34. We are distanced with a big misunderstanding...

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Before you assume things, Learn the facts properly...
Before you judge anyone, understand the reason...
Before you hurt someone,
Feel what they will go through...
Before you speak anything,
Think from their view point too...

Love is about, not leaving each other's hands, when there is a misunderstanding...

I can't promise you a perfect relationship between us... But I can promise you that if you are trying, I will be staying with you forever...


Rockstar Pragya is sitting quietly after she returned from the hospital... She is completely dumb struck with the unexpected and unbelievable happenings and she doesn't know how to react to it too....

She is pooled up in varied emotions and she just wanna scream aloud that it's a big lie and it's just her mere dream only... Unknowingly her hands traces her belly, which brings an unknown shiver inside her whole body...

Tears were brimming in her eyes and she quickly composes herself and takes a deep breath to calm her down... The happy smiles, the blessings, the joy in the whole house, is completely suffocating her a lot... She want to cry her heart out, but she is faking a smile and sitting like a feeling less statue...

A very big volcano is erupting mercilessly inside Pragya's heart... She needs sometime to mentally understand that all the things happenings are of real only and she is not at all hallucinating anything...

She badly wànts Abhi to by her side and console her by saying that he did a prank with her, with the help of the doctor and everything is a lie, which he just made to tease her... Her eyes longs to see the man behind all these dramas, but he is clearly escaping from her eyes...

Pragya is completely in a confusion and she is way too quite and is smiling just for the happiness of Sarlama and Ro dadi... No one is in a mentality to understand or think, what Pragya will be feeling at this time...

They were busy in cooking the food, feeding some sweets to her and is happily planning how to welcome the baby... Aaliya, Sid and Bulbul went one step ahead and are keenly discussing about the gender of the baby and  are arguing on whom will pamper the baby, the most...

But the two important men of the house, Rockstar Pragya's husband Abhishek Mehra and her brother Purab, who knows the real Pragya, aren't in the house... Purab has went to attend a meeting with the producers, while Abhi was no where to be found...

As all were busy with Pragya, they failed to notice that Abhi is not in home and none noticed his reaction too properly... They never mind about anything thinking that Abhi would have went to take rest, as he must be tired...


Purab finishes off the meeting and some office works and enters the Arora mansion, with a huge smile in his face... Something in him instructs him to go to the back side of the house....

Without thinking about anything, Purab walks towards the garden area and he is startled to see Abhi is lying on the garden swing, with a tear striken eyes... Purab gasps in shock and nears Abhi... When Purab touches Abhi's shoulder, Abhi hugs him tightly and cries aloud...

Purab: Abhi... What happened man??? Why are you crying??? Pragya is fine na... Nothing wrong with the pregnancy right...

Abhi nods his head as no...

Abhi with a stammering voice: Pragya is little bit weak and the doctor insisted that she should eat properly and take proper care of her diet...

Purab: That's it... Abhi, when you are there, what's the need to worry like this haan... We all know very well, how much you care for Pragya's health... Now, being a responsible father to be, you will take extra care of Pragya...

Arrey Abhi... Stop crying... Tell me what's bothering you... Did Pragya said anything to you wrongly... Whaat... It's also a no... It's a promise on your baby, Abhi... Pour out, what's in your heart...

Abhi composes himself and poured out, what's in his heart... Purab doesn't know how to console Abhi and he understands what's bothering him... Purab assured Abhi by saying that he will by his side and support him always....

Purab helped Abhi to walk inside the house... All were shocked to see Abhi coming with Purab and before anyone bombards Abhi with questions, Purab cuts them off by saying some lame reasons and shuts everyone's mouth...


Pragya's pov.:

What's going on around me??? Am I still in my Dreamland??? Nooooo... Pragya... Open your eyes and look at the bitter reality, that is mocking at you very badly...

How stupid of you, Pragya... Where is the terror Rockstar, Pragya, who never falls weak for any emotions... You are a number one stupid Pragya and you spoiled your life, your happiness and you are going to lose your identity too now...

Your single move have spoiled everything... You being a fool, believed all the things and now you have become a bait to the unexpected betrayal... You are the destructor of your whole happiness...

Noooooo... Nothing can stop me... I'm Pragya... Rockstar Pragya... No.. No one can stop this Pragya from achieving in her career... She is the best always and she will rock the music world, without any doubt...

Arrey sweetheart... Stop crying... Why are you crying like this haan??? Why are you thinking low of yourself and you are imagining that your baby will be a hurdle to your dreams???? How stupid of me!!!!

( Traces her belly with tears pouring mercilessly from her eyes, but with a heavy smile in her face... She quickly runs and stands near the mirror and lifts her top to see her belly, which is glowing, as the baby is inside it... She blows a kiss and is blushing uncontrollably)

Can you believe this Pragya???? You... 😭😭😭😭.... You are going to be a mother... Your baby is growing inside you... Your baby will come to the earth soon and will call you as mumma... Oh my God!!!! Will it be a he or she???

