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"Luci." A Husky morning voice whispered, feeling him play with my hair. Groaning, I hid my face in his neck. His low laugh sending shivers down my spin. "Come on, you have to get up sometime today." Looking up to him, he looked down to me. His eyes full.

"I just wanna stay in bed with you all day." I stated, feeling him place a soft kiss upon my lips. His thumb rubbed my shoulder blade.

"That leads me to my question of the morning, move in here with me? Like in this room?" He quizzed, a small smile coming across my lips.

"Of course." I replied as my phone started ringing on the bedside table. "Who is it?" I asked as Klaus reached to grab it off of his side.

"Archie." He said as I answered the call. "Hey kiddo, what's up?"

"Luc-Luci, um I'm at the hospital. D-d-dads." I could hear the distress in his voice.

"Arch, breathe." I sat up, Klaus seeing from my facial expression that something's up.

"Dad's in surgery, he... he got shot. I need you, could you and Klaus get to the hospital? Please?"

"Yeah buddy, we're coming." Hanging up the call, I got up. Wrapping the sheet around me. Holding back the tears in my eyes.

"What's going on? Luci?" Klaus asked.

"Fred's been shot, we need to get to the hospital now." I explained, chucking him his jeans.

Rushing through the doors of the hospital, making my through all the people. I saw Jughead, Veronica, Betty and Archie. All sitting with one another. "Arch." Klaus said softly, watching Archie's head look up slowly. His eyes filled up with water quicker, jumping to his feet. I brought him into a hug, feeling him hide his face in my neck as he sobbed. I kissed his head as I rubbed his back.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"A guy with a black hood came into Pops, dad got shot cause of him." He explained, giving him a final squeeze. Archie let go of me, while he then hugged Klaus. Hearing someone walk towards us, seeing Jughead, Betty and Veronica join our sides. Looking to where they were looking, Sheriff stood there.

"Sheriff." Arch begun, leaving the hug from Klaus.

"How's your dad doing?"

"He's still in surgery." Betty added.

"I know this is a hell of a time for you. Perhaps we could go somewhere and talk." Sheriff asked.

"Is it cool if we tag along?" I quizzed, referring to jug and I.

"Actually if you don't mind-." Sheriff was about to say no, but Archie cut him off saying.

"That would be great, thanks Luc and Jug."

Standing with jug at a vending machine, cause I haven't had breakfast and jugs always hungry. Arch begun talking to the sheriff about what the guy looked like. "He was maybe 5'10, 160 pounds or so." Sitting back down with jug, sheriff continued.

"And He was wearing dark pants and a dark jacket?" Arch nodded. "Anything on the jacket? Symbol or insignia?"

"You mean like a snake?" Jug and I rose our voices, taking offence. Feeling Archie place his hand on top of mine as I was unwrapping a Musli bar.

"It was just a jacket. No snake." Archie explained further, looking to jug and I. Taking his hand away.

"And this ski mask he had on-."

"No, it's not a ski mask." Arch said annoyed. "It's a hood. Homemade, like he'd cut the eyes out himself. And the guys eyes were green."

"Now, Pop Tate had a fairly good idea of what happened up until when your father was shot. And then, well, there are some gaps. And I need you to help me fill those. So, what did he do? Our masked man?" Sheriff questioned.

"After he shot my dad?" Sheriff nodded. "He..." Archie went silent, looking to us. "Nothing. He shot my dad and ran out of the diner. Who did Sheriff?" I could tell he was hiding something.

"Archie, it's too early to speculate. But he was probably out of his head on meth or the jingle jangle, some Southside lowlife That was just looking for a cash grab."

"How much did he get?" Jug started.

"How much cash?" I finished.

"We're waiting to hear from Pop Tate." Sheriff replied to us.

"Since this is Riverdale, I have to ask, what if robbery wasn't the motive? What else could it be?" Jug quizzed, taking a bite of his food.

"I suppose it could be someone who has a grudge against your dad, and they made it look like a robbery." Sheriff stated, arch looked to us as I rose an eyebrow. Thinking a million miles a second in my head. "I mean, it's just too early to tell."

There the trio sat, thinking. Walking together back to the waiting room. "Archie. Hey, were you not telling Sheriff Keller something?" I asked, while Archie turned to face us. Standing closer together, we went into whispers.

"My dad told me he and Mrs. Lodge fired the serpents on their crew. I know your dad vouches for them, but what if one was pissed off enough to do something?"

"Let me see what I can find out." I told him.

"I'll ask aswell." Jug included, arch brought us into a three way hug.

"Thanks bro, thanks sis." Patting Archie's back, Jug, Klaus and I left to the Whyrm. Walking to where everyone sat outside, walking up a little platform. My combat boots making a clang noise as I took a step, Klaus took Jug to grab a seat.

"Listen up!" I yelled, everyone looking to me. I sighed heavily, it's time to be the queen you were born to be. "As everyone would know Fred Andrews, is like a second father to Jughead and I. Fred Andrews is currently in hospital, he was shot in Pops. The shooter wore a black hood, his eyes homemade cut out. If any! Of you know anything about this? You tell me, you tell Klaus... or you tell my brother Jughead." I winked to him, seeing a smile come across his lips. He was looking at me full of adore, seeing Klaus look at me like that as well. But proud as well. "The cops think it's one of us, they're on our arses. So, watch yourselves. Cause someone could be watching you."

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