39. My heart aches on seeing his broken state...

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Thanks to all my constant supporters n voters....

I know I'm very late... But I purposely did not update this story.... The story which i used to update daily is being holded on without updating....

I know you all know d reason... Its okay... I don't mean to hurt anyone..
But I can't understand why its hard for all those silent readers to click the ⭐button...

I know it's wrong to demand to vote for this story...But what to do???? Votes only proves me that whether my work is good or not...

Anyways, I'm happy with all my constant supporters n voters... Im here to entertain as much i can with my writings... I wont feel bad and end this story abruptly considering all my loyal viewers whose continuous votes n comments are enough for me...

Sorry if i hurted anyone... Im not meant to do so... But only a very few asked me to update this... So, im gonna update to make them happy...

Iv been seeing only we abhigyans are way too lagging behind in supporting n encouraging our fellow abhigya writers... Expecting some miracles to happen in future atleast...

Dedicating this part to all my lovely voters n constant supporters... No target set... Vote only if you want and dont strain to vote, I wont like if it  hurts your fingers...

Now without bak baks.....

Lets move to our chapter. 39

Pragya is in a verge to cry... Abhi panicks on seeing that ..

Abhi: what happened??? Why are you sad???

Pragya: No abhi... Im way too bad... As a wife, i cant fufill a single thing you asked me to do... Just the beginning itself, iv proved that im not fit for you...

Abhi: Dont talk nonsense... Nothing happened.... You believe me na... Then what.... Just chill up... Wait n watch what im going to do... We wont be get caught...

Baby smile na please...

Abhi pulls pragya closer and kisses on pragya's forehead... Pragya giggles as abhi tickled her...

Abhi makes a call to purab and instructed to do something... After sometime, purab came to the icecream parlour...

He sees his sister aaliya sitting with two boys .. he did not notice madhu n malini who are seated aside...

Sid has touched aaliya unknowingly and aaliya too is blushing.. Rk said something and side hugged aaliya.... The trio aaliya, rk n sid shared a group hug and is laughing... That's it...

Purab gets very angry... He barges there and slapped aaliya... He holds sid's collar and gave a killer look to rk...

Purab: How dare you two??? Who gave d rights to touch my sister??? And you stupid aaliya who asked you to come here alone???

Cant you see these boys are openly flirting and touching you and you too are reciprocating it, right???

Aaliya: bhai.. bhai...😭😭😭😭... Its not like that... you misunderstood me... just Listen to me... They are my ....

Purab: Not a word aaliya... Shut up... Know your limits... I dont want anything happen to our family name...

.just then madhu shouts...

Madhu: Hello mister??? What sort of brother you are??? Dont you trust your sister??? How dare you to take bad about my buddies and speaking ill about aaliya??? How dare you to rise your hand on a girl???

Purab: Hello miss... who are you??? Dont advice me okay... I know what im doing???

Malini: Hey handsome... Just chill up man... We are studying in same college... Relax... Cool down my boy...

We are just friends... We are also here na... No one will do anything to your sister...

Aaliya: Im so sorry bhai...😭😭😭 They are my friends... Nothing more than that... Dont mistake me.

Purab: (calms down as malini is flirting and cooling him... )

hmm... Its okay aaliya... I did not mean to hurt you... Im just overprotective.... Sorry guys...

Sid: Not a big deal... You are a very nice brother.... (Pov. God... He is a dangerous angry man)

Rk: hey buddy... Dont feel so... Aaliya is a close friend to us... We know our limits... (Pov. My god!!! He is a terror)

Malini's pov.: oh my god... He is damn hot and seems to be rich too... Iv to be friend with aaliya to get him....

They chit chat for sometime and comes out....

Purab (whispers to sid n rk) : stay in your limits.... Never dare to near my sister... If i hear anything wrong, then i wont mind to slaughter you into pieces...

Purab warns making sid n rk to get shocked...

Rk: sid... Control your blush n flirting on seeing aaliya or her bro will rip you off......

Sid : ya... Ya... when it comes to aaliya something is there.... That dimpled smile... oh my god!!! I will drown in that...

But i dont know what i exactly feel for aaliya... my heart is wandering from aaliya to madhu, madhu to bulbul, and back again from bulbul to aaliya...

Rk: oh my god,!!!! Man you are saying my girls name too... But dont ask who is that??. I will tell you later... Come lets move...

Purab drags aaliya and enters the car... He texts to abhi that all went out... Abhigya came out after sometime...

Abhi: Hey puru what happened??? Why are you upset n why is aaliya sad???

Purab: Bhai... I dont find good vibes from those boys n she is also flirting with them... She is shamelessly hugging, blushing n flirting with them...

Pragya: No... No... Bhai... You are mistaken... They are really good and i know them very well... Dont worry. .
Aaliya is their friend ...

Abhi: Purab... Nothing wrong... They are only friends na... See... How is aaliya feeling???? Dont say bad about her... She is our sister...