Never mind... Who is going to care about that... Whether it's a boy or a girl, it's going to be mine... But whether it's a boy or girl, I want the baby to be bold and confident like me... Alas!!! I want the baby to be loving and caring like my Abhi...

Abhi... My foot... 😤😤😤😤 ... Why the hell, I'm calling him as my Abhi???? Who the hell, he is to me???? He is a coward, a bloody betrayer...  How dare he... 😬😬😬😬😬

Let him come before my eyes, I will kill him for sure... Why???? Why???? Why it's always happening to me??? What wrong did I do to anyone??? Why no one is understanding my feelings and why no one is treating me like a fellow human too????

No Pragya... Don't cry... Rockstar Pragya is as hard as a rock... You can handle the storm easily... But why???? 😭😭😭😭😭... Why my heart is melting like an ice berg??? Why was I heartbroken on seeing Abhi's reaction???

Why it's hurting me terribly, when Abhi left the scanning room, when you needed him the most??? Why did you carve to hold Abhi's hands and why you badly wanted Abhi to kiss you and happily scream that we are pregnant??? 😭😭😭😭

You, arrogant Pragya... You deserve this... You Don't have any right to blame, Abhi... What wrong did he do to you??? It's you, who pushed him in a dark hell and spoiled all his happiness... Answer yourself first, Pragya...

Did you ever thought Abhi as your husband and did you ever made him feel that you are his wife??? You never did anything as that of a wife, first... Don't ever say that you two have physical relationship, as that of a husband and wife...

Shame on you, Pragya... How can you expect Abhi to care for you, after knowing that you are pregnant??? All men are same only, Pragya... They are ready to do anything, till you fulfill their desires and gives them bodily pleasure...

But when the men find out that a life is growing inside you, they will react like this only... May be, Abhi is holding on to me, as Aaliya and Sid's marriage are fixed... Or who knows, he would have cheated me and ran away from my sight too...

So what... You two have decided earlier na that you two will part apart, within a year or two years... It's you, who is repeating this words again and again, to hurt Abhi right... 😭😭😭😭

Why are you crying Pragya??? You didn't even reacted this much, after knowing Rocky's betrayal too... All happened because of that Rocky only... If he has not come up in my life, I would have lived at peace and never married a person like this Abhi...

Idiot Pragya... Don't call your so called arranged wedding as a marriage and all... Ask yourself... Did you married Abhi, out of love???? You bloody b***h has married Abhi for a stupid revenge and fulfill your ego and for your dadi's happiness...

You tortured him, troubled him, annoyed him, irritated him, forced him and you did lot more to him... You never treated him like a fellow human too and you treated him, only as a man, to satisfy your bodily needs...

You killed Abhi, many a times, by saying that he is your Partner in bed and just a paid slave to fulfill your wishes right... How can you expect a man, who is just your partner in bed, to love you and care for you... What reaction, you are expecting from Abhi, haan!!!

Noooooo... Noooooo... It's not true... I accept... I married Abhi for revenge only... But, I willfully surrendered myself to him and I forced him to touch me, as my heart says that he is the one, who is going to bring peace to my mind and I get the needed solace, only in his arms...

I faked many a reasons to get close with Abhi and forced him a lot, as I badly carve for him... I even couldn't understand that I being a stubborn girl, never let any men to near me...

Even though, I loved Rocky earlier, I never allowed him to kiss me much and didn't initiated to have any intimacy on my own and never let him to cross any limits with me...

But with Abhi, I crossed all my limits and behaved in such a way that a girl should never behave... How can I say that I badly fall weak in front of Abhi and nothing would come up to my mind, when he is near me...

Why Abhi??? Why are you not at all understanding the fact that I'm your legally wedded wife... Even though , I never accepted openly that you are my husband, I always treated and valued our marriage...

Can't you see that, I have never removed our engagement ring, my nupital chain and whenever, I apply kumkum, it's you, who is filling it na, which is of your name... Why Abhi, you can't understand this simple thing too???

Why are you so dumb, Abhi??? Why are you scared of me??? Didn't you ever felt a single second too, that I'm your wife and I have fallen for you madly... Yes... You thick headed, dumbo... I love you, so much...

I wanna scream aloud that I love you crazily... But, I'm scared to open my heart to you, Abhi... I will die the next instance, if you reject my love and I'm not in a condition to hear a no from you, anytime... I know very well that you can't love a disgusting girl like me... 😭😭😭😭

But, I'm Little bit selfish, Abhi... You are mine and I will never let anyone to snatch your away from me... I'm way too possessive about you and I will do anything to have you beside me, all the time...

If only forcing you , can make me to have you, I'm ready to do that too... I don't care a damn, whether you love me or not... You are my husband, my love, my man of dreams and the father of our kids... Let me see, how you gonna run away from me...

