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Swara is shocked to see the arrangements done for lunch . Tables are kept in middle according to family while curtains are separating each family . 3 round tables are placed . 1 is for Sanskar and his family , 2nd for Durgaprasad's family and 3rd one for Gadodia's .

Sanskar takes Swara to their table and makes her sit . Sujata and Ramprasad too joins them . Sanskar and Sujata had already given order for food making sure that Swara is going to have healthy food .

Ramprasad : well Swara beta do tell us something about you as we don't know you .

Swara gets hesitant : there is nothing special

Sujata giggles : yeah there is nothing special and thus my son choose you na

Swara gets embarrassed while Sanskar smiles. Ramprasad slowly hits Sujata's elbow brining her to reality.

Sujata : ok tell us about your hobbies

Swara : I love paintings aunty

Sujata gets shocked : aunty ? I'm not any aunty ok . My son calls me mom so it's better if you too call me that

Swara gets emotional : can I call you mumma ?

Sujata hits Swara's head slightly : is it a thing to ask

As they were sitting in round table Swara was sitting in between Sanskar and Sujata while Ramprasad was sitting in front of Swara. Sujata and Swara hug each other .

Sensing the environment getting emotional Ramprasad takes initiative : from how long do you like painting ?

Swara smiles : from my childhood . Baba was also a artist so he always used to teach me basics so I learnt many things from him

Sanskar smiles : yes papa and must say her painting seems to be real and natural . You must see her collections .

Ramprasad : you have seen ?

Sanskar : yeah papa when I had been to her room I have seen it and infact I was planning to open an exhibition and promote them

Sujata : that's a good idea I will call my friends too there are many of my friends who are mad behind painting .

Swara is looking all of them like an alien. Her mother never liked all this , she wasn't even allowing her to learn painting from her father as she thinks it's waste of time and an artist will never earn well . While later on her mother left bothering her and to spend her time , Swara started resuming painting again . Her mother and Dadi numerous times saw her paintings but never encouraged her. Rather they had always scolded her for that . But here this family is appreciating her work and infact are planning to show her talent to world , it shocked her too the core . She isn't able to believe that such open minded family are also existing in this cruel world . She had always thought that her baba and dida are only the open minded persons in the world , while now this family too proved that they are too open minded .

Swara was all lost in admiring the family who was busy planning to exhibit her talent that she failed to realise that food has been placed in front of her .

Swara gulps seeing the amount of food as it is filled with 2 roti , a bowl of rice and vegetable curry along with dal .

Sujata looks at Swara's face : start eating Swara

Swara nods her head while thinking to herself : I have never eaten so much for a full day in my life as much I'm now eating for 1 time . They all are eating with spoon . I don't know to eat with spoon as I'm never habitual.  What shall I do ? Firstly I'm hungry but this much amount won't enter into my stomach secondly I can't insult them by eating with hand . Oh God ! Where I'm stuck ?

Sanskar chuckles in his mind understanding Swara's thinking as he came to know her to some extent and thus he slowly signs something to Sujata which she understands .

Sujata takes a spoon of rice and mixes it with vegetables and takes it near Swara's mouth : open your mouth Swara

Swara was so much lost in her thoughts that she forget to see Sujata's act and gets shocked : mumma I .. I will have it

Ramprasad smiles : beta these chances won't come always and when your getting it na take it's full advantage

Sanskar chuckles : yeah papa

Sujata shows fake anger : don't embarrass her more and have your food silently

Ramprasad and Sanskar acts like being scared and starts having their food silently while ignoring Sujata and Swara and starts talking about their business knowing that it will give some privacy to Swara.

Sujata feeds Swara while Swara too slowly starts feeding Sujata . In that process she learns using spoon and gets happy to learn new things . Sujata keeps on chatting and explaining things while Swara hears all of them kneely and understands them . Sanskar gets happy to see this shade of hers as he has never seen her happy face .

While having good family time they finish their lunch while Swara and Sujata bond well making Sanskar and Ramprasad happy . As soon as Swara finishes her lunch a glass full of milk is places in front of her making her gulp .

Swara : mumma please no milk it's not good it's yuck ! It's been years since I dint had it , please mumma no

Sujata makes a strict firm face : drink it silently or else don't talk to me

Swara makes crying face and looks at Ramprasad : sorry beta I can't help you in this matter

Before turning face towards Sanskar , he speaks : don't show these antics to me and drink quietly

Swara twitches her nose : I will not ask anything from you as you will forcefully make me drink

Sanskar chuckles : when you know it then why do you even try ?

Swara makes crying face : I don't want milk

Sujata Ramprasad and Sanskar together : drink it silently

Swara gulps seeing their angry faces and drinks milk in a go : happy ?

Sujata Ramprasad and Sanskar smile at her while she makes faces as milk wasn't tasty for her .

Sujata pulls Swara's hand : Swara we will select mehendi design for your hand and you should select for me also ok

Swara nods her head . She was feeling hell sleepy as she was full but she can't show it and acts like being active and goes along with Sujata .

Ramprasad keeps his hand on Sanskar's shoulder : from now on she is safe with us

Sanskar nods his head : yeah and mainly being with Mom

Ramprasad chuckles : yeah and let's look for tomorrow's preparations . You even have to select ring for engagement .

Sanskar smiles : yeah I have informed Raj he will reach soon with some gold merchants then we can select

Ramprasad nod his head and goes along with Sanskar to look after the preparations . While Sanskar makes sure that Swara had her tablets without fail .


