Reunited/A Surprise for Sophia

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By the end of May, Sophia flew all the way back to Los Angeles to reunite with Garrick. She left for college when she was 17, and she hadn't seen her father in a long time. Sophia could barely wait to surprise him.

Garrick was in his apartment with another woman and her daughter when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Garrick called.

The door opened, and in came Sophia. Garrick was surprised to see that his daughter had come back to see him.

"Sophia!" Garrick beamed. He got up and hugged his daughter tightly.

"Daddy, it's so good to be home," Sophia smiled.

"Are you okay, honey?" Garrick asked. "I heard about Hurricane Cora and the university."

"I'm fine, Daddy," Sophia said.

"Good, and you picked a good time to come," Garrick said. "This is my girlfriend, Sharon Patterson."

"Good to meet you, Mrs. Patterson," Sophia said, handing her hand.

"Please, sweetie, call me 'Sharon'," Sharon said kindly, shaking Sophia's hand.

Sophia really liked Sharon, and Sharon seemed to like her.

"Sophia, this is my daughter, Jade," Sharon said.

"It's good to meet you, Jade," Sophia said.

"Always is," Jade said smugly.

"Jade, be nice," Sharon chided her.

Sophia wasn't sure if she liked Jade—Jade may not seem like a glamorous popular girl, but she sure seemed rude and egotistical.

"Well, girls, we have good news," Garrick said. He and Sharon smiled at each other and said together, "We're getting married!"

Sophia was happy for her father, but she wasn't too sure if she was excited—it meant that Sharon was going to be her stepmother.

Sophia liked Sharon, but she wasn't too excited about having a stepmother—she knew that Cinderella and Snow White had wicked stepmothers, and Jade was going to be her stepsister. Cinderella had two wicked stepsisters, and Sophia was sure that she would end up more like Cinderella than Snow White. But she knew she shouldn't believe everything she reads in fairytale stories. Sophia just wasn't used to these changes just yet.

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