7. Friends

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1 week later..

Yuna told me that their family runs a cakeshop and I'm thinking that I should better help with their business. I mean, I don't want to be a burden. I want to help them for helping with my studies. So, then, I decided to approach Aunt Gina and talk about it. I hope she'll allow me.

"Aunt Gina.." I sat down next to her on the couch.

"Suzy.. What is it? Are you hungry?" She looked at me and smiled.

I shook my head in refusal. "No. I'm not hungry.." I chuckled.

"Then, what is it? Is there something wrong?" She asked curiously and I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Well.. I want to ask you something.." I said nervously.

"Sure.. What is it?"

"Uhm.. Uh.. Can I help with your business? I mean the cakeshop?" I asked and her eyes widened.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"I just want to help with you and I think that.. that is the only way that I can repay your kindness to me.." I smiled.

I saw her lips curved into a smile. "Suzy, you don't have to work for business and you're our family. I just want you to focus on your studies.." 

"Yes but.. I want to help with you.. I want to work.. I can work after School.." I suggested.

"Suzy, it's okay.. You don't have to worry and I don't want you to work for us.. It'll just make you tired." She frowned.

"But please, Aunt Gina.. Let me help you.. I want to work too.. If I'll be able to help with you, I think I can feel better.. Please.. I want to repay your kindness.." I frowned and I saw her sighed.

"Alright, Suzy.. I'll allow you to help on our cakeshop.." She said and my eyes widened.

"Really?" I asked and smiled.

She nodded and smiled. "Yes, but you don't have to work every weekdays.. I'm just allowing you to help every Saturday and Sunday." 

I smiled of what she had said. "Really? Thank you, Aunt Gina.." 

"Well.. I really don't want you to work, Suzy.. But still, you're so persistent and I think it's okay if it's only a minimal work." She said.

"Thank you so much.." I said happily and she smiled looking at me. "You're always welcome because you're like my daughter, Suzy.." She tucked strands of hair behind my ear then, she smiled.


I already told Yuna that I'm going to start working on their cakeshop this Saturday and Sunday. At first, she doesn't like my idea of working for them but I explained to her that I just want to repay their kindness to me and it will make me feel better if I'll help with their business.

It's Sunday..

I feel like I'm starting to get used to work here in the cakeshop. I also made friends with Alli who is also working here in this cakeshop. She's the only regular employee here and she knows that I'm just helping her every Saturdays and Sundays. She's already 24 years old and I like her, she's treating me nicely.

And now, there's no customer so, I decided to sit down for awhile and eat bread. Why? Because I'm hungry.

Then, I quickly stood up when I heard someone opened the door and as I looked who it is, it's Ren and Jae. The two looks handsome as always even with their simple shirt and with their black pants. But.. Why is Ren here? Why did he have to come here? I shook my head.Of course, Suzy! He can come here because he's a customer and this is a cakeshop.

"Hi, Suzy. So, you're really working here." Ren greeted me with a smile and he suddenly winked at me.

I glared at him and looked away.

"Hey, Suzy." Jae greeted me happily.

"Hi, Jae." I smiled looking at him.

"Suzy! It's not fair. Why did you greeted Jae while I don't? I'm kind too, you know." He asked but still, I didn't look at him. Kind? He's rude and I don't like how he behaves.

I heard Jae chuckled. 

"Jae, Ren!" I looked over my shoulder and it's Aunt Gina speaking. She's with her usual smile again. Aunt Gina is managing the shop and she is usually here with us.

"Mom." Jae smiled.

"What are you doing here? It's unusual for you two to visit here.." Aunt Gina said and then, she chuckled.

"Well, we just suddenly want to eat a cake.." Jae answered.

"Really?" Aunt Gina smiled and raised her eyebrow looking at them.

"No.. Actually.." Jae was cut off by Ren.

"Actually, we want to see Suzy working.." Ren smiled.

"Oh.. You've got crush on Suzy, Ren?" Aunt Gina chuckled and I saw Ren's cheeks suddenly turned bright red.

