You Take Care Of Her

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Closing the front door behind me, all I could do was smile. Seeing Archie and jug on the couch, nudging one another as they got competitive with one another to win. Kissing them both on the top of the head. "Hey Luci." They both said as I watched then screen as Archie's character threw jugs into a wall.

"Where's Klaus?" I asked.

"Study." Arch begun. "Can you drop me home later?"

"Yeah of course, I'll be back." I replied, taking of my jacket. Drenched in the scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Making my way up the polished stairs, I stood in the doorframe of where I looked to the king. Sitting at his thrown from home. "I've got a question." I started, getting straight to the point. Skipping down the stairs and walking over to him, watching him pour a glass of scotch for him and I.

"And What May That be, my queen?" He questioned, as I straddled him. Him placing his hands on my waist, he looked at me all lovey dovey like.

"I had the social service lady come and see me at the whyrm today, regarding Jug."

"What did she say?" I could see he was hold in anger, he hated the thought of losing Jug as much as I do.

"She wanted my consent of letting another family on the Southside, to be Jugheads legal guardians." His eyes widen, his nostrils flaring.

"How dare she-!" I placed my hand over his mouth.

"Before you get hot headed and cause havoc all across Southside, I asked her what about us?" He was intrigued. "She said we would have a higher chance and she'll ring me soon, whether or not we're his legal guardians. But he'll have to move to Southside."

"That'll be perfectly fine, we'll have Sweetpea and Toni to take care of him. Also if you're asking if I'll sign the papers, of course I will." I smiled, crushing my lips against his. Feeling his grip tighten around my waist, I phone started ringing in my back pocket. Feeling Klaus grab it for me, answering it.

"Lucifer Jones speaking."

"Hi Lucifer, this is social services." A woman's voice begun, a unfamiliar one from earlier today. "We're on a tight schedule and I only presume you're very busy, I'll just cut straight to the case. It seems that you and your partner has won in the battle for being your little brothers guardian." Covering my mouth, trying to hide my excitement. I took a deep breath, making my voice calmer.

"Thank you so much, when would we have to sign?" I asked, watching Klaus clasp his hands together with happiness.

"We'll get you two to come to the office tomorrow, goodbye." Her hanging up, I placed my phone onto the table. Klaus and I both bursted into laughter, glad that the king and queen would be able to keep their little prince safe.

The queen taking the little prince and his best friend back to Fred's, they walked through the door. Archie chucking his jacket on the rack, I shook my head at my little brothers. Seeing Fred just come off of the phone, from what seemed like a serious call.

"Hey you three." Fred said as he had his eyes on me. "Uh, I just got off the phone with Jugheads case worker."

"About?" Arch questioned, seeing his guard up.

"Lucifer.. and Klaus. Them winning to be your legal guardians. Proud of you Luc, she said you put up a fight." I smiled shyly at my second father, seeing both of my little brothers look right at me.

"What? When?" I cut jug off.

"Before we came here, when I was upstairs with Klaus. They rung, we're signing the pages tomorrow." I explained, seeing happy tears form in his eyes. Followed up by a smile, feeling him crush us together into a hug.

"But you'll have to move to Southside high buddy." I whispered.

"When?" Arch asked.

"By the end of the week." I added, him sighing heavily. Looking at him. "Trust me, I would love for him to stay at riverdale high. But unfortunately, this is just what needs to be done."

Due to that, the next day after the king and queen finished signing the papers. The little red head called the king, asking for his help. Full of worry for the queen and prince. The king taking the redheaded boy to see the rightful king who sat behind bars. The young boy, stressing to him. Stating how worried he is for his brother and sister.

"Nobody wants you to go to jail for 20 year am especially not Jughead and Lucifer." Archie stated to Fp. While Klaus stood back, very much of how Lucifer and jug are when they came to visit their father.

"Those two know what's what. They know you can't betray folks that stand by you. Who got your back." Fp replied to the young male.

"That's the serpents?" Archie questioned, almost as if it was a joke.

"When the time comes, they'll step up." Archie's faced dropped, very much like klaus's as he leant against the table in the room. "Hey. Lucifer and Jughead, they're tough. Scrappy. Survivors." Fp stood up. "They'll make it. Especially if you two are looking after them. And they'll try to pull away. They'll try to disappear into themselves, jughead needs his friends and Lucifer needs the people she loves. That's why you, Betty and Klaus, you gotta stick with them, no matter what. Which Lucifer, she might seem fine now. But just like Jug, she's got some darkness in her."

"Arch, why don't you head to school? I need to talk to Fp, alone." The king said to the red head. Him nodding, the two gave a bro hug to one another. With Archie leaving the room, Klaus walked towards his father in law.

"I need you to do something for me, I need you to take care of them. You know how much they are alike. But most of all, you take care of her. You know what she's capable of." Fp begin to his son in law, Klaus stood there listening. Nodding. "As I said to Red, Lucifer might seem ok now. But, deep down she'll be hurting. She'll do whatever to numb herself, but you never give up on her. You hear me?" Klaus shook hands with Fp. Locking the deal they've kept since the start of when him and Fps daughter decided to create their empire.

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