Reunion Dance

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"Come on Lucifer, this is the third dress. Come and show me." Jug stated, waiting outside of Jugheads bathroom. Already in his suit, ready to go.

"Jug, I'm not sure." I replied, looking at the lacy, long, dark grey, off the shoulder dress.

"Show me it, then we'll determine." He explained, opening the door. I looked at my brother, waiting for a response. A smile grew on his face.

"Oh my god."

" What? Is that a good oh my god? Or-?"I stressed, the whole dance thing not being my sort of style. Jug walked over and held my face.

"You look beautiful sis, can we go now? Dads waiting for us at Betty's." He added, I smiled in return.

"Ok, let's go." I told him, grabbing a cardigan. We knocked on their door, putting on a smile as Betty opened it.

"Hi, oh my. Luci, you look stunning." She exclaimed, amazed to see me not in my leather jacket.

"Ha, thank you Betty. You look gorgeous." Then my stomach rumbled, smelling the home cooked meal from the kitchen. Walking through, dad's eyes lit up.

"Don't." I simply said, he kept the compliment. Joining Alice and dad at the table, I kissed them both on the cheek in the hello way. Jug sitting next to dad and myself sitting across from him. Alice placed down another food bowl.

"Super delicious, Mrs C." Jug and I said in unison, looking at each other. We couldn't help but to laugh at ourselves. Like two little kids, laughing at an inside joke. At the corner of my eye, I saw Betty smile at us two.

"Sure is, Alice." Dad added. "Been a long time since I ate something that didn't come in a combo meal, or a snack pack." He joked, Alice and Betty laughing politely at it. Jug and I smiled slightly. Continuing to eat the lamb on my plate.

"So, Fp."

"Mm." Fp replied to Alice.

"Betty tells me you're working for Fred Andrews now. How do you balance that with all your other responsibilities?" She quizzed him, in her journalist voice.

"You mean like being a father?" He questioned, my mind racing through multiple come backs to protect him. Just in case.

"And a part of the Southside community." Alice added.

"Mom." Betty said to her in a tone meaning of what she's doing.

"You can say Southside serpent, Alice. I'm not ashamed. There's a bunch of us working on Fred's site." Dad stood up for himself, giving himself height.

"So you don't mind me asking, I'm just curious. How did you make your living before that?"

"Scraped by, odd jobs." Dad looked down to his plate, scrapping all the crumbs and chunks. His eyes gazing up to me, in a way telling me that I don't need to be high shouldered.

"I know that you worked for the drive in, jughead; before it closed. Did you find work there, too, Fp and Lucifer?" Alice asked.

"Jug and I swapped shifts a lot... dad."

"Well, I hung out a bit." He started, a small smirk forming on his lips. "What can I say? I'm a movie buff." Alice chuckled in response, smiling as Jug and Betty smiled at one another over the table. Actually missing Klaus's company.

"So tell me, were you upset when Hiram Lodge bought the drive in land?" Alice once again questioned my father. All of us looked at her.

"Things happen." Dad said quite low.

"Let me rephrase that question. Were you surprised?" It was as if Jug, Betty and I were all holding our breaths. Sitting there in silence, we all relaxed as the front door bell rung. Making myself feel stupid that I knocked earlier. Dad placed a hand on jugs back, while dad's other hand placed on top of mine. Looking over my shoulder to the door, I see Betty leading her father in. Jug, myself and dad stood up.

"You said she wanted me here." Her father whispered to her.

"Of course she does. It's homecoming, after all, and our families should be... coming together. Right mum?" Betty explained, sitting back down. Jug and I gave one another a nod, sitting back down. I could feel my phone buzz in my dresses pocket. I simply had to ignore it.

"I was hoping you would have a trailer available at sunny side. See, I've been sleeping at the office down at the paper... and it's getting a little chilly at night." Hal made conversation.

"Bet your office beats the trailer park." Dad replied, resting his hand on the back of jugs chair.

"Oh, haha, I wouldn't be so sure. You see, Alice here, she's been redecorating the Register. Yeah, the other days she threw a bright through the window." Hal added.

