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"And with his mind set on his hate towards you, he stormed out of your cell."

You stared at the cell door until you heard his footsteps fade into nothing. You were so used to this scene; the scene of someone leaving you, yet this time... it felt different. Perhaps it was because the both of you had a similar pasts, or maybe because you had spilled your whole back story to him.

As you're somewhere deep in thought, a soft tap on the metal bars you're enslaved by alerts you.

"Oh! I didn't mean to disturb you, Glitch. Are you alright? You seem... spacy."

A slightly pained smile falls onto your lips as you replay your and Sans' conversation in your mind. What surprises you more is for once, you weren't thinking of an escape plan, you genuinely wanted him to understand you and not live with the thought of vengeance like you were.

"It's Sans. Isn't it?" Papyrus guessed, sitting down on the mattress beside you.

You tilt your head to the side and stare at the skeleton in shock as to how he knew.

"I've made the same expression all too many times not to be able to detect the same feelings from another. Whatever he said or did, I assure you, it's the only way he knows how to protect himself from getting too close to someone. I beg of you not to lose hope in him."

"S-So he doesn't... hate me?"

"Of course not. I think he's just angered because he was wrong, about humans. I think you should go after him, Glitch."

For some reason, hearing that he doesn't hate you fills you with immediate relief.

"Go after him? Where'd he go?"

"There's this bar not far from here. I'm unsure of how good its condition is, so I'll just give you an address. He should be in there with one of his old friends. But if they try to attack you, please, go away as far as you can and don't look back."

With his wishes given to you, he places a crumbled up piece of paper in your hand and leaves the room with the cell door wide open.

This could've been your only chance at freedom as far as you knew. But one could also consider this as a test, one that'd challenge your loyalty.

You could always take the easy way out. Abandon Papyrus and Sans and hope to God that they never found you. However, choosing that path would leave Sans with a bitter outlook on humans, and Papyrus with only thoughts of your betrayal.

But the hard way would consist of you keeping your promise to Papyrus and maybe even excusing your earlier behavior with Sans. He might've had his reasons for revenge, but so did you, and perhaps you could free the both of you from those thoughts. The chances of dying on the way there were more than you could possibly count, and Sans might even finish the job if he really does hate you. If you'd have to risk your life for the one of a skeleton who had done nothing but try to protect himself and his brother;

You could do that.

Papyrus rattles off the directions and tells you where sentries may be awaiting your appearance. By the time he's finished, you already have a plan thoroughly jotted in your mind. Strangely, the directions he gave you seem vaguely familiar, but you brush it off and begin making your way towards your destination.

. . .

You stay light on your feet as you careful follow the root you had decided on with the directions Papyrus gave you. With the chilly winter breeze heading your way, you pick up the pace so your not cut short of your mission. 

In the matter of a few minutes, you're standing in front of the restaurant that started it all, Grillby's. 

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