Chapter 2

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Neru leaned in closer to a blurry figure until their faces were just inches apart. After a while, their lips locked into place as their tongues begin to explore each other's mouth. The tall figure ran her fingers down Neru's soft, yet skinny thighs. Neru let out a soft moan before the world around them begin to shake violently. The floor started to crack beneath them. Soon, they are seperated by a huge gaping hole.

"Neru!!" The figure screamed at the top of her lungs as her hands tried to reach out to Neru.


Neru's eyes widened as she took a good long look around her. All she could see was her messy room. Her clothes are piled up in a corner, her textbooks are stacked on her study table and empty boxes are thrown everywhere.

"It's just a dream, huh? But who was there? Who was in my dream? And why does my butt hurt?" Neru picked herself off the floor and rubbed on her bruised bottom. "Note to self, always put something soft on the floor before going to bed."

"G'morning." Neru announced as she entered the cramped cafeteria. The other residents are already munching away on their breakfast.

"Oh. Good morning, Neru." Gumi looked up from her manga.

"Hey! Neru, c'mere. Lets eat together." Lily puts down the bag of ice from her bruised face and pats the seat next to her.

"Uh.. oka-"

"No. Neru sit here!" Luka pointed at the seat opposite of hers.

"Um. It's o-"

Meiko suddenly got up from her chair and arranged all the tables into one. Every chair in the room are placed around the tables.

"There. Isn't this better?" Meiko stated as she directed Neru to one of the chairs.

"Wow. Mei-chan you're so smart. And that's why I love you~" Luka sang before an empty bottle flew to her head. "Ow!"

"Are we missing someone?" Gumi stated after scanning throughout the cafeteria.

"Come to think of it... You're right." Meiko looks around, counting all the residents.

"No. I don't think so." Lily stated as she rubbed a bag of ice on her face.

"This might be late, but what happened, Lily-san" Neru asked.

"It's Lily-sama." Lily repremand which earns her an eye roll. "I got trashed by the Black Spiders, the toughest punks out there."

"I have told you not to get in any more trouble." Meiko reminded Lily.

"Stop butting your damn nose into others' problems. You're not my goddamn Mom!" Lily snapped.

"Why I outta.... C'MERE YOU PIECE OF $#!+!!" Meiko tried to pounce onto Lily but both her arms are grabbed tightly, preventing her to move any further.

"Calm down, Mei-chan. Take a few deep breath." Gumi tried to calm Meiko down.

Meiko did as what she was told and eventually calmed down.

"Oh. That reminds me." Luka mumbled into her food. She swallowed the food before continuing, "We need to seek the guidance counselor today. Heres the timing for it." She placed the piece of paper, which have everyone's timing for the meeting, on the table.

10-10.30 am. Meiko
10.30-11 am. Megurine Luka
11-11.30 am. Lily
11.30-12 pm. Megpoid Gumi
12-12.30 pm. Akita Neru
12.30-1   pm. Yowane Haku

"Is it a must to see the guidance counselor? Must be a pain.." Neru groaned.

"Well, duh.. This place is for those with problems." Gumi stated, looking up from her manga.

Neru sat back and thought on the half hour that will be spent listening to the exact same lecture that was given by the school principal.

~Le time skip cuz Im lazy

Gumi stepped out of the room and called out, "Hey, Neru, Sensei wants to see you now."

"Okay..." Neru huffs as she snapped her cellphone shut.

She stopped in front of the closed door. Who could be waiting for her at the other side? That person could be stricter than a military officer. He or she could be waiting inside with a whip in hand. All Neru could do is hope. Her hands trembled violently as she turned the knob. She opened the door slowly and entered the brightly lit room.

"Hey, Akita Neru, is it? The new resident?" A tall and slim figure is sitting comfortably on a lounge chair. Her golden locks glisten in the light. Her eyes are sparkling with excitement.


"I'm SeeU. Nice to meet you. I am a guidance counselor but treat me like any other friend. Please take a seat."

"O-okay.." Neru sat on a small leather couch across her.

