35. Fear - The first enemy in love...

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Hate is not the first enemy in love... But, it's fear, which destroys the ability of trust, you have on love...

It's not lack of love, but lack of understanding and friendship, which makes many marriages to broke down..

In the name of expressing his thoughts, he is hurting me and himself... He is in a difficult phase and with a lot of pain in his heart...  It's the reason, he failed to notice that he is hurting me terribly...


Abhi, with a heavy heart enters the room... His heart beats are wavering up and down and he finds it difficult to let out a single breathe too... He tries really hard to fill his lung with air, but his attempt went in futile...

Sweat beads started to pool up in his forehead and only he knows how much his body is shaking inwardly... His hands are trembling and is filled with sweat and it took a good, hard minutes for him to open the door knob..

Abhi is way too startled and devastated to see his wife, Rockstar Pragya in a worst condition.... This is the reason, he is fearing to enter the room.... This is why, he is running away from her for a long time...

But, Abhi has no other choice than to face Pragya and he got the confidence with the words of Purab... But the broken state of Pragya, startles him to the core and the tears in her eyes, kills him mercilessly... Being a husband, he is not in a position to wipe her tears too....

Each drop of the precious pearl, escaping from her eyes, pricks his heart to the core and he being the reason for everything, collapses him completely... He is ashamed of his doings and uncontrollably his eyes too moisten and burning with the guiltiness in his heart....

Abhi takes a deep breath and composes himself... He shooks his head quickly and fastens the steps and nears Pragya... But he halts his steps and goes backward, seeing the deadly glare of Pragya...

Abhi, clearly misunderstood that Pragya is angry on him, thinking that he has broken his trust on her and made her to get pregnant... He falsely believed that Pragya is seeing him as that of a betrayer and had an illusion that Pragya is not at all happy with the pregnancy and may accuse him for using her like this and spoiling her image and career...

On the contrary, Pragya is way too happy with the pregnancy and is dreaming how to welcome their baby... She imagines a happy life with Abhi and their kids and is wishing to open her heart to him and propose him in a grand manner and wanna reveal the happy news of Pregnancy, to the whole world....

But, their fate is complicating the situation and a clear misunderstanding and mistrust of Abhi towards Pragya, changes the situation, way too ugly... The fear of losing his baby, makes Abhi's brain to stop it's function and he is ready to do anything and can leave pragya too, for bringing his baby to the world...

More than the woman he loved, he is longing for the unborn baby and in the attempt to protect and save his baby, Abhi forgets the fact that he is going to kill and bury his wife, in a living hell... His fear bothers him a lot and his insecurities made him to do the worst attmept, which gonna broke both their hearts completely...

Abhi: Pr... Pragya... Rock... Rockstar... Did you had food??? Shall I ask the maid to bring food for you???

Pragya (in a sarcastic tone) : Wah... Wah... Too much care haan... May I know, what is this for... Ohhhh... I got it... This care is for your baby na... Not bad... The great father, hey na.. who ran away from the scanning room... Really, I want to appreciate you, Abhi...

Abhi hungs his head down and tears were betraying his eyes and is shedding non stoppingly... Pragya feels sorry on seeing Abhi's state and she controls her urge, not to hug and console him, as she want to bring sense in Abhi... She is little bit angry on Abhi, for not welcoming their baby properly...

Pragya: I didn't expected this from you, Abhi... How much I believed you... I am always proud of you and I trusted you a lot... But, what you did to me... You broke my trust, Abhi...

You cheated me and I didn't expected such a thing from you... How can you do this to me, Abhi??? So, you too proved to me right, that all men are same in their mind set... Really, I didn't thought in my wild nightmare too, you will do like this...

Abhi, in a confusion and guilt, wrongly thought that, Pragya is angry on him for making her pregnant and without thinking of the consequences, Abhi pours out what's in his heart... Shock is an understatement for Pragya, as the words of Abhi, rips her soul into pieces....

"Im so sorry, Rockstar... I didn't mean to do that... It's an accident... I too never thought that you will get pregnant very soon... Many a times, I told you that we can use protection, but you never paid heed to my words...

Please Pragya.... Believe me... I accept mistake has happened... But don't think, I have used you or cheated you... I know, you treated me as that of a partner in bed only and I know very well that our relationship doesn't have future at all...

But, try to understand the  situation... I have never yearned and longed for anything in my life... I know only to suppress my wishes and feelings and lived all my life for other's happiness...

Please Pragya... I beg you... I'm ready to do whatever you wish for... I will leave you too, if you ask me to do so... Don't think that you are helpless that Sid and Aaliya are getting married.. I will go forever and I won't come before any one's eyes and even you won't remember that a person like Abhi  existed in this earth...