All the ladies were busy in selecting mehendi designs while Amaya was sitting in Swara's lap . It was Amaya who was selecting designs for them while others were obeying her . Suddenly someone from behind comes and keeps hand on Swara's eyes making her scared .

Swara slowly keeps her hand on her eyes and smiles : Kavya

Kavya pouts and removes her hand and keeps it on Swara's shoulder : how do you always recognise me

Swara smiles and hugs Kavya while being seated on sofa : I can recognise you anywhere ok but how did you reach here ?

Kavya comes forward and sits beside Swara side hugging her : jiju bought us here

Swara : us ? Means your family is here ?

Kavya nods her head making Swara happy : where are they ?

Kavya turns and shows her finger where Kavya's family was talking with Sanskar . Swara feels happy .

Swara : who bought you here ?

Kavya : jiju's pa Raj

Parineeta picks Amaya from Swara's lap : meet and come Swara

Swara gets happy and runs to them : dada kaki

Swara hugs them happily while they too hug her .

Kaki pats Swara's cheeks after breaking the hug : I'm so happy for you

Dada too pats Swara's cheeks : Pradeep sir will be very much happy today

Kavya while side hugging Swara : now don't make di sad on her big day

Dada nods his head while Swara giggles .

Sanskar : Swara take Kavya and kaki for mehendi function and your dada will be with us as men's aren't allowed in mehendi function .

Swara and Kavya together looks at dada angrily : don't you dare to eat sweets

Dada nods his head acting scared while Sanskar sees Swara with wide eyes as he had never seen her in this attitude .

Dada : I don't want to get scoldings from you three so done worry

Swara : better for you

Kavya giggles and goes inside along with Swara and her mother .

Dada pats Sanskar's back : I'm very happy that you selected Swara. She is really a nice girl but destiny dint let us to be happy

Sanskar smiles : but destiny made sure that she is in safe hands and thus you never left her side and helped her

Dada smiles : Pradeep sir had helped me a lot whatever I am today is because of him so this much I can do for him na

Sanskar smiles and nods his head : I want to know more about him

Dada smiles : I will tell as much I know about him as it will help you to win Swara's heart .

Sanskar smiles being embarrassed



All ladies have put mehendi in their hand and had wore simple dress as they have to sleep in that only . They all were busy taking pictures has photographer .

Swara was all time busy chatting and giggling with Kavya and Amaya  making Ragini somewhat jealous as she never had that bonding with her . While Sujata was accompanying Kavya's mother .

All the men comes with the dinner for their respective ladies making them happy .

Sanskar had got an important call and thus he had to rush out of the function.

Swara gets sad seeing other couples feeding their ladies . Her dada was busy feeding her kaki and Kavya . By this time even she was feeling hungry as after lunch she dint eat anything and now it's 10pm . None had observed her so she slowly gets up and starts going from there as the function was held in pool side of the hotel.

Swara murmurs to herself while going slowly : I was mad to expect things from him . He is just doing barter system as I saved him he is saving me nothing else . For him his business is only everything not me .

Swara was about to enter inside the hotel when Sanskar comes there with her dinner . He looks at her face and understands that she was sad and upset .

Sanskar with a teasing smile : was so desperate to meet me that you came in search of me ?

Swara turns her face being angry while Sanskar smiles and takes her to garden .

Sanskar smiles and starts feeding her while she has it without speaking anything : it was call from your doctor to whom I had forwarded your case file so I had to rush or else I wouldn't have had left you when I knew your hungry.

Swara's eyes gets widened while Sanskar chuckles and makes her drink water .

Sanskar continues : doctor had said that within a month you need to be operated so as soon as our marriage will be done we are moving to Australia and get you operated

Swara : but ... Why there ? I mean there are good doctors here ... And I don't like that place

Swara says the last line to herself slowly

Sanskar smiles : we will decide about it later . Now have your dinner

Swara : I don't want to go anywhere after marriage . I have a job too .

Sanskar smiles : I have sent your resignation letter

Swara's eyes widens : what ? How can you ? What about my salary ? I had worked for full 15 days and in middle if you have sent my resignation then Mrs Singh will not give me my this months salary

Sanskar smiles and feeds her : don't worry about that you will get this months salary .

Swara nods her head and does her dinner silently . Later Sanskar makes her drink a glass of milk for which she makes faces but seeing his angry glare she gulps it down .

Sanskar : now come I will drop you to your room as you need to take your tablet and I don't think so that with thus mehendi you can have your tablet

Swara nods her head and Sanskar holds her through her shoulder and takes her to her room . Sanskar asks her for her tablet while Swara shows him and he gives it to her .

Sanskar makes her lay on bed and kisses her forehead and covers her with blanket : have a peaceful sleep

Sanskar pats her cheeks and goes from there while a bright smile appears on Swara's face as a sign of welcoming the new bright future ahead .


Again a long part . So I'm again expecting good response .
I'm so much happy to see all your love towards my work . It's making me so much happy . I was shocked to see 90+ notifications when I opened Wattpad today .
Thank you so much .

And yeah now you all may feel like why Swara doesn't know to use spoon . I have met many people who say they don't know to use spoons as they eat from hand and they always ask me how you manage to eat in spoon . Thus I added that scene as I always get embarrassed everywhere being a spoon addict .

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