"So, I believe you are those rebellious type of person. Am I right?"

"No. I'm not."


"Okay. I am! So what!?" Neru snapped as her arms crossed over her chest.

"Those type of people behave that way for a reason. Like.... their parents work too much or something."

"Well... my parents divorced a few years ago..." Neru stated.

"Hmm..Your problems are similar to Lily's. Her mother died because of some diseases while her father died trying to protect her from some delinquents, Black Spiders. Since then, she had been trying to avenge her father. *sniff* Such a sad story.." SeeU wiped her watery eyes. "So, what's your story? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"O..kay... Well... My parents divorced because my father had decided to live on with a new wife. Ever since then, my mother started to do drugs and drink alcohol. She did not have any proper jobs, so we don't really have that much money to pay for bills and stuff. I decided to earn money by the easiest thing I could think of. Black Market."

"Do you think it's the right thing to do?"

"What else can I do!? That's the only thing I do to earn money. All my mother did is spend it all!!" Tears flowed out of Neru's eyes as she barged out of the room.

"It's almost my turn." A silver-haired student stood up from her seat and approached the counselling room.

The door flung open as a small sized student with a long blonde ponytail rushed out. She pushed the quiet student aside and teared out.

"Wh-what happened?" The student stared at Neru for a while before she went quietly into the room.

~Le dinnertime~

"Uhh... Have anyone seen Neru?" Luka stated as she scanned the area.

"I don't know.. The last time I saw her is during breakfast." Lily exclaimed.

"She should be around here. It's already past our curfew." Gumi explained.

"Oh yeah.. Residents under 18 should be back after 6. If they aren't, and caused trouble, they might be expelled." Meiko recalled one of the rules.

From afar, the quiet girl listens carefully to their conversation. She quickly exits the place without making any other noises.

Her feet shuffled around as she searched every dark corners and every shopping district. She soon stopped in front of a fast food place. She peeps inside and saw a familiar figure handing over an envelope and receiving a stack of cash in return from a person in dark twin tails.

After a few minutes, she finally decided to leave the restaurant, leaving the black-haired alone. The quiet girl waited patiently on the other side of the street. The door opened slowly as Neru walked out of the place. The elder girl followed her from behind, walking in the shadows.

Once Neru reached the dormitory, the dormitory master was waiting at the gates with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes, which have two different colours, stared straight into Neru's soul.

"Where have you been, young lady? Don't you know it's past your curfew? What were you doing? I hope you didn't go around breaking the laws. You could be expelled for it."

"Uhh... I was... Umm.." Neru mumbled.

"She's with me." A voice appeared behind Neru. Neru spun around and saw a tall, beautiful student with long silver hair tied back.

"Yowane-san. Don't you know better to bring out a high schooler past the curfew?"

"Sorry. I was showing her around, I lost track of time." She replied with that low-pitched voice of hers.

"Okay then. Come in. It's getting cold out here." The lady opened up the gated and ushered them in.

On the way to the cafeteria, Neru couldn't help it but to stare in awe at the quiet girl's beautiful body. She has curves at the right places. Her bust size could be three times larger than Neru's. There are million reasons to be jealous of her.

"Did she just save me from being expelled? I swear I have seen her before. When was it?" Thoughts swirled around Neru's head as her eyes were glued to the elder student.

"Umm... thanks for saving me back there." Neru spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

The girl just nodded silently in reply.

~Le another time skip

Neru stayed awake that night, thinking of that mysterious 'hero'. She tried recalling on where she had met her. They did walk past each other in the corridors and such, but she could not catch her face.

Neru sat up and went through her phone, scrolling through her phone. That is when it hits her.

"Last night's dream..." Neru recalled her weird dream. There could not be a mistake. Her body matched the one in her dream. So does her voice. Her hand went up her chest and felt the unusual heartbeat. "What is this weird feeling in my heart? Is it love? Am I in love with her? But it can't be. We're both girls, for crying out loud." Neru lied back down on her bed and covers her face with a pillow. She could hardly sleep as her mind keeps wandering back to the dream.

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