The only thing I want from you is that I want my baby from you... Please give me the baby alone to me... 😭😭😭😭😭.... He /she is the blessing of God to me and is a symbol of the love, I have on you..

Please Rockstar... I'm ready to fall in your feet too... Just bear me and the baby for few months and we won't be a trouble in your life or your career... Please, fulfill the only request of me... 😭😭😭😭

Abhi kneels down before Pragya and is crying vigorously, by folding his hands and is looking at Pragya with much expectation that she should agree to give birth to their baby... Pragya turns her face quickly and wiped her tears....

Pragya's pov.:

How heartless of you, Abhi... How dare you to say that you will leave me... How stupid of you to think that I am not happy about Pregnancy and how rude of you to say that I don't want our baby...

Idiot... You messed up with a devil and triggered the inner monster inside me... You digged your own grave, you dumbo ... No one can save you from me...

What did you said, you don't want me and is ready to go anywhere haan... Let me see, how you get escaped from me... You entered a lion's den, Mr. Mehra... Till my last breath, you are going to be with me only...

Sorry baby... Your papa is a biggest fool... Don't worry, baby... Mumma will bring sense in your papa... Baby, you have to support your mumma okay... We are going to dance in your papa's head and has to punish him for talking like this...

Wait and watch, Abhi... I'm gonna gjve love torture to you.... I'm going to collapse you with my love and you have to forget the fact that you are going to leave me... I wanna be a intoxicating drug to you and I will make sure that you can't live a life without your Rockstar....

You talked too too much... You have to get nice punishment from me right.... Rest in peace , Mr. Abhishek Mehra ... No one can save you from me... 😂😂😂😂😂

Pragya rubs her belly and takes a deep breath... Abhi failed to notice the mischievous smirk and the teasing smile that is lingering on her face... If he would have noted the reaction of Pragya at that time, a bring misunderstanding would have been solved..

Pragya: Stop your stupid and boring dramas... May I know, why I need to fulfill your wish... Tell me, who you are to me??? Am I a fool to bear your baby???

Never and ever... Do whatever you want.... I'm going to abort the baby for sure... No one, can stop me...  (Mouthed a sorry to their baby, without Abhi's knowledge)

Abhi: Noooo... Please... Please... 😭😭😭😭😭... Don't do like that... I beg you, Pragya... Please don't say like that... This baby is my only hope to live... Please Pragya...

Pragya: Alright mister... You are begging too much... I'm accepting just for your happiness, as you have never asked anything from me... My mind can change anytime... But, if  you behave properly, my decision won't get changed...

Abhi: I will obey and do whatever you say...

Pragya: Aww... That's like a good boy... Get up now... Hmm... Hug me and give me a kiss... Make sure that I drown in you completely... Too much sentimental scenes have irritated me... I wanna forget everything and enjoy this moment happily...

Abhi did as Pragya said, as it's not at all new to him... Thinking of the upcoming happenings with fear in his heart, Abhi failed to notice the difference in Pragya's behaviour and he is not in a position to identify the love, which is flowing through Pragya's eyes...


Minutes, Hours and Days started to tickle quickly, without bothering about anyone or for anything...

Pragya has a difficult pregnancy phase, as she feels nauseous and is prone to vomiting, whatever she eats and gets tired often... But, doctor insisted that Pragya needs to eat properly, as she is way too weak...

Moreover, she has a wierd pregnancy carving and Abhi doesn't know how to fulfill it... He feels embarrassed as Pragya hops on to him like a baby, many a times and she can be normal, only when she inhales his masculine scent often...

Abhi and Pragya has to move on to Pragya's private flat, which she uses exclusively for her official works and practices, because Abhi feels way too shy to do anything before Aaliya and Ro dadi, as Pragya is becoming more demanding...

Pragya's mood swings are in full swing and she is carving for making love quite often and demands him to kiss her often... Though Pragya wished to give love torture to Abhi, her pregnancy mood swings came as her saviour, as she wanna drown completely in the embrace of her husband always....

Abhi used to work from home and he visits office at times, when Pragya leaves for practice or for any meetings or ad shoots... Though Pragya is having foul mood swings and is having difficulties in pregnancy, she never gives up on her career and concentrates in it brilliantly, with Abhi and Purab's support...

Much to everyone's shock, Pragya tweeted happily and announced that the little Rockstar is on the way and the picture of Pragya with a baby bump, became the viral sensation in the social media... She often shares her lovey dovey moments with Abhi too in her Instagram account...

Though Pragya's all behaviours reveals to Abhi that Pragya is happy with the pregnancy and wants him beside her, he couldn't come to a clear conclusion and his insecurities are blinding his senses... All he want is to concentrate only on Pragya's health and want to have their baby in his arms, at any cost....


