Devil in Disguise

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Getting off of the phone with Jughead, he explained that him and Betty had no hope with Mayor McCoy, my boots clicking every step I took. I stood in the doorframe of Mayor McCoys office. "Lucifer Jones, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

"We need to have a chat." I folded my arms, taking a step and closing the door behind me.

"I'm guessing Betty and your brother sent you." She leant back.

"No, actually I came for my own reasons. Jughead told me the reasons why you don't want to place a Pops day for the diner." I begun as I took a seat across from her. Her forehead glistening of sweat. "The chance of someone getting shot there again, it's a very high chance of it not happening again. Being queen of the serpents, I would know."

"We can't have it happen Lucifer, we don't have the insurance."

"You say you don't have the insurance, the money or any of those sorts of things." My eyes spotted the rock on her finger. "What a nice ring, I wonder how you could've afford it? Explains why tax rates have come up in the past few months."

"My job as a mayor and a mother is to keep this town safe, if it comes to closing Pops. I don't care how much it means to you and your little brother, I'm all for it." She tried to stay calm, as she was about to get up from her seat. I stood up, slamming my hands down on her desk. Making her stay down.

"Are you also all for shipping my father off to prison for a murder he didn't commit?"

"What is this? An ambush? First Jughead and now you?" She rose a eyebrow.

"We both know you have an in with the state attorney. If you could just give me his number or call him and get our dad a better lawyer? Anything?"

"Your father made some mistakes. I'm sure he'll get a fair hearing." She replied, getting to her feet.

"Mayor McCoy?" I started, my voice innocent. "You remember this moment." I lowered my voice. "This is the moment you turned your back on both pop and my father." I stormed out. Heading straight to where Tallboy was with Jughead, walking around the corner. Jugs eyes widen full of hope.

"How'd you go?"

"Same as you kiddo."

"Oh, I would've thought the devil in disguise would have gotten something out of the mayor." Tallboy joked, all I could do was playfully punch his arm.

"Well we tried going the legit route. We talked to the mayor. It feels like the system is rigged against us." Jug stated as I joined his side.

"What's FP saying? Is he taking this deal?" Tallboy quizzed.

"Not if we can help it."I folded my arms, I looked to Jug seeing a wild plan being created through his eyes. Jug took a step towards Tallboy, saying...

"Tallboy, what if we bust him out of jail before he gets transferred to state?" All Tallboy and I did in response was huff. "It's doable, the sheriff ps station had worse security than Riverdale High. Once he's out, it's a straight shot to Sweetwater River until the Canadian border. Luci, back me up."

"You've seen Escape From Alcatraz a few too many times, kid. Your dad needs a snake handler. Someone who's livelihood depends on snakes, who's used to dealing with them. I've got someone you two should meet."

"I'll have to meet you there Jug, I have to go and meet Klaus." Kissing his head, I left. Heading to the Whyrm, I walked in. The rich smell of beer in the atmosphere, getting that weird sick homily feeling. My eyes looked around for the king, no sign of him to be seen. Strolling up to the bar, I tapped the surface with my nails. Watching Toni come over with my regular, along with Klaus's regular. "Hello gorgeous girl, do you know where my king is?" I put on a weird voice making her laugh.

"He's out back, something's up with him. So heads up."

"Thank you, see you in a bit." Heading out back, I raised an eyebrow seeing Klaus pacing around the campfire away from the group.

"Luci." I looked to my side, seeing Fangs heading my way.

"Hey you, do you know what's up with him?" I quizzed, watching my fiancée as he became more angry by the minute.

"Honestly don't know, he went somewhere with Sweetpea. They came back and Klaus has been pissed ever since."

"Wish me luck." Placing the drinks down, it was if it was a trigger for Klaus to crack. Watching him throw a bottle across the area, I raised my voice making him stop.

"Klaus! What's wrong with you, what's up?" I saw anger and fear in his eyes, I was confused and concerned. Taking his hand, he looked down to me.

"Someone in our past life has come back to bring chaos."


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