40. A biggest problem awaits...

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Thanks for all your support... Im so happy as we are entering our 40th chapter... The number of reads crossed 23000+ and votes crossed 2300+ ....

Surprised right???? Im back... As the previous chapter crossed 71 votes, im here again with a long update as a treat.

As i said earlier, lots of unexpected events gonna happen but as i say always abhigya will be together n nothing will separate them...

Now lets move to our chapter without bak baks:

Pragya's heart ached on seeing her husband's dull face... She kisses him on his forehead and covers him with duvet .. she gets up from bed and goes to washroom to freshen up...

Just then she remembers aaliya... As she is very busy in consoling abhi, pragya has completely forgotten aaliya... She runs immediately to aaliya's room...

Pragya's heart ache on seeing aaliya crying on holding abhi and purab's photo....

Aaliya: why is this happening??? Purab bhai i hate you so much... Dont come before me... How can you hurt our abhi bhai like this??? 😭😭😭😭

Dont you know abhi bhai cares us a lot... He is like a small kid... How can you talk like this to abhi bhai??? Dont you know other than dadi, bhabhi and us , bhai has no one... 😭😭😭😭

We have parents but it is abhi bhai who cared for us a lot na... Why you did like that??? I dont know what is abhi bhai doing??? He will be shattered for sure... 😭😭😭😭

I know bhabhi will take care of him... But i dont know how will bhai will take this... 😭😭😭😭... I can lose you but not abhi bhai for sure....

Pragya too cries on seeing aaliya... She wipes her tears and enters inside d room... Pragya touches aaliya's shoulders...

Aaliya hugs pragya and cries her heart out...

Pragya: Enough aaliya... No more crying... Your bhai wont like if u cry... Now come on be a good girl and sleep...
Tommorrow we have to go to college na... sleep now....

Aaliya: Bhabhi... I... 😭😭😭😭😭

Pragya: shhhh... Not any more.. im saying na...come on... lay down...

Aaliya pouts and lays on pragya's laps and slowly she too slept... Pragya smiles and pats aaliya's head and leans on the headboard.... Unknowingly, pragya too slept off as she is too tired...

Abhi wakes up from his sleep as he loses the comfort of his pragya's lap... He gets up and finds pragya no where in room... He wished to go and check on aaliya's room...

Abhi goes to aaliya's room and sees his two lovely girls sad face... He caress aaliya's head lovingly and pecks on her forehead...

Abhi can feel the uncomfortable position of their sleeps... Abhi gently takes aaliya's head from pragya's lap and places on pillow... He covers aaliya with a duvet...

Abhi scoops pragya slowly in his arms and without disturbing her sleep, he took pragya to their room... Abhi gently places pragya on bed... He lays down on bed and pulls pragya closer to him and slowly drifted to sleep....


In the meantime,

The camera ⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙 to the 🕐 when abhi, pragya and aaliya left the icecream parlour...

Purab is standing like a statue... He does not know how to react.... He hates himself for talking to his abhi bhai like that.... He cries and bangs his hand on the nearby tree....

In the meantime, madhu and malini are waiting to get a taxi... Sid n rk left already as madhu said she wants to talk with malini alone and rejected their lift...

They got a taxi and about to enter....

Malini: Oh god!!! Iv completely forgotten to pick my clutch... You carry on di and i will come after picking up the clutch...

Madhu: malini... I want to talk with you...

Malini: Di... Its already late... We will talk some other time... Dont stress... You go to home... I will manage. .

Malini excuses herself and goes to the icecream parlour .. she took her clutch which she missed and comes out... She smiles on seeing purab alone standing there...

Malini's pov.: oh my my!!!! The handsome hunk is alone... Let me try my best to impress him... Who knows he can fall for my beauty...

Malini adjusts her dress to reveal her cleavages and walks towards purab...

Malini hugs purab : hey handsome... Still you are here...

Purab does not know how to react as he is not too close with any girl before... Purab's body stammers with d closeness and on seeing a sexy girl beside him... His eyes falls on her clevages but he composed himself...