Months passes by... Aaliya and Sid completed their final year exams and was asked by Pragya to go and do a best course in abroad, so that they can shine well in their career... She insisted that Sarlama and Ro dadi to join them...

Though the elderly ladies protested that they can't leave Pragya at this time, she cuts them off by saying that it's not needed to worry when Abhi is there for her... Moreover, she added that Purab and Bulbul are there with her and can help her during the delivery time...

Pragya's confidence on Abhi, really overwhelmed the elderly ladies, as Pragya said to them that Abhi can take care of her like a mother and Protect her like a father... Poor Pragya is not aware that the same Abhi is going to ignore her one day and won't be at her call, when she is going to struggle for her life...

The arrangements of the travel and the other needed things were arranged by Abhi and Purab... As per the wishes of the elders, Pragya's baby shower function is quickly arranged and all enjoyed it to the fullest extent...

Pragya glowed with her huge baby bump and she is looking way too gorgeous, as the motherhood is bringing all kind of maturity and confidence in her... Though Abhi is adoring the transformation of Pragya happily, he is bothered as his time is nearing...

He hides his emotions and feelings and masked a smile to show off that he is happy only... But Pragya noticed it very well and wanna prove Abhi that he is all wrong and she wishes to propose him, after handing over their baby to him....

Pragya imagines the happenings and smiles brightly...  She rehears a lot to do the proposal in an elegant and beautiful manner and she badly wants to see how Abhi gonna react to it...

Sid, Aaliya, Sarlama, Ro dadi started their travel and is accompanied by Purab, in the insistence of Pragya, to make sure that they settle well there... Though Purab worries that Pragya's due date is just a month way, she assures that Abhi and Bulbul will take care of her...

Purab promised Pragya that he will return soon and asked her to be happy like this always... He gave lots of warnings and instructions to Abhi and Bulbul, before leaving from there... Something in Purab tells him again and again that a big bad storm gonna hit them soon...

Purab brushed aside his negative thoughts and prayed to God to remove the problems in their life... He hides his inner turmoil from everyone and acted, as if he is all fine...


One fine day, Abhi and Pragya went on a long drive... Pragya shouts all of a sudden and asked him to stop the car...

Abhi: What happened, Rockstar... You want anything...

Pragya: Abhi... Look over there... A baby shop... Come let's go and do some shopping...

Abhi: How much you gonna shop, Pragya... Already our house is filled with baby items... You are using tao much money and buying too many stuffs...

Pragya: So, what... I don't care... We are going to do shopping that's all... Don't dare to stop me...

Knowing very well that Pragya will start crying very soon, Abhi gently helps her to come out from the car... They failed to notice that two pair of eyes are looking at them venomously and a clear vengeance is visible in the eyes to see them together....

The person breaks the glass angrily and is spitting fires on the duo... He smirks and wishes to separate them and calls a waiter there and whispers something in his ears... The waiter though hesitate at first, agrees to do so, as he is greedy after looking at the money...

Not aware of anything, Abhi and Pragya bought some baby stuffs and were talking happily... Whenever Pragya gets tired, Abhi gently holded her in his embrace....

Abhi: Rockstar... See, your legs have started to swell... You look so tired... Can we go...

Pragya pouts: But, I didn't saw that section na... Please... Please... We can go afterwards na...

Abhi sighs: Alright... Let's do one thing... We will take some rest and continue the shopping again... Look a cafeteria is there... We will eat something and relax for sometime and get back to here... Is that okay for you????

Pragya squealed in happiness and jumps up like a kid... She makes an oops reaction, when Abhi glared at her angrily... She pinches her ears and asked sorry and kisses on his cheeks and shows her puppy face to melt him completely...

Pragya winks at Abhi and dragged him quickly from there, before he starts his lectures to take care of her... The duos acts boiled the nerves of Rocky, who is watching the scenario, from hiding behind the wall... He gestured something to the waiter and he showed thumbs up to him...


After sometime,

Abhi and Pragya are chit chatting happily and without anyone's knowledge, Abhi is pressing the legs of Pragya and giving a soothing massage to ease her pain and swelling... Pragya is munching the starters and is keep on talking something happily...

They were not aware that this is going to be their last happy moment in their life... Their shautan is venomously looking at them and a big storm is nearing them to separate them forever....


Pragya is pooled up in blood and is crying hardly, as the pain is killing her very badly and she doesn't want anything happen to the baby, at any cost.... She keeps on shouting Abhi, but he is no where to be found and is not in a state to hear her painful cries too...


So, what's going to happen next????

What did Rocky do with Pragya???

Where did Abhi left all of a sudden????

Will Pragya and the baby can be saved????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

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Looking forward to see all your lovely comments....


It's me your cliffy buddy,


Bidding adieu....

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