All in Favour

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The morning sun came up later then usual that morning in sunny side trailer park, where the king walked around the halls. Walking past the sleepy teenage boy, then further down to where the queen took place to rest. Watching over her, the queen could feel his comforting presence in the room.

"You know it's creepy to watch people sleep, right?" My groggy morning voice asked him, cracking my eyes open slightly. Seeing a small smile come onto his lips.

"Sorry... how did you sleep?" He quizzed as I slowly rose up from the sheets. Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Yawning, I replied.

"Ok, I guess? My brain was turning for the majority of the night." I explained, watching him walk over to the window. Peering through the curtains slightly, he looked disappointed.

"You were going to leave, without saying goodbye?" He was upset, trying to hide it the best he could. "To Toledo?"

"Klaus, when Jughead and I tried to take off. Several things rushed through my mind in those moments, for example. I wasn't only taking care of just Jughead, if I left... no one would be there to take care of the serpents. No one could be there to make sure they don't turn into dust." I explained, knowing he didn't want to bring this conversation up yesterday. Cause I was already dealing with enough, knowing I said the reason I stayed was because they caught us before we could leave for the bus. But the truth I stayed was because of the empire my father created. Klaus's glare softened as he walked closer over to me. "All I knew is that I couldn't allow that to happen, after I owe them my life."

"That's why we are so alike, both cast offs. We've learnt to fight when we are back into a corner." He looked down at me.

"Well, we're backed into a corner now." I looked up at him.

"Ahh." He smirked. "That we are." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "It's time to fight, my queen." He stated, walking out of the room. I spoke up, making him stop in the doorway.

"Jug told me something, when we were walking to Pops. After I left with mum and Jellybean, he told me about what happened. Mustang, Tallboy and sweet pea gave you shit. Any other serpent would step down, jug said you fought. Fought for us." He turned around to face me, walking to where he was.

"Sweetpea, tallboy and Mustang were treating Jughead with disrespect. I see Jughead as my son, I helped him create his stance, his power to want something. Sweetpea, knows how much he means to me. So Sweetpea doing what he done, I taught him his lesson. Your dad was taking a break from the serpents and tallboy wanted to thrive and rise. Thinking how great, the soon to be crowned queen left, your dad left. Instead of all us sticking together, he made a choice. To take everything your father built... to make it his own. I simply made the decision, that no one was going to take our name. Promising to Jug and myself, if someone try's to take our name. That will be remain to have it all... I'll go and check on Jughead." He finished, rushing out of my room. All I could do was smile, resting my head on my hands. Exhaling sharply.

Waking through the outskirts of the main outside area the serpents gather, Klaus and I stood side by side. Hiding within the trees and bushes. My eyes scanned the small group, seeing Tallboy giving orders like no tomorrow. Smiling as Toni just rolling her eyes, along with sweet pea and fangs. "Dad gets thrown behind bars and Tallboy walks around like he owns the place. They are not going to listen to me." I told Klaus.

"Your bloodline hasn't changed in the past 24 hours, go on... talk to them." He reassured, he rubbed my wrist. Sighing, I emerged my way from our position. Walking over to the group. In a matter of seconds, all eyes were on Klaus and I.

"What do you two want?" Tallboy asked quite sternly, making his voice deepen.

"Hold Your tounge, Or I'll rip it from your mouth." Klaus spat back at him.

"We didn't come here to fight Tallboy, we're all family here." I begun, feeling the 'natural born leader' my dad has always called me, come rising out. "Dad's thrown behind bars, leaving us stranded without a leader. Which means, a new leader needs to stand up. Someone that'll keep us together, in unity. In unity, there is strength. If you allow me, I know I haven't been crowned yet. But if you let me, I can be that person."

"What because your daddy's little girl?" Tallboy laughed, taking offence of that deeply. I took a step towards him, giving him the glare which even scares Jughead.

"Wanna say that again, and see what happens? Tallboy?" I asked him, confused on why he's treating myself like this. He never has disrespected me like this. All he could so was laugh, raising an eyebrow. He replied.

"Lucifer, Seriously? Attack me in front of all them? Just gives them a reason for you to not be queen."

"I never agreed for you to rule, Lucifer has it in her blood." Toni stated, I looked over to her. Giving her a wink, thanking her.

"Ton-." Tallboy went towards her, in quick reflex. I shoved him away from her, getting his attention to land back on me.

"You stay away from her." I warned.

"Really? You think you can be queen cause your daddy's king?" Tallboy was amused, I looked over to Klaus. Who's eyes were locked into Tallboy, as if Klaus was getting ready to attack a deer and he was the lion. "You won't last a day-." Tallboy was then cut off by Klaus using all his strength to pick him up and throw him to the ground. Placing his foot onto Tallboy throat, twisting his heel slightly.

"Hey! Let him go Klaus!" I ordered Klaus to do so.

"You need to learn about politics, my love. You gain support by taking away the ones against you." Klaus in his classical way replied.

"Hey, he might be being a dick right now. But he's our family, we don't hurt one of our own!" I stated to him. "Let him go, now!" Klaus looked around to everyone.

"You see." He started. "There is your queen."

"Powerful, fearless, beautiful and unlike me... merciful." Klaus finished, taking his foot away from Tallboys throat. He walked to be right in front of me, Tallboy getting his breath back. Klaus added. "These people need to show you more respect." He then begun to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, him spinning around.

"Going to pick up jug from school, I'll see you at home." Watching Klaus leave, Toni stood up from where she sat.

"All in favour for Lucifer to rule?" She called out, holding her hand up like fangs. Smiling at her, I looked around. Seeing Sweetpea, fangs and everyone mimic her. I breathed in, exhaling shakily in relief.

Closing the door behind me, I heard video games playing from the lounge room. Walking to where the dining room and lounge room joined, seeing Klaus behind his little bar. I looked to Jughead, seeing him on the couch. His eyes focused onto the tv, walking over to my brother. I hugged him from behind, placing a kiss on his beanieless head. "How'd you go at school?" I asked Jughead.

"It was...ok." It wasn't.

"What happened Forsythe Pendleton the third." I ordered him to tell me, Jug sighed. Pausing his game to look up to me.

"Cheryl, she kinda. Took a few hits at me." He explained, I sighed heavily. Jug rubbing his thumb on my wrist, I left him to continue his game. Walking over to Klaus, he was staring at the wall.

"Hey." I said softly, waving my hand in front of his face. Him standing up straight from his chance, he looked to me. "What happened at the school?"

"Jug was at the office, the principle wants jug to either transfer. Or stay away from school for a little bit, cause they say 'he's in threat'."

"Seriously?" I groaned, running my hand through my hair. Looking at my feet, I felt Klaus use his finger for me to look up at him.

"How'd you go with the serpents?"

"Well, after you left. I stood my ground, becoming what they called me. 'The rightful ruler'." I explained, seeing a small smile come across his lips.

"See, I'm a good influence on you." He replied, making me smile in return. Knowing he was the reason I broke out of my shell.

Watching him walk past me, he plopped himself next to Jug. There it was, the queen gaining slowly her crown. Building from the ash, looking over to her king. All she could do was smile, her king was by her side. Helping her with her little prince. The queen walking over to the pair on the couch, she stood behind the king. Placing her hands onto his shoulders, looking down to him as they exchanged glares. They both knew one thing, things are different now.

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