"Is that so?" Dad laughed, pulling out my phone slightly. I had a miss call from Klaus and a message from him saying. Be there soon x. "You remember our homecoming, Alice?" Dad started a new conversation. "Hal? Back in the day? Castles in the clouds? Did your mum ever tell you about that night?" He asked Betty, seeing something was running through jugs mind.

"Just that she and dad were king and queen." She smiled innocently.

"Yeah, they were. Of hell." Dad replied.

"Dad, please." Jug and I both begged, Jug didn't want his girlfriends parents not to like him. I said it so Jug can be accepted respectfully under this house. Dad placed his hand on mine once again and placing a hand on my brothers shoulder.

"No, it's a fun story, I promise." He said, exchanging looks to both of us. "Fred and me, we were all set to play at the dance. I was backstage dropping off our gear when I heard these voices yelling." He looked back to Betty. "It was your mum and dad. They were fighting about...about I don't know what, but it sounded like life or death."

"Shut up, FP." Alice gritted.

"Happy to oblige if you are." Dad made everything go silent. "I don't care what you think of me, Alice... but don't jerk me around. Not in front of my kids." By the time dad finished talking, the front doors bell rung throughout the house.

"I'll go get it." Betty stated, leaving the awkward dinner table.

"This was such a nice idea, but I think it's time that we get to the dance. So, is it ok if we skip dessert?" I said as I got to my feet, hearing klaus's accent greet Betty. Walking over to him, I put on a smile. Trying to get my mind away from the interrogation.

"You look.." He looked as if his vocabulary bank left his brain.

"Stunning?"I raised an eyebrow being cocky.

"Even more then stunning." He included, all I could do was bite down on my bottom lip.

"You take care of her tonight Klaus." Dad put his protective tone on.

"Yes of course, Fp." Klaus told him, giving him his signature nod.

"Get out of here, you two." Jug smiled, blowing him a kiss. Klaus opened the door for me as I quickly put on my cardigan, walking to his bike.

"Seriously? Your bike? No, I'm in a dress Klaus. We're taking my car, you can park the bike on the side of the house." I explained, he rolled his eyes. Walking his bike to the side of the house, I chucked him my keys. He is the only person besides from myself to drive my car.

"What happened at Betty's? Seemed intense when I walked in."

"You have no idea, it was really weird. I was really quiet, not my usual self. Alice was asking so many questions out of Dad, it was basically an investigation at the dinner table." I explained.

"Did she ask you anything?" He asked.

"No, which I'm glad about." I replied as he parked the car in the teacher parking lot, heading inside and walking down the same old ass halls. The halls that formed Klaus and I into the people we are today.

"How you feeling? Being back in this shit hole?" He joked, chucking his around my shoulders. Continuing our path to the gym.

Entwining my fingers with his. "Still hate this place even more." Hearing him huff at my comment made my stomach twist. Walking back into that gym, the entrance was different. Not all eyes were on us like it usually is, not like when we walk into Pops, not like the white whyrm. Only some eyes scanned over to us, I was only focused on one. My brother standing there alone, smiling at the site of his two most favourite humans in the world were slowly building back up their empire. Watching him walk over, my smile grew. Seeing how happy he was. "Hey juggy."

"Hey guys, you two looking comfortable." He pointed in between us as I took off my cardigan.

"Why's Betty?" I asked him.

"Talking to Cheryl, oh! I talked to dad." He begun, my eyebrows shot up. Knowing this needed to be a sister to brother conversation. I looked to Klaus, by the look I gave him. He knew this was a private talk.

"I'll go get us a drink, want one jug?" Klaus quizzed.

"No thanks Klaus." He replied, Klaus and my hands slipped away slowly as Klaus got further away.

"Ok, go."

"So, I said to dad that you and I want to move back with him. He says yes we can, also moving to Toledo. So mum and Jellybean can live with us." I pinched my temple. "I know things are going great with you and Klaus, but I was going to stay. Cause of Betty, then I'll move in with Klaus and you live with us." I could tell he already planned this out in his head. He looked through my eyes for an answer. "So?"

"I'll talk to Klaus about it, when it's the right time. We just want to loosen up tonight, ok?" He nodded, opening my arms up. I brought him into a hug. "Go and have fun." I kissed his head, seeing Klaus walking back over. I nodded to Klaus, giving him the all clear.

