and uncontrollably their lips conveyed their love on each other... They never mind to go out and the biggest day of their brother and sister are waiting for their arrival only....

Pragya: Abhi... We need to stop now, before we lose all our control... The function is going on... So, shall we go down... We can continue this later...

Abhi sighs: Alright... I'm completely blank now... Please do control me... I don't know what stupid things, I'm going to do... Huh... You are purposely doing this to embarrass me na...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂 Nooo... Not at all... My Abhi only is Killing me with his looks... But, I must say... You are transforming from a nerdy soft spoken man to a romantic hero who is flirting shamelessly and trying all ways to get intimate with me... Great going Mr. Mehra....

Abhi: Anyone can become too romantic, if you have a gorgeous and s**y partner... Phew... I need to blindfold all the men....

Pragya: Oh god... Don't say that you are too much possessive on me and will kill all men in your jealousy...

Abhi: Im sure, will do that Rockstar... If anyone see you with different angle, I will surely bang in their faces and broke their teeth for sure....

Pragya laughs hard and pulls Abhi's cheeks and encircle her hands around Abhi... Abhi lifts pragya by holding her waist and twirls her happily, making Pragya to giggle happily, as if she has won the world.... The duo are smiling with their heartfelt content, not aware that this is going to be the D-Day for their happiness....


The function goes on in full swing... All the guests are admiring the elegant arrangements, food and the way they are treated too... Pragya and Abhi along with Purab and Bulbul are welcoming the guests happily....

Pragya feels some sort of restlessness inside her... Her heart beats are not in her control and her inner self is warning her again and again that something wrong is going to happen for sure..  She started to sweat uncontrollably and holds Abhi's hand tightly to control her nervousness...

Pragya looks at Aaliya and Sid, who are smiling happily and chit chatting carefree... The glow in their faces brings a calm inside Pragya and she prays to god not to make any complications in Aaliya and Sid's life, not aware that she is going to be the threat and hurdle for their union....


Host: Good day to everyone... Welcoming you all to the big day of the adorable and sweet couples Aaliya and Siddarth.... This is not an arranged relationship, but it's an out and out union of love....

Here we are going to witness the engagement of the twin sister of our Rockstar Pragya , Miss. Aaliya Arora who is going to be engaged to her love of life, her prince charming, her soulmate,
Mr. Siddharth Mehra, the younger brother of Abhishek Prem Mehra, the soulmate and the man behind our Rockstar's happiness.....

So, with the blessings of the almighty God and with all your love, I call upon the couples of the hour Aaliya and Siddharth to come to the dias.... May I call upon, the family too join for the engagement...

With the thunderous clappings, Aaliya is being lifted to the stage by her jiju Abhi and Purab, who is no less than a real brother to her .. Aaliya smiles and raises her fake collars and winks at Sid showing off  her grand entry.....

Sid pouts and doesn't know how to go to the stage... His eyes widened in surprise, as his both hands are holded in one side by pragya and other side by Bulbul... Sid walks to the stage with the two beautiful ladies along with the melancholic song sung by Pragya playing in the background exclusively made for the engagement....

Abhi and Pragya makes Aaliya and Sid to face each other and Abhi hands over the ring to Aaliya and Pragya hands over the ring to Sid.... Aaliya with a blushy smile makes Sid to wear the ring....

But Sid is not moving a bit and is looking at Aaliya's rised hand keenly... All got tensed as why Sid is not at all making Aaliya to wear the ring... Sid with teary eyes kneels down before Aaliya and fold his hands before her, making everyone to gasp in shock...

Sid: Im really feeling sorry Aaliya and I apologise to you in front of everyone.. Please forgive me for the stupid mistakes of mine and kindly accept my heartfelt sorry for the sins I have committed to you..  Do forgive your idiot sid...

Miss. Aaliya Arora... I, Siddharth Mehra, is a very bad boy, who is not liking your last name and want it to be changed with mine... Can I have the honours to make you as my soulmate and will you accept your Sid to rule your heart??? Will you accept me as your best half , Aaliya???

Aaliya wipes her tears and nods her head... Sid gets up and makes Aaliya to wear the ring and he hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead.... The whole family happily cheered and the couples get blessings from the elders happily....


Abhi is sipping his juice and he jerks up as Pragya is dragging him hurriedly....

Abhi: Hey Rockstar... What happened darling??? What's the hurry... Stop it pragya... Tell me... Where are you dragging me???

Pragya: Abhi... No more questions... I want to show that we are the best to everyone... Did you understand... Come let's hit the dance floor and remember all should praise our sizzling chemistry...

If you miss any steps, I will surely kick you... Come let's prove to the world that Abhi and Pragya's chemistry is never matched by anyone....

Abhi smiles and walks along with Pragya happily and Purab and bulbul, Aaliya and sid shows thumbs up to them...  The melancholic song sung by Rockstar Pragya plays in the background making the place to turn into a romantic place all of a sudden....

Abhi and pragya's eyes are mingling together...  Pragya's hands are in Abhi's shoulder and Abhi's hands are encircling her waist... Their bodies are moving to the romantic music and their love is overflowing too much making the stage to set in fire with their sizzling performance and mind blowing chemistry....

The clapping sound of the guests makes them to come out from their dream land and the next moment, the whole place went completely silent and everyone are not able to digest the horrible happenings all of a sudden....


So, what's going to happen next???

What horrible thing has happened????

Will Aaliya and Sid have to go through a hard time to get married and how come Pragya is going to be a reason behind that???

What darkness is going to be surround in Abhi and Pragya's life????

Will Rocky face Pragya's wrath after he comes out from jail or will he trick Pragya by his magic spell????

Will Pragya confess her hidden love to Abhi and accept him as her husband????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


As usual, came up with a long update of 3300+ words....

Cast your votes without fail and pen down your valuable views, comments and reviews too....


Yours buddy,


Signing off..

Will be



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