Lucifer and Jughead Jones Are Riverdale

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Twirling my straw in my banana milkshake, I sighed heavily. Jumping slightly at a voice popping beside me. "Hi beautiful lady." I looked to my side, seeing Cheryl Blossom standing beside me. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I moved my body. So my leg rested up on the seat, so I could face her chest wise.

"Hi Cheryl." I begun. "What's up?" I asked, seeing her body language wasn't the usual. I'm better then everyone else stance.

"I, uh- wanted to give this to you." She grabbed my wrist, holding my hand out and placing a red pendant necklace in my hand.

"Why are you giving me your necklace?" I looked up at her concerned, seeing through her eyes that something was up. "Are you Ok?"

"I'm perfectly fine, I wanted to give you this. It'll help to take care of Jughead, as I heard you won custody of him." She smiled, meaning I could sell it at a pawnshop. Placing the necklace in my jacket pocket, I stood up. Bringing her into a hug, her body language easing. Breaking from the hug, we stood in front of one another. Feeling my back pocket buzz as she asked a question.

"Could I join you for a milkshake?" Her voice went soft, reading my phone. I felt bad as I needed to get back to the Whyrm.

"I would love to, but I've got duties to attend to. Can we reschedule?" I quizzed, she nodded. Rubbing her cheek with my thumb and giving her a soft gestured smile. Rushing out the door and heading to the Whyrm, Klaus came up to me. Bringing me into a hug. " Hello to you too." I huffed, fading him I smiled. Feeling relief off of my tensed body.

Then out of nowhere, I heard a crash. Followed by the sound of blood veins popping, walking away out of klaus's grip. I saw two snakes, fighting as if their lives depended on it. "Enough!" I yelled deeply, seeing one of the guys was one of the younger serpents. The young and much older male looked to me. "What is this all about!?"

"This little bitch, slept with my daughter!" The older male exclaimed, taking a step towards the younger snake. I wedged myself in between them both.

"Step back." I lowered my voice, folding my arms in defence. Hearing Sweetpea say to Klaus as he stood by his side.

"Aren't you going to do something?"


"Step back from the kid." I said once again, stepping towards the older male in front of me.

"You might be queen now, but you definitely don't deserve to be one." Seriously? These come backs? I know I'm not that popular and I'm only being treated like shit cause, one. My father isn't here and two, I've been soft.

"Right." I begun.

"Just like how my father doesn't deserve to be in prison." The whole bar when up in Oh! and damn! "I might not be your queen, but I deserve this position. Not only because it's in my blood, cause I take care of all us. I take care of every single living heart beat inside this bar, including my fathers, my mother and my siblings. I know our main rule is to never hurt one of our own, but what old father dearest has always said to me. Display dominance." Then within one simple grab, I held his arm at breaking point. Holding a grown man, trying a puddle of tears on the floor boards I learnt to walk on.

"Lucifer." Klaus looked at me to stop.

"Oh, don't worry my darling boyfriend. I'm just proving a point to some people, who haven't accepted me taking over my fathers role." In a quick change of movement, I managed to only sprain the mans arm. He quickly scurried away from being under me. "Does anyone else, wanna try! Come on!" I yelled, opening my arms up for more. They all went back to what they were doing, breathing heavily. Klaus walked up to me, holding my face within his hands.

"Hey, you can get seriously in trouble for that."

"Klaus, I know. I'm sick of being treated like the kings daughter, who just stood up for the role and she didn't earn it or doesn't deserve it. I wasn't raised to be that sort of queen."

With that, the queen left her king alone. Standing without her by his side in the Castle, the queen left to see the only other being she wanted to be with right at that moment. Her father. The ruler above her.

"Sheriff Keller tells me you still haven't given any names." I begun, walking up to the cell wall between us. "When I sighed in, he was hoping I could spill or make you spill. Otherwise, non of the serpents have confessed." I explained, watching dad sat up from lying down.

"I've been sweating it out, Luci, and...the only conclusion I've come to is that both options suck."

"Hey, I wanted to let you know that. If you didn't know already, I won custody of Jughead. That he's going to be ok, that we're going to be ok." Minus of what happened earlier at the whyrm. Dad smiled, getting to his feet.

"How's he doing with Southside?" He asked, clearing his throat. While I rested on my side up against the bar wall, dad resting front ways against it.

