What About Me?

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"So, Blossom was the kingpin." Sheriff begun explaining to dad, as I stood beside my brother. Mimicking his folded arm stance. "He funneled drugs through riverdale and shipped them out. What the mayor and I care about...is the local component of Blossoms business. Someone is selling his drugs here in Riverdale, mostly in the Southside, but, heh.. started to cross the tracks recently, too."

"And you think it's the serpents?" Dad found amusing.

"Who else?" Sheriff replied, dad and I huffed. Making mine not as noticeable. "So, here's the deal. You feed us names, tell us who's pushing the dope, and the mayor, the DA have a chat. Maybe he'd be inclined to offer you a lesser sentence."

"The serpents don't get into the hard stuff. It's dime bags of weed and I'm no snitch." Dad explained.

"Fp, if you don't help us... and your case goes to trial, there will be no leniency. You'll be looking at 20 years in a federal penitentiary for your part in the cover up of Jason Blossoms murder."

Standing there, the young prince and the uncrowned queen. Rested up against one another, knowing that the king that's been thrown behind bars. The only way for him out, was for him to tip his crown down and give up his people. Which leaving the young prince to go to school, the queen stood high above her people. Looking down, seeing anger rise under her.

"Hey! Listen up!" I yelled to the top of my lungs, everyone going quiet. They all looked up to me. "What's going on!?"

"Your little so called 'brother's father, fired us! We don't have a job no more!" A voice exclaimed.

"Was it actually Fred? Or his business partner?" I quizzed, trying to protect my second father.

"It was a woman, raven black hair." Another explained, exhaling sharply. A loud knock echoed throughout the whyrm, all eyes landing onto a lady in a pants suit. Seeing her eyes look up to me, she made her voice loud. So she was able to be heard.

"Lucifer Jones?" She asked, as she said my name. I mimicked my fathers classical heavy clink of boots on wood boards down the stairs.

"That's me." I replied, walking towards her. Her eyes widening at what I was wearing, how dominant I looked within a bar that was mostly guys.

"I'm a social worker, I've been put on Jugheads case. We need to discuss some things about him." She explained, I nodded.

"Please follow me." I said in my boss tone, her walking behind me up the stairs. I closed the office door, plopping myself across from her. She got straight into business.

"Lucifer, I've been aware that your father is currently behind bars. You obviously being old enough to take care of yourself, but Jughead on the other hand... isn't of age. So, we wanted your consent of allowing a family on the Southside to take care of him? Which would mean he'll have to move to Southside high." I just shook my head.

"I'm sorry, miss...?"

"Sorry, miss Weiss."

"Miss Weiss, personally I do not feel comfortable allowing my little brother staying with a family he isn't familiar with. What about me?" I asked, leaning forward. She gulped quite loudly, her eyes scanned around the room. Looking to the photo attached to the wall closest to me.

"Boyfriend?" She tried to change subject.

"He is... miss Weiss. Trying to be the most respectful I can, I would gladly appreciate if you did not try and change the subject. This is about my brother, who's the most important person in my life. I would like to know if I can possibly put my name down as his legal guardian, my boyfriend would also gladly put his name down as one of his guardians aswell." I stated, using hand gestures as I talked. She was quite surprised on the level of maturity I had for my age.

"Well... since you're blood. I'll talk to the department, here's my card and I'll take your number if that's ok?" Writing down my number on a bit of note, she let herself out. Leaving myself there to sit there, staring at the wall. My mind turning like the inside of a clock. Tapping my foot against the ground intensely, I heard a small huff at the door. Followed by a soft knock.

"What's with you? You look like your brains about to fry of stress." Toni.

"Hi Toni, you could say that... I guess. Close the door." I asked of her, doing as I said. She sat down across from me.

"What's up Luc, obviously that woman ratted the brain that is supposed to be untouchable."

"She wants jug to move with a family on the Southside, I said I didn't want for him to go with that family. But for myself and Klaus to put our names down as his guardians, I'm just hoping I win. She said the people she has to talk to, that they majority of the time give it to blood." I rushed out of my mouth, feeling Toni place her hand on my arm that was rested up to keep my hand in my hair.

"Lucifer, I've known you since I was a baby. You're an incredible human being, strengths of gods could not destroy you."

"Thanks kidlet."

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