Purab slightly moves: ya... Iv to go... Just lost in some thought....

Malini: hey what's that... Oh my god!!! You are bleeding man... Show me let me see.

Purab: no... No... Nothing wrong... Leave it...

Malini: no.. no... You are my friend's bro... You are my friend too... Come with me... I will do first aid to you... Come on...

Purab : But iv my car...

Malini: Then no problem... I will drive it...

Malini took purab to her home... As malini's parents went out of station for a wedding for a week, only malini is alone in home...

Malini: welcome to my paradise...

Purab: my pleasure.... No one is here...

Malini: Im a free bird for a week... My mom n dad went for a wedding... Please sit... I will come...

Malini goes inside and gets first aid box and applies medicine to him... Purab's head is bursting in pain...

Malini: what happened??? Are you alright???

Purab: Nothing... just a bit headache...

Malini: wait let me come... You take rest here... I will bring some medicine for you...

Malini smirks and makes a devilish smile and gets inside her room... She changes her dress... She wears a transparent white top revealing her inners and did not button her shirt fully but only one button is closed...

She wears a thin shorts hardly covering her body... She sees purab leaning on sofa with his eyes closed...
She comes near purab and slowly massages his head leaning too close to him and touching him seducingly...

Purab is completely lost in her touch... Malini smiles evilly and comes and sits near purab and hands him a glass...

Malini: Hey handsome... Relax... Have this.... You will feel better. .

Purab opens his eyes and his heart skips a beat on seeing malini in short dress...

Purab: what's this maalu???

Malini: nothing... Medicine to soothe your pain... Drink this and have this tablet... Come on have it...

Malini smiles seductively and starts to massage purab's head by leaning so close to him... Purab completely lost his sense and gulps it in a go... He keeps on drinking without knowing what's it and had the tablet too...

After some time... Purab and malini are in bedroom...

Purab: Maaluuu... You look very hot you know... I have not seen a beauty like you... Will you kiss me??? .. Im a reserved guy....i admire girls but iv not been kissed by a girl ... Will you???

Malini smiles: oh my handsome...

She hugs and pecks on purab's lips... Purab is is not in his senses as the medicine which malini gave starts to work... He too responds to d kiss without knowing malini's intentions...

Purab: wow... I like it so much... Can i get one more please???

Malini: I can give you more handsome...

Malini removes purab's shirt and throws off... She kisses purab inch by inch... Purab turns on and starts to attack malini with his lips...

But purab does not know that malini is recording tht in her mobile.. Purab soon dozed off due to the medicine's effect and sleeps on hugging malini... Malini removes her shirt amd shorts and places purab on her body completely and clicks snaps with him like they are making love...

Later, she gets up from bed and goes to her room and laughs evilly...


The next day morning.....

Pragya is in her deep slumber... She frowns as the sun rays attacks her beautiful sleep... She smiles on her sleep as she senses her husband's lips on her cheeks...

Abhi: Darling wake up... Its time...

Pragya: no abhi...please... I want to sleep...

Abhi: i will give you 5 minutes... Wake up or else... I will throw you in bath tub...

Pragya jerks and gets up... Abhi laughs on seeing her cute face. . pragya smiles wide on seeing abhi's smiling face ..

Pragya: oh my man... i will be drown in this smile of yours...

Is this tea for me???

Abhi: Not for you... But for all of us... Come soon... aaliya too will join us...

Abhi has brought tea for them as no one had eat anything tht night...

After sometime, they are sipping their tea...

Abhi: fuggy.. aaliya... listen to me...
No one should say anything to dadi... And no one should behave odd with purab... He did not come to home yesterday...

May be he will come later...No hard feelings.. No hatred words or ill treatment on purab... If you two really care for me, do this for me...

Aaliya: Bhai... How can you forgive him so easily???

Abhi: because he is my brother...

Aaliya: he did not worth for it bhai...

Abhi: Aaliya... Plz do it for me..