"Here you go, love." Klaus stated, bringing himself back in the conversation.

"Thank you." Taking the plastic cup from him, jug left my grip.

"I'll leave you two too it." Jug waved, walking over to Archie. Knowing he wanted Klaus and I to have more time with one another, taking a sip of the punch. I gradually spat it back into the cup.

"It's not as good as it use to be." I told him, taking his cup away before he could drink it.

"Is it really that bad?" He quizzed.

"I spat it out Klaus, you know I like my beverages." I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh my god!" Kevin. Looking to Klaus who just turned to the boy.

"Hi Kevin." Klaus begun. "What's up?"

"You two look stunning! Hottest couple yet to come back! Could I get a photo of you two?" Klaus groaned, knowing his hatred of getting his photo taken.

"Yes you can Kevin." I reassured the boys sad face.

"I don't want a photo." He gritted his teeth.

"Deal with it." I gritted back, reaching up to kiss his cheek. Hearing the iPhone shutter go off. I walked to Kevin's side, smiling at how well he took the photo.

"I love it." Kevin stated.

"So do I! Thank you."

"Thanks Luci, Thanks Klaus." He said running off. Klaus seemed annoyed.

"What's wrong with you now?" I laughed, seeing how adorable his stance was. He was acting like a 5 year old

"The thing is that you allow that boy to come swoop in, jumping around us. He obviously likes you." He growled, going into his big boss voice. I grabbed hold of his suit, making him look at me.

"Chill Klaus, I'm surprised you haven't picked it up. He's just gay, not bi." He went red of embarrassment, understanding where he was coming from. Kevin's always around girls, him assuming he was into both. Klaus his hid face in my neck, giggling. Klaus and I swayed, to the up beat. Robotic music.

"Friends, students and alumni, I hope you brought your dancing shoes." The mayor called into the microphone, making the music stop. All attention on her. "Please join me in welcoming to the stage, Riverdale Highs very own Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge." Beginning to clap and whistle them on, I rested up against Klaus's chest. Being able to feel his heart beating against my back, I smiled. Finding I still have that same effect on him after all these years. They begun to sing kids in America, looking up to Klaus. He looked down to me with a smirk. That song always played on the radio when we took day trips together when we were younger.

Klaus and I clapping along to the beat, I raised and eyebrow. Watching Veronica and Archie's chemistry on stage, Klaus leant down to my ear to say. "Do you think Veronica and Archie are dating? Or close to be?"

"Nah, I don't think so." I replied sarcastically, all he could do was shake his head at me.

The night continued, all upbeat songs that were mixed of times from Dad was at high school. To when Klaus and I were, standing off to the side. Keeping an eye on jug from afar, I finished the last gulp of my water. Looking to my side, I saw Klaus walking back. A smile grew on his face as the song changed to a slow one, coming to the realisation. It was our first dance together song. Oh no. "Klaus no."

"Yes, we are. Come on." He cheekily smiled, being playful. Taking my hand.

"Klaus, no-." Before I could finish my argument, Klaus pulled me into him. Taking the air out of me as our chests bashed against one another.

"You, my love. Need a break, have fun. Even the queen needs to step down from her duties." He quoted, making me go soft.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, Klaus then spun me. Looking back at him, he had that smile on his face.

Bringing me back in towards him, I placed my hands on his neck. Feeling his grip wrap around my waist, all he could do was smile. "Don't give me that smile."

"What? Why?" He lingered.

"Because, it's too... cute." I whispered the last bit.

"What? What was that?" His smile grew even more.

"It's too cute." I stated, louder slightly.

"Oh you're think I'm cute?"

"Shut up." I finished, him bursting into laughter. Picking me up and twirling me in a circle, bringing him closer to me. I saw jug looking stressed, watching him leave out to the hall. Klaus whispered.

"What's wrong? I just felt your whole body shift."

"Somethings up with Jug." I begun, looking to him. Seeing he just wanted to keep dancing with me. "I'm so sorry, but... I need to make sure he's ok." I looked at him in a please way, him knowing Jug and my background.

