7. Plan well set to surprise the newly weds...

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Shot: 7

Arjun and Bulbul comes to the xyz cafe with no other choice... They are there to have an important discussion with the most irritating and annoying persons of their lives, whom they hate the most...

But they are in a helpless situation.... They even don't want to have a glimpse of them, but now they are waiting for them with no other option left... They have to do this for them, as they can do anything for their happiness...

Bulbul and Arjun are continuously looking into their watches and cafe's entrance simultaneously, waiting for more than an hour, restlessly and impatiently... They are hell angry as they are getting on to their nerves by not coming up there on time...

Bulbul: Hey, Ajju... How much more time we have to wait??? See... I told you na... We will do it on our own...

You only said to me that it will be good only if we all join together and do this ... But they are not at all coming on time, purposely... Don't know whether they have done their work or not too...

I'm losing all my patience, Ajju... This why I keep on repeating not to trust them much... If any of our plans get spoiled because of them, they will see my worst side for sure...

Arjun: Arrey buls di.. Chill up yaar... This much of anger is not at all good... It's my mistake only... I'm so sorry as I thought that their suggestions and participation will be of much help to us...

We are doing all these, only for them... Or else who will wait for this people... They are too much annoying and irritating... The boy is somewhat okay, di... But I don't like that devil... Always irritating...

Bulbul: No Ajju... The girl is somewhat good... She is so friendly with me... But I don't like that dramabeez... He considers himself to be smart and intelligent...

Irritating Idiot... Thick headed fellow... Huh... Why god??? Why we have to wait for those idiots???? Aargh... I will kill if they didn't come soon...

Bulbul and Arjun's talks come to an abrupt halt... They were startled with the cough sounds... Both sheepishly smiled and looked at the two people, standing over there and throwing daggers on them...

Bulbul gulps her saliva and bends her head down... Arjun nervously looks at them... He gathers up his courage and greets them with a mere whisper...

Arjun: Hi Purab bhai... Hi Aaliya...

Purab and Aaliya responds to them and sits with them... But they keeps a rigid and straight face, as if conveying them that they are not pleased with their discussions about them...

Bulbul: Why you guys are so late??? We are sitting here idly for more than hour...  Have you done your works or not?? 

We even did not spend time with them and left them early to meet you guys... But you two are as usual late... Don't tell me that the work is not done...

Purab: Arrey Miss annoying bakka bakka Bulbul... Don't bak bak like a duck... Chill... We have done our works...

Aaliya: Buls di... We are making and working on the arrangements only... That's why we can't make it up on time... I thought you will also be late because of your monster brother...

Aaliya casually and purposely taunts Arjun, as he called her devil...

Arjun: How dare you to call me as monster???

Aaliya: I am dare to do so, you heartless monster... Am I a devil to you??? Idiot.. You are showing attitude and taunting me and I too can do the same to you...

Both started to argue and starts to taunt each other, not minding that they are in the midst of so many people... All in the cafe starts to laugh hard, on seeing Arjun and Aaliya's silly fights...

Bulbul and Purab gets irritated and shouts at them to stop the nuisance, they have created... They discussed about their plans and made all the arrangements and moved to their respective places...


Meanwhile, Abhi and Pragya are returning to their home... Abhi is driving the car and has kept his one eye on his wife Pragya, who is so silent all these time...

Pragya is in deep thoughts and she is not in a sense to observe that Abhi is looking at her intently... Abhi laughs hard and shakes her a bit to make her come out of her dreamland...

Abhi: Oye, cutie fuggy... What's cooking on your silly head??? Why too much of silence??? Speak up na.. Still you are angry???

Pragya: No... I'm just thinking... Errmmm... Can I ask you something??? You won't mistake me, right...

Abhi: Not at all, dear... You can ask me anything, sweet heart... Whenever and whatever you want.. No need to ask permissions and all... You can order me to do anything...

Pragya: Just wanna know, why you got emotional and cried at that time??? I was not able to see your teary eyes and I felt pretty bad on seeing you emotionally breaking down... My heart bleeds on seeing your crying face...

Abhi (chuckles): Fuggy... Fuggy... What have I done to get you??? It's just an emotional outburst dear... Nothing else...

I've lost my parents when I'm of 15 years... I'm the only child to my parents... They pampered and loved me so much and I'm their soul.. I adored and admired them a lot...

But a sudden accident turned my life upside down... I lost my parents and Dadi only took care of me after that there.. M Chacha's family loves me a lot and Purab and Aaliya considers me as their own brother...

Eventhough they love me dearly, I miss my parents a lot... When Mohan Papa and sarlamaa asked me to call them as papa and maa, I just lost my control...

Those words holds a great place in my heart and I was so emotional, when I was able to say those words again in my life... I just can't explain those in words...