Aaliya: only for you bhai... But i wont talk with him until he really feels sad and apologise to you ..

Abhi: Okay... Go and get ready... Driver will drop you both in college... Arjun will be waiting there..

Aaliya moves out of room... Pragya did not say anything to abhi...

Abhi: what's it fuggy??? You did not saying anything...

Abhi is startled to see his fuggy's crying face...

Abhi: why are you crying fuggy???

Pragya: nothing... How much you care for everyone abhi??? Im so blessed to have you in my life. .

Abhi: silly girl... For tht you are crying... You took my breath... Go and get ready sweet heart.

Pragya: Promise me that you will smile always...

Abhi: pakka promise... I will smile if i my fuggy is near me... Now go and get ready...

Pragya gets up and kisses abhi's cheeks and runs to washroom... Later aaliya and pragya goes to college... Abhi too left to office ..


In the meantime, purab is in deep slumber... He slowly wakes up from his sleep and see that he is in a different place and not in his bed room.... He could not understand where he is...

He closes his eyes and he rewinds yesterday's events...his slap to aaliya, his threats to sid n rk, his harsh words to abhi, aaliya's words, his interactions with malini and finally he remembers only d medicine he drank...

Purab opens his eyes wide... He is sleeping shirtless but malini is not there... He composes himself that nothing wrong would have happened...

Just then malini enters the room in her bathrobe...

Malini: Hey handsome good morning.. slept well... How is your headache??? Are you fine??? Sorry.. i came to take my dress as you slept in my room...

Purab: Ya... Im fine... How did i sleep here???

Malini: you slept off when we were talking... I just made you to sleep here... Come we shall have breakfast... I will get dressed up and come...

Purab: Its okay... I have to go home...

Malini: nah... Nah... You are my friend as well as my guest... I wont send you without food...

Purab smiles... Malini gets dressed up in a sleeveless short top and high waist skirt... Purab could not take off his eyes from malini... Malini too blushes with a seducing smile...

Malini: hey handsome... Dont eat me with your looks...eat d food... Sorry i have to go to college...

Purab: its okay dear... I too have to leave... Thanks for d help n making me stay in your home... And can you do me a favour???

Malini: of course .... Anything for you handsome...

Convo muted....🔇🔇🔇🔇...

Dont worry i will take care... But be in touch with me okay... Text me n call me too... I will update you everything....

Purab: sure dear... How can i leave my girl friend just like that???

Malini: aww... So sweet of you...

Malini pecks in purab's lips... Purab startles ..

Malini: Im so sorry... I did not mean to...

Purab: Its okay sweet heart... You are a good girl... I like you so much... You can kiss me as u have d right to do so...😉😉😉

Malini hugs purab and makes an evil smirk... Purab without realising d darkness to surround him completely lost in malini's clutches and embraces her...

Malini pecks again in purab's lips and whispers: will Miss you so much... Come often to home... Let go out when you are free...

Purab: sure sweet heart... Take care bye...

He kisses malini lovingly in her cheeks and moves to his car and thinks that malini is very good and way too better than bulbul who does not mind him at all...

Purab: Malini darling... Come here...

Malini comes near purab... Purab hugs her and kisses her lips and waves a bye and move to his home...

Malini laughs: 😂😂😂... Purab... You are trapped... Soon all your money is going to be mine.... 😁😁😁😁😁..... Wait n watch... Aaliya im going to make you a puppet of mine with your brother's innocence....

What's gonna happen next???

What favour did purab ask from malini???

Will purab convince abhi and ask his apology???

What did madhu wants to speak with malini???

Will malini trap purab completely and will she plays in his life and what she gonna do to aaliya???

Who will save purab from malini's trap???

Will arjun is also going to be a victim for malini???

Will pragya faces any trouble again to hide her marriage???

Will abhi and pragya finds out about purab's involvement with malini???

To know more stay tuned ...

A long update... Almost 2375+ words...


Comment and pen down your views....

Yours buddy,


Winding up...


Will be


Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes...

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