Ren nodded and chuckled. "Well, yes, Aunt Gina.." 

"Ohh.. That's cute.." Aunt Gina giggled and I saw Jae's disgusted face.

"Anyways, Mom.. can we borrow Suzy for today?" Jae asked his mom and my eyes widened. Borrow? What?

"Oh.. Sure.. But why?" Aunt Gina asked.

"Because, we'll treat her lunch.." Ren chuckled.

"Okay. That's okay for me.." Aunt Gina nodded then, smiled.

"Uh.. But.. I think.."

"Suzy, you can go and enjoy the day.. so, you can come with them.." She smiled.

"But." I said.

"Suzy, please.." Ren pleaded and I just glared on him.

"Suzy, you can go.." Aunt Gina said and I sighed. "Oh. Okay."

"Then, let's go.." Jae chuckled.

I took off my apron and I went out with them. I can't believe that I'm coming with them.

"Bye Mom~" Jae said.

"Bye Aunt Gina.." Ren said happily.

"Bye~ Have fun.." Aunt Gina smiled and waves her hand goodbye.

We're walking side by side and I'm in their middle. I feel small and embarrassed. I don't what to say to them. Why did Aunt Gina agreed? 

"Where are we going?" I broke the silence and the two looked at me.

"To the mall. We're going to eat lunch." Jae answered and smiled.

"Well. Guys.. I need to go.." Jae suddenly said and my eyes widened. The three of us stopped form walking and I looked at Jae. 

"I need to leave you two.." Jae said and I saw him winked at Ren.

"Thank you, Jae.." He chuckled.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"Well, honestly.. Ren wants to talk to you.. So, I'll better be going.. Bye." Jae chuckled and he walks away from us.

"Hey! Jae!" I called his name.

"Goodluck on your date with her~" I heard Jae said and waves his hand goodbye.

Then, silence came.

"Well, it's just you and me, Suzy.." I heard Ren chuckled and I glared at him.

"No, it's just you only. So, bye.." I said and started walking away.

"Hey! Wait." He said and I was surprised when he held my wrist. I stopped from walking and yanked his hand holding my wrist. 

"Don't touch me!" I yelled facing at him very quickly.

"I'm sorry.." He said and I turned my back starting to walk away. He's still following me behind.

I quickly turned around to face him.

"Stop following me." I glared and I saw him frowning making me feel guilty.

"Suzy, I just want to apologize.." He said and my face softens when I saw his sad expression that he's showing. 

"I'm sorry if I badmouthed on your boyfriend and I'm sorry for making you angry all the time. I hope you'll forgive me.." He said and I sighed.

"Alright. I'll forgive you.." I said and he looked at me with widened eyes.

"Really?" He asked happily and smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Really?" He asked again.

"If you don't want to believe then, I'll just change my mind." I said and he chuckled.

"No! Don't change your mind. I believe in you.." He quickly said.

"Then, good." I smiled.

"Thank you Suzy.." He smiled. I think he's handsome when he smiles sincerly.

 "I seriously want to be friends with you.. If that's okay?" He asked looking at me.

"Friends? Uh.. Okay.. but.." I smiled.

"But?" He asked.

"I don't want you to tease me like you always do.." I said and he chuckled.

"Okay.. If that's what you want then, it's alright as long as we'll be friends.." He smiled. 

"So, can we eat lunch?" He asked.


"Because I want to eat and I'm hungry.." He answered and chuckled.

I chuckled. 

I stopped from laughing.

"That's right.. Laugh more..You're so pretty when you're laughing.." He said and smiled.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

He shook his head. "Uh..Well, you always look sad.." He shrugged.

"Sad? No!" I answered.

"Yes, you are."


"Okay. Stop it. haha! I'm getting more hungry.. So.. Can we just eat lunch please?" He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled then, we decided to eat lunch.

At first, I really didn't like Ren because of how he usually acts but now, I think he's nice.

He's not bad after all. 

After getting to know little things about him..

I think, he's really nice and funny.

Well.. Being friends with him isn't wrong at all.


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