Just my way of conveying my happiness... It's not a painful cry , dear .. Those are the happy tears... Nothing else and no need to worry about all these... I'm okay now...

Pragya: Please don't feel sad... Don't think your parents are not with you... I will be there for you always..

Abhi: Aww... So sweet of you, dear...

Pragya: But... Silly me... I over reacted too much at that time... I have lost my temper and cool...

Abhi: Yeah ... Yeah... Such a drama queen you are...

Pragya blushes very hard as Abhi is teasing her a lot...

Abhi: So sweet... But don't blush, my dear... I can't resist myself and you will get your gift again... You shouldn't complain to me...

Pragya: No no... I won't blush... You too shouldn't tease me, okay... Focus on your driving... One more thing??? I want to know why you arranged a simple
secret wedding and now a grand reception that too with limited participants...

Abhi smiles: I think the marriage should be for us to enjoy... So I make it simple.. But I arranged a grand reception to introduce about the Queen of my life to my well wishers...

Pragya: Seriously... Queen of life... You are too much chessy and always talking in filmy style.. Always you are in a mood to flirt and romance... Too bad yaar .. But you will say that I'm changing your mood by blushing  

One more question... Please dont mistake me... Is there any alchoholic drinks arranged in the reception??? I know, you have high class friends and business associates and they are only attending our reception... They will expect all this kind of liquor party..

But I dont feel comfortable with all those things.. I hate the smell of alcohol and I don't our wedding reception to be entertained with those stuffs... Sorry, if I'm wrong or troubling you... Is it possible to cut down those liquors alone...

Abhi (chuckles): Arrey No... No such things are arranged.. Dadi is so strict against that and she will kill me, if those stuffs enters our house or our surroundings.. And one more thing. . You don't have to worry about the smell in your life....

Pragya: Why are you saying so?? It's so common in business parties, right... Many terms it as social drinking, isn't it???

I wish you don't come any day before me, with alchohol or cigar smell as I hate it a lot... Just inform me earlier, when you going to do so... I will sleep earlier at that time...

Abhi (laughs hard) : Never in our lives, it's going to happens and you don't need to worry about that my sweet heart.. Dont you no that I'm a teatollar.... I've informed this to everyone in your family...

Pragya: Whaat??? Really???? It's a medical miracle... I just can't believe it... Don't say lie to me...

Abhi: Seriously Fuggy... I have never smelled those horrible stuffs in my life and I have never touched them too...

Pragya: But how is that possible??? You are a businessman... You have to attend business parties and you have to socialise with them right..

Abhi: Fuggy... I hate those classy business parties and I mostly avoid them by saying that I'm busy... I hardly attend them for formality and will run away from there in few minutes..

Simply saying, I hate the nasty smell and I will never and ever touch that in my life..  Even I don't like to keep people near me, who are alcoholic in nature...

Pragya and Abhi's discussion comes to a halt as they reached their house... Holding each others hand, they get down from the car and enters the mansion with smile in their faces....


The house is in full swing, as it's decked up beautifully for the grand wedding reception of Abhi and Pragya... Eventhough it's a limited entry party, Abhi made it look so grandier and he has invested a lump sum to introduce his Queen to his well wishers  .

Abhi has arranged the famous designers to design his fuggy's dress in an elegant way and he wants her to look like a real queen...

Pragya is astonished to see the beauticians turning her into a diva... Never in her life, she has seen such a wide variety of makeup items...

They transforms Pragya completely...

In the meantime, everyone starts to dress up... Final arrangements are made.. The house is in full swing...

Caterers are doing their work... Foods are grandly arranged.. All set to bless the newly wedded hot couples...

The guests starts to arrive..

All are amazed and astonished to see the site before them... They all could nt believe their eyes... They all are awestruck to see the stage set for the wedding reception..

The Aroras arrived... Dadi and the aroras started to greet and welcome the guests..

Purab, aaliya, arjun, bulbul made their secret plans and arrangements and made sure everything to be perfect... They are very careful to execute their plan...

Its time for the newly wedded to arrive... All are eager to see the most wanted handsome hunk.... Abhi comes down... Men are jealous on seeing abhi as all the girls are drooling on this sexy man..

Camera zooms on the stairs... There he is.. Abhishekh Prem mehra, who breaks the hearts of many girls by marrying... We hear lots of gasps and mururs..

Abhi politely smiles and greets and gets blessing from dadi and aroras...

Dressed up in white.... Girls cant resist themselves...

The reception starts....

Time to intro our newly wedded couple...

Arjun and Purab takes the stage and addresses the guests....

Aah... Wait... Wait... Patience.. itz quite long la... We will see all the masti tommorow...

Dnt go away... Stay glued... Will be back tommorrow...

Signing off...

Curtains close...

Time to read, vote and comment...


Urs truely crazy friend,



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