The Battle Begins

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Thorin's POV

I glared at the prissy elf and rugged man standing at the entrance of my mountain. "You have nothing!" I called down to them. "We have this," the man cried and pulled something out of his coat. The Arkenstone! It could not be! The Arkenstone was in the mountain. "The real stone is here! That is a copy!" I yelled. They would not take anything from me. The mountain, the stone and all the treasure was my right! "It is real," a small voice came from my left. The hobbit and...Y/N. "I gave it to them," the hobbit said.

I instantly became enraged. How dare he?! "Throw him from the ramparts!" I ordered my company. No one moved. "Fine, I'll do it myself!" I grabbed the burglar and moved to throw him down when I felt a sting in my cheek. My mouth fell open and I dropped the hobbit. She slapped me. This infuriating woman slapped me. I turned my anger on her and grabbed her shoulders as the hobbit scurried away. "You will join him! I cannot believe I was fool enough to trust you!" I pushed her up against the ramparts. "Thorin! Stop and listen to yourself!" she cried.

Your POV

I felt the stone of the ramparts in my back as Thorin, the one I loved tried to push me from them. Bilbo had been right. The Thorin I knew and loved was no longer there. Just before he could completely throw me over, I used my magic and transported myself back down to where Bard and Thranduil were awaiting Thorin's answer. "What say you? Will you have peace or war?" Bard asked as Thranduil offered his hand and pulled me onto his elk with him. "Are you alright?" he whispered to me. I could not answer. Was I? No I really wasn't.

I had no way back to the Enchanted Forest and now, the dwarf I had fallen in love with was sick. Consumed by greed. There was something else coming. I could feel it. From Erebor, I heard Thorin growl, "I will have war." A trumpet was heard and the ground shook as an army of dwarves came marching up the hill. "Oh no," I whispered. The feeling of dread continued to grow the longer we stood there. After a few insults were thrown between Thranduil, Bard and the leader of the dwarf army, the three armies started moving toward one another.

Before a fight could begin, I felt the ground rumble beneath us. A large worm-like creature burrowed out from under the ground as a sudden onslaught of wargs and orcs attacked. I glanced up and saw a surprised looking Thranduil. This was the what I feared. "You should have listened to Gandalf!" I yelled and slid down from the elk. I snapped my fingers and began using my magic to freeze the enemy army. I had to avoid elf arrows and dwarf axes as I waited for my own weapon to find me. I did not have to wait long.

I heard my sword sailing toward me, but Thranduil was in the way. I jumped over a crouching Thranduil, quickly grabbed my sword and killed the orc that was charging the two of us. As I took down orc after orc, I wondered if Thorin was ever going to come out of the mountain or if the dragon sickness had tainted his mind for good. Bard was doing his best protecting the people in Dale as Thranduil and I fought between the city and Erebor. They would not get to the mountain if I had anything to say about it.

I heard another loud BOOM signaling the crumbling of the blockade at the mountain and turned to see Thorin leading the company into battle. I smiled as I killed another orc. I was beginning to feel fatigued as I continued to fight with everything I had. Another orc down and I felt someone behind me and whipped around. My sword was blocked by Thorin's. "Y/N! You're alright! Thank Mahal!" He was covered in dirt, sweat and blood. I'm pretty certain I was too. "I am fine," I replied killing another orc that was attempting to sneak up on Thorin. As we moved killing enemy after enemy, it became like a dance.


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