"Klaus!" A voice called out to him, both of us looking in the persons direction. I saw it was Fred.

"You go and check on jug, I'll go chat with Fred." I sighed heavily.

"Thank you, I'll fill you in." Us pecking each other's lips, I merged my way through the crowd. Making my way into the hall, I saw Betty, Archie and Veronica standing in a little group. Jug just joining them.

"Lucifer." Arch said stunned, like a deer in headlights.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Jug?" Standing beside him, Betty's eyes started to tear up. She slowly turned to Veronica and Archie, asking them.

"Do you wanna tell them or should I?"

"Tell us what?" Jug quizzed, Archie walked closer to us. Veronica slowly following behind him.

"We went to your dad's trailer to..." Archie begun, not being able to finish his sentence. Veronica had to finish it for him.

"To search it, jughead and Lucifer."

"Why would you guys do that?"I questioned, feeling hurt.

"My mum.. put them up to it." Betty started, joining back into the conversation. "She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason."

"We were wrong, all of us. We didn't find anything." Veronica butted in.

"We were only doing it to prove that-." Jughead then cut Archie off.

"That our dad wasn't a murderer?" All Jughead and I could do was look at all of them disappointed.

"You went behind our back, Archie?" I said, mostly disappointed in him. I could see on his face that I was basically ripping his heart out.

"Jug... Luci..." He tried to start a sentence.

"How did you? When did you guys know to for to our dads trailer?" I quizzed, my eyes scattering between them three.

"We knew he'd be at dinner with-." Veronica gave it away, the true meaning of the reason behind being invited to Betty's. Jug and I looked at her and sighed heavily, jug full of misbelief that his girlfriend would do this to him. I was actually beginning to like her. Jug and I turning away to walk back into the gym.

"No." Betty started to defend herself, Jug and I turned back around. Jug covered his mouth with his hand, pressing my lips together. Jug and I looked at one another, seeing at the corner of my eye Betty walking towards us.

"That's why your mum, invited my dad, Luci and I to dinner? So these two could break in while she interrogated him?" Jug stated, walking towards her.

"No. I didn't know what they were doing. But, yes, that is why she invited you guys." I just shook my head, thinking how Jug was going to pass on moving to Toledo.

"To think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you." Jug gritted

"W-what?" Betty whispered.

"When we went to dad's trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?"

"It was. It was good enough." Betty tried to reassure him, Archie looked to me. Mouthing I'm sorry, all I could do was shake my head. Tears in my eyes. I looked to Jug who stood back. "I didn't- I tried to stop her.

"You could've told me, could've told us. You could've warned us." Jug told her, I just stayed quiet. Hearing Betty sobbing.

"You were so excited, Jug, I didn't wanna disappoint you."

"So instead you lied." I begun, walking to my brothers side. "You all lied to us."

"No-." Betty looked to me, being cut off by voices.

"Lucifer!" Klaus called to me, jogging up to me.

"There they are." Kevin stated.

"Betty. Thank god." Alice's voice filled the air, all I wanted to do was to go off.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Klaus, folding each other's arms.

"You all have to listen all of you." Veronica's mum told us to. Klaus stepped aside, so I could see Kevin as he spoke.

"My dad just told mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead and Lucifer." Kevin fiddled with his thumb.

"What about our dad?" We asked.

"He was just arrested." Fred's voice popped up, jug and my eyes looked to him. "For the murder of Jason Blossom." My heart felt like it stopped, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Stepping back out of Klaus's grip, jug looked to me. Seeing his heart breaking through his eyes, we took off outside. Running down the stairs, we took off into a sprint.

The prince and princess ran to their kingdom, running up the castle stairs. Where police tapped covered the entrance, pushing the door open. Jughead and I split up, seeing everything taken. Sitting down on the couch, I ran my hand through my hair. Hearing clashing and clanging, I look up to see Jughead throwing stuff in anger. "Jug."I said sympathetically, him not listening. My eyes started to run. "Jug!" Him stopping, he looked to me shaking his head. "I know, I know." Pulling him into a hug, he his head in my neck. Bursting into tears, we both slid to the ground.

After a while, feeling numb. I dragged jug to his feet, leaving the abandoned castle to rot away.

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