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"Dad? Aren't you supposed to be at the white whyrm? Or something?" I quizzed as he passed me my cup of hot chocolate, stepping over my legs. Plopping himself next to me, smelling his rich dark hot chocolate from where I sat.

"Nope, you and I, Lucifer. We're having a day in today, you're always helping out at the white whyrm. I've been working, you've been running around after Jug. We're going to be watching a movie together and I am allowing you to choose." He explained, laying back. Giving me the same smile he use to give me when I was younger. Leaning forward and placing my cup on the table, I reached to the small pile of movies.

"Oh, how generous of you." I replied sarcastically, hearing him laugh in response. I flicked through the old movies. The gratitude, the apartment, the wizard of Oz and lastly Rebel without a cause. "Rebel without a cause, it is." I said as I got up, injecting it into the TV. It was a trigger for my phone to start vibrating on the table. Looking back, I saw klaus's face pop up. "Dad don't!" I clicked at him, rushing over. Trying to steal my phone back off of my father. Reaching over him arched, he quickly stood up to answer it.

"Hey Klaus, hows it going?... Yeah, what's up?" Dad begun, I rushed over to him. Trying to take my phone back as dad only had to hit my arms away. "Yeah, that'll be perfectly fine boy." Dad turned around, walking down the hall. Giving me the perfect opportunity to jump on his back, doing so. I hung on his back like a little kid. "Yeah, she's here. Talk to you soon." Dad finally giving me my phone back, I dropped down. Walking back over near the tv to pause it. I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hey Klaus, what's up?" I asked, shaking my head at dad who was smiling from the kitchen.

"Luci, um. I was wondering if you were going to the reunion dance?" He questioned, a small hidden smile coming across my lips.

"Yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Well..." He begun, as I turned my back to dad. Biting my bottom lip. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Like the good old days?"

"Hmmmm." I left him hanging.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging." I hummed in laughter.

"Ok, I'll message you later."


"Yes Klaus." I looked over to dad who had a massive grin on his face.

"Awesome, let me know what time to pick you up." I could tell he was holding in to jump in joy, as he was keeping his cool over the phone.

"I will, bye."

"Bye." Hanging up, I put my phone in my back pocket.  I raised an eyebrow at my father.

"You alright there? You seem much more happier then I am right now." I joked.

"I'm just glad to see you like this, getting all giddy. It makes you stronger, yet it can also make you weaker." He explained.

"I know dad." I reassured, knowing I'll have to take all these things into consideration. Of when I get crowned. "So, are we going to keep watching the movie or what?" I quizzed, sitting back down. Dad looking slightly confused.

"I thought you would've been gone by now to get ready, to find a dress or whatever?"

"No, I'm meeting Jug back at Fred's later. We're gonna help each other on what to wear. So for now, you're stuck with me." Dad smiled as he plopped himself back next to me, resting up against my father. I felt as if I was little again, when jug and I would snuggle up to dad. Watching movies that had jump scares, while mum took care of Jellybean. I was happy, it felt as if everything was in place. All was right.


Arriving with jug at Andrews household, jug stopped me before we could leave the car. "Luci?" He begun. "I've got a question for you."

"What is it Jug?" I asked with a slight smile.

"I was thinking, you know how dad's being doing really good? Great, actually?" He quizzed.


"I was thinking, if you're up for it? That we move back in with dad?" I nodded, agreeing.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask you the same thing."

"It's crazy how we're on the same wave length." Jug laughed, heading inside. We let ourselves in, calling out.

"Hello?" We blurted out, heading towards the kitchen.

"Lucifer, Jughead. Hey."Archie said to us, seeing Archie's mum was back.

"Are we interrupting a family meeting? Cause we can come back later." I stated.

"Of course not, you two stay. So, who's going to the dance?" Archie's mum asked. "Besides from your dad and me. Oh and Herminke, whom I invited."

"You did?" Fred seemed shocked.

"We'll talk about it." She whispered.

"You guys are going to the dance? Together?" Archie was trying to wrap his head around it.

"We we're talking about it." Fred begun.

"We wanna hear you play, if that's still happening." His mum added.

"If you're good with it?" Fred concluded, seeing a smile coming across Archie face. He looked to us, us two smiling back nodding. Archie looked back to his parents.

"Yeah, totally. I'm- Im great with it."

"Good. So, Lucifer? Are you bringing your hunk of a man, Klaus to the dance?" I looked down, laughing to myself at her comment.

"Yes, I'm taking Klaus." I replied, Jug shocked at first.

"Wait, you and Klaus?" A smile grew on his face.

"Shhh you."

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