11. A night to remember...

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"Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth....

But it also the cheapest thing to say to hold on the beautiful thing on earth - the true relationship"

Sorry... Sorry... I made u all wait....

I know many are ready to kill me nd threateing me to post the update....

My lovely darlus you all know your crazy na...

Come on... Everyone....

Relax.... Breath.... Take a chill pill....

Im your crazy na... With a crazy mind.... with lots of crazy thoughts... With crazy words.... With crazy writing style...  With crazy twists... With crazy's special spicy cliffhangers... Making you all go crazy to know what is going to happen next.... Will this crazy give any crazy surprises or any crazy shocks????

😁😁😁😁 Mummy.... Iv become completely crazy and making all my abhigyans to go crazy...

Okay... Okay... Relax... Im turning serious..

Concentrate crazy... You are not going to die in this young age...

Hmm... Focus... Or they will attack you...


Now to the most expected part 11...

Abhi comes from office along with purab... He moves upstairs...

He opens the door..

The room is completely dark...

He thinks why it is so dark... May be fuggy has slept... Why cant she switch on the night lamp... Let me switch on the light and see...

Abhi uses his mobile's torch and finds the switch and on the light...

He is surprised to see his room..  the room is beautifully decorated .. (see previous chapter)...

The bed is simply adorned with flowers with the words " I love you" written on it..

In the sides, aromatic candles are placed but not lighted...

Abhi smiles brightly and understands what his fuggy is upto and he is very much surprised that she will agree this soon...

But where is his fuggy??? Abhi wants to see his fuggy... He wants to know how his fuggy is dressed...

A naughty smile creeps in his lips...

Abhi's pov.:

Wow... I did not expect this shocking surprise...

How amazingly and romantically fuggy has transformed our room...
But where is she???

She is no where in this room....

Abhi checks the dressing room...

He moves near the bathroom...

There he hears the flush sound...

He understands that his fuggy is there...

He immediately changes his office suit and waits for his fuggy to come out...

Abhi's patience is decreasing... Its half an hour fuggy did not come out...

When he is about go get up from his bed, the bathroom door creaks open...

Pragya comes out...

Abhi scans his wife with a naughty smile...

She is beautifully dressed up in a beautiful black saree... He slowly moves near her and examines her from her legs..

The saree is held up in a such way that it makes abhi's fuggy to look extremely sexy and showing her cleavages in right places and making her to look more hot and appealing...

Abhi's heart is racing fast like a rollercoaster... His eyes wanders the most rightful places which only he is allowed to see...

Then slowly he comes closer to her and lifts her chin..


What are you all expecting now??? How will pragya react???

Wanna know???

Shall i stop here???

No... No... Im continuing...

Abhi could nt believe his eyes... Whats this??? Why it is happening???

Arrey... Dont get angry... I will show you whats happening..

When abhi lifts pragya's chin with a naughty smile, his heart skips a beat...


He saw his wife looking pale and sad...

He just called her fuggy...

Thats it..

Pragya hugs abhi tightly and starts to cry...

Abhi: Arrey Fuggy, my sweetie... My cutie... My lovely doll... What happened??? Why are you crying??

Pragya cries more...

Abhi: relax... Tell me na.. dont overthink i will scold you...

I am surprised... See how awesome you have decorated the room...

I did not expect you will accept me so soon and want to move forward in our realtionship...

Hmm... Fuggy relax and stop crying... Don't be a dramabeez...

By the way, you look gorgeous... You are too hot and sexy...

Are you going to cry or we are going to have.....???

Pragya cries even more...

Abhi: Fuggy.. Fuggy.... Don't cry baby... Tell me what happened???

Pragya in between her sobs: ssss.... So.... Sorr ... Sorry...

Abhi: what for???

Pragya: hmm... I have planned a sweet  surprise for you.... but???

Abhi: but???

Pragya: its all wasted...

Abhi: why??? Anything wrong..

Pragya: hmm... Everything is wrong...

Why its always me??? I have made you too to suffer and im not in a position to fulfill my surprise....

Abhi: say me clearly na... I cant understand...

Pragya: i planned to have our first night today and made all the plans...

But its of no use...

Abhi: why???

Pragya: because i got my monthly....

Abhi starts to laugh... Pragya stares...

Abhi: fuggy... fuggy... What am i going to do with you?? For this you are crying.... Ha ha ha... Silly girl.... You are a unique piece...

Pragya: dont laugh... Im. Crying as all my plan is spoiled...

Without getting upset why are you laughing??? Are you teasing me ???

Abhi: oh my baby... Relax...dont think too much haan.... We have a whole life to live..

itz not necessary or compulsory that we should do our first night today...

Pragya: But im upset nd everything is collapsed...

Abhi: my sweetie fuggy... Come... Sit...

Abhi holds pragya in her arm and hugs her and says...

Abhi: fuggy... Relax... Smile please...

We will do whatever you wish after you got cleared okay... Now be good girl and stop crying...

That time i will give a surprise to you and you are going to wear dress as per my choice.... Okay...

Pragya: hmm... Lets see... Whats the businessman is thinking??? Now shall we sleep...

Abhi: why so soon???

Pragya: then what we are going to do??? Nothing is going to happen la..
My mood is completely spoiled...

Abhi: hmm... Shall we enlighten our mood???

Pragya:(excitedly) is it possible???

Abhi: (naughtily) yes.... Atleast... You can give me some dose na...

Pragya: (blushes) : hmm... No way... Sleep....

Abhi: whaat?? You are ready to have our first night... But not ready to give me kiss...

What this baby????

See... You have kissed me two times... I wont say itz a kiss... Its only a short and sudden unexpected peck.... Even i could not feel it... Please na..

Pragya: no way... Wait for some days..

Abhi: if you are not giving im going to take...

Pragya in husking tone: if you can get it....

Abhi quickly grabs pragya's waist and kissed her whole heartedly, deeply and passionately...

After the sweet assault, they both resumes their breath... They hugged tightly and slowly drifted to sleep...

Though they are not united in all means, pragya is very happy that his husband is very loving, caring and understanding, comforting and consoling her in all means...

She feels blessed nd prays to god to make this happiness to live long...

She slowly drifted to sleep in her magic pillow dreaming about her bright future and happy life...

I know iv not made abhigya to have thier suhagraat...

I just wanted to potray how understanding and caring abhi is??? To the name loving husband, he is going to show us all how good a husband should be....

Lets all enjoy this beautiful ride with lot and lots of loving and caring moments..

If you like this, please pen down your views and cast your vote...

Sorry if iv not fulfilled your expectations and wishes...

Stay tuned....

As im your crazy, how can you expect everything to happen without my spicy n crazy twists and turns...  Itz your crazy's style na...

See you all soon...




Yours ever troubling


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