"He rang me today, saying and I quote. 'There's the nerds,the jocks, the like. I'll survive'." We both chuckled in unison.

"Just might." He replied. "How's being queen? Haven't cracked it yet?" I looked down st my feet.


"Lucifer." He said in the demanding, tell me tone.

"I might've cracked... slightly."

"Lucifer Jones, what did you do?"

"One of the older serpents were going after the younger ones, him saying I'm not worthy to be queen. So I just showed dominance, so I held his arm at breaking point and let it go before it did. I think it might've worked." I inhaled sharply.

"Luc, when I mean show dominance. Not in that way." He lowered his voice, sympathetically. Knowing I'm trying, he played with my hair. "Jughead, listen to me. I'm more innocent then I am guilty, but I've done some—some stupid things, some bad things. And come what may, I have to answer for my part of it, you understand?" I closed my eyes, placing my head against the metal bar. "I don't know what's gonna happen when this goes to trial...but you need to be there. For your mum, for Jughead and for Jellybean. They might not need you right this second-."

"I'll do my best." I stated, making a promise. Looking up at him.

"Not a doubt in my mind." He smiled, proud. "I'm so very proud of you, go." Smiling back at him, I left. Picking up the young prince, he pulled me along. Rushing to the closest open door, seeing his love stand on stage in front of the town. She smiled towards us, while we rested up against each side of the door.

"But what is riverdale?" Betty started. "It's the people, right? You, me, our friends, our neighbors. Riverdale is Archie Andrews." She looked to him, hearing random cheers. "Kevin Keller is Riverdale. Veronica lodge, shes Riverdale. But you know who else is Riverdale? Fp Jones." I sighed heavily. "Who we were so quick to blame for Jason's murder." The crowd whispered to themselves. "Lucifer and Jughead Jones Are Riverdale. The very souls of Riverdale. Without Jughead, we may not have ever found out what happened to Jason. And yet how do we thank him? By banishing him. Which is what we do when the truth gets too ugly in Riverdale. Truth being that Clifford Blossom was also Riverdale. Riverdale is at a crossroads. If we don't face the reality of who and what we are, if we keep lying to ourselves and keeping secrets from each other, then what happened to Jason could happen again.or god forbid something even worse. Riverdale must do better. We must do better." There was silence, throughout the whole room.

Jug and I exchanged looks, taking a step forward. Beginning to clap, as jug and then everyone else then joined in. Watching Betty's face change from scared to relief, appreciated.

The queen leaving the young prince to his duties, the queen walked to the dining room. Holding a bottle of liquor in her hand to represent an apology, standing there. She saw the love of her life, twirling the whiskey in the glass.

"Hi." I said quietly, walking towards him. "Klaus, talk to me."

"You want me to talk? You just left, disappeared." I placed the bottle down, knowing how stressed he is.

"I went to see dad, after my little devil moment. I needed my father, just to see if I'm on the right path. If you don't understand, I get it." I put up my hands in surrender, beginning to walk away. I heard him stand up, his grip around my wrist. Pulling me around to face him.

"You know how I feel! You've met my father!" Taking my hand back, I fought back.

"See! So you should at least know the position I am in! Klaus, you only have an older brother! You haven't seen your dad in 5 years, he's been in prison for 11! I am not sure if I'll see my dad after may!"

"At least you have a choice!" He screamed, catching the glass he threw at me.

"I was with you every single emotion! I never left you when you lost your dad of that false accusation!" I threw it back, him ducking and the shattering noise echoing throughout the house. "Your father wanted us to start a family ages ago! I wonder how he thinks that we both messed up that bad that we had to start from the beginning?" I watched him stomp up to me, him lowering his voice.

"I asked you to marry me, when we left high school. You said no!"

"Klaus! We were just starting our lives! I had so much to figure out!" I exclaimed, he lowered his head. Being able to feel hit hot breath against my skin.

"What about now?"

"What?" I quizzed, breathing heavily.

"Marry me... we've got more history then any human being on Earth." He begun to ramble.

"Yes." I whispered, making him freeze. Then within a quick motion, he crushed his lips against mine.

The hunger that we crave for one another on the daily, every second of every minute of every hour. Showed. The king and queen who were destined to be with one another from the day they've been born, spending every day with one another growing up. Being there for the highs and lows of life, no one could describe the love. It was a big bundle of things thrown into an explosion. The king and queen were synced.

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