I Promise

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As that nightmare of a night continued, the princess and prince continued their path on foot. With a bag over a shoulder each, they both jammed themselves into a phone booth. Protecting themselves from the fresh cold wind that ran up from the river. "Hey mum, guess what?" Jug begun on the phone. "Lucifer and I, got a bus ticket to Toledo... Yeah, we'd thought we would come and see you and Jellybean for a while...Lucifer and I could share her bed?..Yeah." Jug begun to sway, looking at him. I knew he was going to burst into tears. "Mmhmm... no, I understand. Look, uh... forget I said anything, ok? Alright bye." He hung up, all he done was cling onto me. As if I was his life line and to keep him breathing. He needed to cry into my shoulder.

Rubbing his back. We went back inside the bus station, him giving me his ticket. I went up to the little old lady behind the desk. "We changed our minds about Toledo. Could you possibly put us on whatever the next bus out of town is?"I asked, feeling Jughead place his chin on my shoulder. "We don't care where it's going." It two easy stamps, she passed us two new tickets.

"SittressVille, Florida. Leaves tomorrow morning at 6."

"All right, thank you." I replied, Jug and I turned around. Hip by hip, looking to the two empty long seats we both could crash on.

"Lobby closes in 15 minutes, reopens at 5:30." The lady that gave us the tickets explained. With a simple glance to one another, we left to the one place that's open 24 hours. Walking in through the door of pops, pop smiled and gave us a friendly wave. Coming over with our classics, I sat down by the window. With jug leaning up against me as we were when we were younger. Both of our steaming coffees in front of us, all we could do was look out the window. I sighed, hearing the soothing sound of my cars engine settle. Looking through the cracks of the blinds, seeing Klaus jump out first. Being followed by Veronica, Archie and Betty.

"Told you." Veronica said to the small group as they came in.

"Luci. Jug." Archie followed, trying to get us to look at them. Feeling Betty sit down beside Jug, my eyes looked over as Klaus plopped himself in my view. I smiled slightly, being relieved to see him.

"Hey." He mouthed, his eyes full of relief that he found us.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Jug, Luci. We're so sorry. About everything." Betty begun.

"Luci, juggy. We screwed up. We all did. Breaking into your dad's trailer was wrong, but at least some good came out of it." Archie added.

"Pretty sure our dad was just arrested for murder." Jug replied, keeping his eyes out the window.

"That gun wasn't there when we searched this trailer." Veronica stated, my eyes widen. "Someone put it there after we left." Jug and I looked to her. I whispered one simple question.

"What are you talking about?"


Rushing through the doors of the station with an army behind us, Archie rushed passed me. "Excuse me, sir. We need to see Sheriff Keller."

"There's been a huge mistake." Betty popped over his shoulder, then by then. Sheriff came walking towards us, Veronica jumping right in.

"Sheriff, we need to talk to you about FP Jones." She rushed over to him.

"About about him?" He asked.

"He's innocent." Archie explained.

"He's being framed." Veronica added.

"Well, then why did he just confess?" Jug and I froze, Keller looking at jug and I. We snapped to look at our father being escorted by two other cops. He glared over to us, his face blank with a slight touch of sadness. Frozen, Klaus stood in front of jug and I. Bringing us into his arms.

Walking with Klaus into his house, jughead joined to my hip. Our energy was drained to the very brim, the prince and princess had no kingdom. Their king was gone... they had nowhere. "Can I have a shower?" Jug sleepily quizzed Klaus, dropping his bag at his feet.

"Yeah of course, this is your home." Klaus reassured him, Jug just walked off. Pulling himself up the stairs to the second level.

"Are you going to let him go to school tomorrow?" Klaus questioned, walking into his kitchen. Watching Jughead enter his room he usually stays in, I look back to Klaus.

"I'll keep him here, if that's ok? But if he really wants to go, then I'll let him." I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Coming to the realisation of something, I laughed. Klaus's face full of confusion of why I'm laughing in this state of matter. "I just realised, since dad's behind bars. I'm... We..."

"We rule the kingdom." Klaus finished my sentence. "Are you ready to rule together, my queen?" He smirked, devilishly. Mimicking, I decided to go and check on Jug. Beginning to walk up the stairs, I stopped. Spinning on the balls of my feet.

"Klaus?" I begun, his eyebrows raising in attention. "Thank you, by the way."

All he could do was smile. Continuing up the stairs, of what Jellybean use to call them. 'The palace stairs', I walked into jugs doorway. Seeing a knocked out teenage boy, mentally drained from the roots up. Smiling to myself, I decided to allow him to sleep. Looking to his feet, I sighed to myself. Having memories flash into my head of when jug brought dad home drunk. Helping him take his shoes off.

Undoing the laces, I chucked the boots in a corner of the room. Bring the blanket up from under him, I covered him from what you could say the cold old world. Rubbing my thumb on his cheek, I reached down. Placing a kiss onto his head, stepping back as he shuffled. I promised him something I could only know. "Night Juggy, I'll sort this out. I promise, I promise you. That everything will be ok, very soon."

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