The whole universe have known only a man is forcing and troubling a girl... Even the stories talks a lot about the possessive men ... Let me break the rules and I will set a new example that a girl also has the guts to hold a man, by her possessiveness...

Pragya... You have gone completely mad, girl... Oh no... Is my mood swings started so soon???? God... What is happening to me??? Where the hell has this Abhi gone???

Abhi... I will count just 5... You should come before my eyes or else, you have to face the consequences... 😂😂😂😂😂... Get ready Mr. Mehra... Trying to run away from me haan...

Let me show you, what punishment you will get for doing so... I'm gonna dance on your head and poor darling husband of mine, has to obey me only... Hey, baby doll... Let your papa come... We will give nice beating to him, okay..

Give a hi-fi baby... (Pats on her belly lightly)... We have to punish your papa, as he has ran away from the scanning room.... Your papa didn't properly welcome you right, baby...

So, let's punish him okay... Baby... You shouldn't make mumma's mood to get diverted okay... Please baby... My body will badly react, when your papa is around me...

Now I'm damn sure, this pregnancy hormones will surely gonna make me turn wild and you too shouldn't trouble mumma, okay... God... Please, I beg you... Make my Abhi to be with me, all my life...

I can't imagine a life, without my Abhi... Please don't make any misunderstanding to come between us and I'm not in a mentality to hear anything odd from Abhi...

I want to enjoy my pregnancy phase happily and I'm way too eager to see how my Abhi gonna pamper me and bear all my mood swings too... Abhi... Please man... Get well soon... I wanna eat your hand made food...

Pragya licks her mouth and makes a yummy sound, dreaming, as if Abhi is feeding her and pampering her like a baby... Not aware of what is going on in Pragya's mind, Abhi is thinking the opposite way....

Abhi, clearly misunderstood on his own that Pragya will surely think him like a betrayer and he came to a big conclusion that Pragya won't like to have baby at all... His heart, which loves Pragya madly, is over comed by his mind, which clearly confused him so much...

Like it's always said, words unsaid, doubts which are uncleared, mere assumptions and miscommunication between the couples, will create a big rift in their relationship and spoil their happiness...

Misunderstanding is a root cause of the break up in relationships and it's a bitter truth that lack of understanding, will turn the situations not in our favour and will push us in a worst hell....


After hearing lot of consoling words from Purab, Abhi with a fear, enters the room... His breath is uneven, his face is filled with sweat, his hands are shivering, his legs are shaking and his whole body is trembling in fear....

Pragya, who is angry on Abhi, for making her to wait so long, is showing cold shoulder to him and is glaring at him angrily... Abhi, mistook Pragya's anger and he over reacted, forgetting the fact that Pragya is pregnant and she will react wierdly, with her mood swings....

Abhi, without minding anything, pours out what's in his heart and he didn't let Pragya to speak in between too... All he want at that time is to talk, what he feels and he didn't even bothered to look at Pragya and didn't mind her reactions too....

Sighing deeply, Abhi with teary eyed looks at Pragya... He is startled to see a ferocious lion in the form of Pragya, which is ready to attack it's prey mercilessly and rip it into trashes...

Abhi's head started to spin, as his cheeks are burning in pain... He gasps in shock, as Pragya holds his collar and glared at him angrily... Abhi closes his eyes again thinking that Pragya will slap him again and failed to see the reaction of Pragya, at that time...

If Abhi would have noticed that clearly, a huge problem can be avoided between the duo.... Tears were oozing out in both Abhi and Pragya eyes, non stoppingly... Abhi didn't know how to convince Pragya, to make her to accept his wish....

While Pragya is not in a mood to give up so soon and blasted on him angrily... Words crossed all it's limits... Anger, helplessness, insecurities, misunderstanding, longingness, possessiveness and ego made the situation to turn really ugly ...

Here, no one is to be blamed or at fault... It's fate play to make a big misunderstanding between the duo and made them to stand in the opposite directions...  But the love they have on each other and the bond they are tied up together, makes them to stay closer...

The whole room is looking, as if it's hit by a big thunderstorm.... Abhi looks at Pragya longingly, to hear a yes from her... Pragya glares at Abhi and spits her reply to him harshly...



What's going to happen next????

What did Abhi said to Pragya and what is his request????

What is Pragya's outburst and what will be her reply to Abhi???

Will this misunderstanding gets widen or will it be cleared off soon???

Will Rocky come again and mess up in Abhi and Pragya's life????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual, came up with a long update...

Words used: 3140+

Cast your votes without fail...

Will post the next update, only when the votes crosses 130-140 votes.... Until then, Don't force me to update....

One more thing...

I can carry forward the story ,only with the way I've planned...

Lots of shocking twists are awaiting...

Those who can trust me, can proceed this story further...

Don't forget to pen down your valuable comments, sweet views and long reviews....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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