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Perhaps it's because Raph had no idea what to say next. Or pehaps its because I broke down the walls I had built for so long to forget about my parents. Imagine having your deepest secrets exposed to someone and you suddenly regret it. Suddenly you feel empty because those secrets are the only thing you had left for yourself.

That's exactly how I felt. I felt naked in a way and I wonder if that is how Raph felt after letting me knowing about his story.

Now I lay in between his legs as he sits and holds my hand. With his other hand, he holds a bottle of beer. I try to tell him to put it away, but find myself sipping from his bottle. He smiles and licks his lips as he watches me drink. The liquid burns my throat but I take large gulps anyways. I pass him the bottle in silence and watch in return.

Raph's room is dark and cold. The only source of light is from the moon. Raph kisses my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine.

"Life is so unfair," he whispers. "I would be dead by now if it wasn't for you."

His words make me take a sharp intake of breath and whimper. "Don't say that shit to me."

"It's true," he whispers sadly.

"Life is just a rollercoaster," I say and shrug.

"Don't give me that bullshit Leo. Your parents are dead. Your dad is a murderer. You're a fucking introvert that sucks at communication. You live alone with no friends and you're telling me you've never hated your life before?" He snaps.

I tense up and fight the tears coming out of my eyes. I scoot away from him until he grabs my arm.

"Shit I'm sorry," he slurs.

Drunk. Of course he's drunk. I snap away from his touch which breaks my heart. I would have never imagined rejecting his touch, but his words stung.

"You're drunk Raph. Leave me alone."

I get up and search for the light. He grabs my arm again and drops the bottle, causing the glass to shudder underneath.

"Fuck. Leo please don't leave. I'm sorry," he begs. His voice cracks and he lets go of me.

"You need to stop being rude," I say softly. "You crossed the line."

"I know," he replies.

"You also need to stop drinking Raphael," I say wearily. "I hate it when you're drunk."

"Well this is what you signed up for right?" He shouts out of the blue. "A rude ass turtle that happens to be depressed and an alcoholic?"

"I didn't sign up for anything," I defend myself. Now I want to cry because I'm fighting with him.

"Then stop telling me to stop drinking," he complains. "You're not my mother!"

"It's not good for you dammit. I'm telling you this because you don't have to drink your problems away Raph," I cry. "That's why I'm here. I'm here to be your shoulder to cry on. I'm here to comfort you. I'm here to love you."

All I hear is his heavy breathing and sniffles. He turns away with his eyes closed and I step right in front of him. My chest burns and my heart aches. I deliberately place my hand on his shoulder and sigh.

"You are strong," I say. "Even if people don't see how hard you are fighting, you are strong. I remeber the very first time I met you. You were drinking and you scared me Raph. You honestly did. But I'm here still aren't I?"

Raph shakes his head but places his hand on top of mine. He leans against my palm and shakes his head again. "I'm sorry," he murmurs. "It's an addiction. I can't get rid of it. You would'nt understand."

I can't help but chuckle. Raph opens his eyes and a single tear rolls down his cheek. I swipe it away and break the space between our bodies. I touch his waist and and lean near his ear.

"Oh Raphael. Of course I know how it feels like," I affirm.

"You do?"

I chuckle again and squeeze his waist. "Of course I do silly. We all get addicted to something to take the pain away."

"Yeah? Well what's yours?"

"You," I declare.

He snickers against my neck and clutches my hand harder. "I guess both our addictions are dangerous huh?"

"They sure are sugar pumpkin. But the difference is that mine makes me feel alive where unlike yours, it destroys you."

Raph suddenly swings me into his arms and drops me in his bed. He settles on top of me and I instinctively spread my legs. The second his hand touches me, I gasp and moan at the same time. Every inch of me ignites and already my heart is pumping at a full speed. I pull him closer to me and kiss him briefly as he pumps me hard.

" you..feel alive then...babe," Raph says in between breaths.

All I can think is: Holy shell.


This book is close to finishing :( Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting and voting. You guys are great. I did my goal for 2015 which was to write at least one story on Wattpad and I can proudly say that I've accomplished it successfully because of you.

If you really want to write a story on Wattpad, what have you got to lose? You can let me know and I will read it plus share it. I will help you because I know how it feels to have no one read it. I had to be patient for my stories to be read, less alone liked.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love u guys. Good luck on finals btw! You can do it!

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