A New Family/Young Love

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Sharon and Garrick were soon married, and Sophia officially had a stepmother and a stepsister. She really wasn't sure if this was what she wanted, but she did her best to get along with her new stepsister. She wanted to treat Sharon liked a real mother.

Sophia and Garrick had moved to Sharon and Jade's apartment, which was the penthouse. Sophia did her very best to get along with Jade.

"So you're going to my college now, Sophia," Jade said. "Lucky Clover College used to be a community college, but the name changed for some reason."

Jade pulled out a blue book from her bookshelf. "This is last year's yearbook," she said. "There are the popular girls: the Fashionistas."

Sophia was a little puzzled—she had no idea colleges had popular girls, and Arkansas State University never had popular girls.

"There's the campus hottie, Hugo Hollister," Jade swooned.

The hairs on Sophia's neck stood up. Hugo Hollister? Sophia knew him—they used to be friends when they were younger. They were even boyfriend and girlfriend before Sophia left for Arkansas.

Sophia looked at Hugo's picture carefully and realized that he was the very same boy she was friends with. Sophia was so surprised and speechless that she just fell down on the floor and passed out.

Minutes later, Sophia woke up and found her family looking down at her.

"Sophia, are you okay?" Garrick asked.

Sophia didn't feel like herself—she was feeling different. "Oh, I'm fine, Daddy," she said dreamily with a smile on her face.

But Sharon and Jade weren't so sure if Sophia was okay. They wondered if she was all right.

"I'm perfectly fine," Sophia swooned. "If you'll excuse me, I should go and lie down." She dreamily waltzed out of Jade's room.

"Jade, what happened?" Garrick asked.

"I don't know, Garrick," Jade replied. "I just showed her a picture in my yearbook, and she passed out."

Garrick looked in Jade's yearbook and found the picture of Hugo. Garrick could hardly believe it—Hugo and Sophia were going to be reunited when she transfers to Lucky Clover College.

Later, Sharon and Sophia were bonding, and they were talking about Hugo.

"You and Hugo must've been so happy to be with each other," Sharon said happily. "Maybe you'll have yourself a husband already."

Sophia was a little surprised by her stepmother's remark. She was really happy that she was going to see Hugo again, but she wasn't too sure if they would get married.

"Well, Sharon, that was for five years before I left for Arkansas," Sophia said. "We were 12 when our relationship began, and we broke up when we were 17 before I went to Arkansas State University. He's probably forgotten all about me."

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again," Sharon assured her stepdaughter. "Believe me, child—your father will have a wonderful son-in-law before he knows it."

That night, Sophia was dressed in her pajamas, staring at the sky and dancing around. Garrick could tell that his daughter was really happy.

"Ah, me—young love," Garrick smiled.

"Oh, Daddy, surely Hugo must know how much I still love him," Sophia said.

"Of course, honey," Garrick assured her. "I know for sure my angel will be married before she knows it."

Sophia couldn't wait for that to happen. "When will that happen, Daddy?" she asked. "When?"

"Patience, honey," Garrick told her. "Remember: absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Garrick knew how hard it was for Sophia to break up with Hugo before leaving for college in Arkansas, especially after her mother died. He was sure that his daughter would really be happy to see her ex-boyfriend again once they reunite.

But Sophia wasn't so sure. "Oh, I've been away for such a long time," she sighed. "What if he's forgotten all about me?"

Sophia really felt like her mother was up in heaven and doing a goodthing for her by bringing her and her ex-boyfriend back together. Sophia was sure that her mother thought she had gone through enough bad times.

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