19. Romantic moments...

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Lets move to chapter 19

The next day morning, everyone wake up quite early as they wish to go for some sight seeing nearby... All gets dressed up...

Abhigya is no where to be found... They searched in every nook and corner of the house... After searching inside, they searched outside too...

After a lot of search, they came near the place where they set campfire yesterday... Everyone starts to blush seeing the site....

Abhigya is cuddling very closeby... Unaware of the place they are in...

They are hugging each other n they are very close so tht no air can pass through them...

They are lost in each other eyes... Pragya is in top of abhi n abhi is holding Pragya's waist tightly....

Their lips are getting closer and closer... Their breaths are starting to mingle and their bodies are getting hotter with full passion.... But.....

Suddenly they heard loud coughs from the opposite sides....

They panick and moves apart in horror... Abhi and Pragya are highly embarrased and quickly got up from the place...

They saw the whole family is standing over there and are closing their eyes with a blushy face and smile on their lips...

Abhi and Pragya are blushing uncontrollably... Pragya hides behind Abhi, as she doesn't know how she gonna face their family... She is so bothered that the youngsters will surely tease them for sure...

Dadi: Abhi... Pragya... Can we open our eyes???

Abhi (whispers): Haan Dadi....

Everyone starts to laugh looking at them...

Mohan: Arrey... Stop it everyone... Don't laugh... Pragya beta is looking scared while Abhi beta is feeling so embarrased...This is not a good thing to tease them, as if they have did some mistakes...

Sarla: Haan... Whats wrong in their intimacy... They are newly married and they need some privacy... Come let's all move and allow them to enjoy some personal time...

Dadi: Pragya beta... Don't get embarrased... It happens in everyone's life... Spend some time happily and get ready soon... We have to leave after one hour ..

The elders moves inside with a smiling face...But the dangerous and naughty four are standing there with a mischievious smirk in their faces...

Arjun: Guys, come... Let's all sit here... Golden opportunity... Grab the chance quickly... It's completely free...

Purab: Of course, why not??? I'm In Arjun... I will give you company...

Aaliya: Me too... I'm also joining... Wow... Lovely...

Bulbul: I'm also joining guys... Leave some space for me... Di... Jiju... Don't look at us... You both continue your works... We won't disturb you two... Don't feel bad... We are not interrupting your romance any a time...

All four in chorus: Continue continue... We want to see your romance... We can't peep in your rooms ... So better do it outside like this always and we will enjoy the live romance of a newly married couple...

Abhi and Pragya are shocked to hell and they both threw a killer look towards them.... But those naughty people shruggs their shoulders as if it's a common thing...

Rabul n Ajlu: What's wrong??? We have caught you like this two times na... You both are not interested to go to your room... So it's not a problem for us too... We also will sit and enjoy...

Abhigya starts to chase them... They vanishes in air...

Abhigya went inside room to freshen up...

Pragya: Abhi... My pyaari Abhoo...

Abhi: What's up baby??? Why are sulking darling???

Pragya: Hmm... Will they tease me again???

Abhi: Dont worry Fuggy... I will take care... They are just playing with us... Don't get embarassed baby... Come down... Okay....

Abhi kisses Pragya's forehead and moves down...

Abhi: puru, bulz, ajju n aaalu... Come here right now....

Rabul n ajlu: what happened bhai/ jiju???

Abhi: yoy four are going to keep your mouths shut... Not a word anymore... Okay... See my fuggy is worrying too much...

I dont want any of you to embarass my loving wife ... If she slightly worries or if she feels bad, then you four are going to get nicely from me... Is that clear??.....Abhi roared.....

Elders too comes there n heard abhi's words... They felt very happy that how abhi is so much affectionate towards his wife...

Rabul n ajlu: Order received lover boy .. we wont tease di / bhabhi... But we will do it with you...

Abhi: woha... Do it if you dare to do....

The four knows very well about abhi and they giggled and moves out...

The aroras and mehras enjoyed a lot that day... They went for some sight seeing nearby and spent some good time with lots of fun and entertaintment....

Later in evening, they starts to move towards mehra mansion...

The aroras too bid adeiu after having dinner together....

Everyone moves to settle down on the bed....

Purab is dreaming about bulbul and also the time spent with her... Their talks, her face, her antics, her behaviour is completely filling his mind....

Purab smiles and wishes to get bulbul as her soulmate... He thinks to talk to his bhai abhi and pragya bhabhi when right time comes....

Aaliya too laughs with Arjun's thoughts... Their fights makes her to smile a lot....

Screen shifts to bubul's room.... She is sleeping peacefully without anything in her mind...

Arjun too plans and wishes to make rabul to unite... But the thought of aaliya fills his mind.... He brushed of his thoughts and starts to sleep...

The camera now turns to abhigya's room....

Abhi: " Fuggy... Sweetie.... Come soon na...."

Pragya: ya ya coming... Whats up abhoo??? .

Abhi: come on give me na...

Pragya: what???

Abhi: we missed it two times la... Come come... We shall continue... No one z there na...

Pragya (blushes): chee... naughty boy.... Always with dirty thoughts...

Abhi in a husky and seducing tone : baby... What's wrong.??? Im talking dirty only with my wife because she likes it so much....

Okay okay... Sweet heart... i know my fuggy is desperately waiting n carving for me na...

Pragya could not control her blush...

Abhi: oye blushy queen... I offered but you ignored... Now itz your turn....

Come you are going to make a move now and you are going to kiss me....

Dont make your hubby wait... Plz...

Pragya moves near abhi n thy enjoyed what they missed....

Their lips touch for a long and deep passionate union... After their moments, they happily hugged and drifted to sleep....

Camera moves to dadi's room.... We can see dadi praying to god to keep all her kids happy and together like this always....

The screen shifts to mohan n sarlama's room....

Sarla: mohan ji... Im very happy today...

Mohan: yes im so happy on seeing abhi and pragya..

Sarla: yes our pragya is very lucky to get a loving husband like abhi...

Mohan: i told you na... See.... How loving n caring abhi is??? Im very happy that our pragya got a gem of a person like abhi ...

Sarla: I hope bulbul too gets a loving husband n our ajju too gets a good girl....

Mohan: There is time for everything na.... Hope god fulfill all our wishes...

Both sarla n mohan happily smiles and wishes their dreams to come true....

The day passes with everyone's happy faces....

Next day pragya happily wakes up as she knows very well that today she is completely cleared and wishes to inform his husband about that ..




Cliffhanger guys....

No scoldings or bad words plz....

Keep guessing....

Stay tuned....

Time to vote, read and comment....

Next update after reaching 750 votes....

Catch me soon....🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

See you all....



Signing off.....


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