Have some trust on her man...Think before you do anything... Its not good for...

Purab: (shouts) I know what i am doing... Stay in your limits... She is my sister... Not yours... I care for her more than you do...

I dont want anyone to spoil the name of khannas.... Dont advice me what i have to say n do to my sister... I know what to do... Dont poke your nose in our family matters .. please...

Abhi, pragya and aaliya are shocked... Abhi did not say anything but his eyes welled up on hearing purab's words... He startles and pragya holds him and her eyes to welled up...

Abhi makes a fake smile and wipes pragya's tears ... Pragya's heart ached on hearing purab's words... She is about to shout on purab but abhi holds pragya and nods his head as no ..

Aaliya is furious: 😠😠😠😠 What nonsense are you talking Mr. Purab khanna???

Purab: Aaliya... Mind your words... Im your brother...

Aaliya: Brother??? Who is my brother??? You... Not at all... My purab bhai wont talk like that... You are not him... You are dead for me...

Purab: Aaaliyyyaaaa....

Aaliya: dont take my name from your mouth... Im not your sister.... Im sister to my abhi bhai only ..

How dare you talk to my abhi like that 😠😠😠??? More than you, he is way too caring on me... I dont want to be a khanna any more... Be happy with your family name which did not give you anything....

What you said??? Abhi bhai to stay in limits... Nonsense... He is the own who gave us everything... He cared for us like his own siblings... What we are now is from abhi bhai only...

Our dress, our food, our clothes and why the breathe you are holding is possible is because of abhi bhai only... I will say proudly that im a sister to abhishekh mehra and not for you mr. Purab khanna...

Never dare to enter my bhai's home... I dont want your dirty mind n dirty body to enter my bhai's home who did not respect him and talking bad about him....

Stay with your family name...

Aaliya runs from there crying...
Purab just then realised that what he has blurted out... He turns to see but abhi and pragya were no where to be found...

Aaliya runs and gets inside abhi's car in which abhi and pragya are seated crying... Aaliya too cried hugging abhi...

Aaliya: Bhaaaiiii.... Bhaiii...😭😭😭😭

Abhi: shhhh... Stay calm... Driver go to home....

Their way to home is very silent... Tears were continuously rolling from abhi, pragya and aaliya's eyes... Their eyes are blood red and their faces are swollen...

Dadi is waiting happily in living room waiting for them to have dinner... She is about to call them... just then She hears the gates creaks opening...

Abhi, pragya n aaliya gets in...

Dadi (without looking) : aah... You all took so much time... All are becoming kids day by day... Come lets have food...

Arrey what im only talking??? Where is that purab??? He too starts to behave like kid na...

Just then dadi sees their crying faces... Aaliya runs from there crying... Even abhi and pragya moves to room without uttering a word...

But dadi can very well spot out that something big has happened... All their faces are sad and she can clearly say that they have cried a lot...

Dadi prays: I dont know what has happened??? But my kids are very sad.... Some one has put their evil eyes on my happy family...

God... Please save my family.... I want to see my family happy again...

The camera shift to abhigya's room... Abhi is crying uncontrollably...

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi... Stop it... Please dont cry abhi... My heart is aching to see you cry.. why you stopped me from scolding purab bhai???

How dare he to talk like that??? I did not expect he will talk like this??? Dont feel sad abhi... Please for my sake... Why you stopped me from scoldin him???

Abhi: Because i dont want anyone to scold my brother... Not even you fuggy...😔😔😔😔😔

Pragya: Dont feel bad abhi... May be he blurted out of anger...

Abhi hugs pragya and cries his heart out...

Abhi: How can he talk like that fuggy??? 😭😭😭.... How can he??? I care for them like my own na... I never treated them as my cousins... 😭😭😭

Pragya: I know abhi please dont cry...

Abhi: Fuggy... He made me feel like im nothing to him... He proved me that im an orphan and im not meant to be loved...

Pragya: shut up abhi... Dont dare to say that... Im all yours... Till im with you, you should not speak like that...

Abhi: Im so sorry fuggy😭😭😭... I did not meant to... You will stay with me na fuggy... You wont leave me na...

Pragya: Abhi... Calm down... Shhh... Where will i go leaving you???

Enough stop crying... You call me baby.... But you are behaving like a baby... Come here...

Pragya wipes abhi's tears and consoled him... She makes him lie on her lap and pats his back to make him sleep .. Her heart aches on seeing her loving husband hurt and broken down...

After sometimes, abhi slept off... Pragya gently place his head on pillow and kisses his forehead .. she covers him with duvet and goes out of room...

What is going to happen next???

Where is pragya going???

Will purab regret for his mistakes???

Will purab's anger rose on seeing aaliya with sid n rk again???

Will it split off the reationships ???

To know more stay tuned....

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes....

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Thanks to all the new followers n new readers...

A long update na....

Almost 1975+ words...

Yours buddy,


Winding up


Will be



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