16) Unforgettable Wedding

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'Be the change you wish to see in the world'


Shivaay and Anika rushed downstairs to see this mysterious parcel Arnav sent for them.

They saw it and Anika started giggling seeing it whilst Shivaay was shocked but eventually started laughing.

Arnav had sent the motorbike which Anika had ridden with Shivaay before to get away from Arnav and his goons😂.

(Read the chapter '5) Motor Way' if you don't understand)

The motorbike had a ribbon and a small card attached to it which said,

'Hehe, hi guys,
Me and my guys took this motorbike away from you before but hey we found it and we don't want you to go by bus every day so come to the wedding by motorbike...
Just a small way of us trying to make you guys happy

Shivaay sighed in relief and said, "Thank God, I don't have to go on some stinky bus now..."

"Haha, you'd go there if Tia baby was there" Anika said taunting him

"Actually I might you know", Shivaay said trying to make Anika jealous

"Shut up you idiot", Anika said rolling her eyes, "I don't even care..."

"I'm not an idiot, Paanika" Shivaay said, "Hurry up, we are gonna be late"

"Fine", Anika smiled settling herself behind Shivaay on the motorbike who smiled in front of her

"Mr Billu, won't we look a bit weird, in traditional clothes on a motor bike?" Anika asked confused holding onto the motorbike seat.

"Miss Paanika, we will look even more weird if we were on the bus" Shivaay started driving avoiding the bumps.

Anika became tired after a bit so she held on to Shivaay tightly, and waited patiently to get there whilst Shivaay smiled.

Finally they reached the destination and got off the motorbike to see the hall being beautifully decorated.

There were so many people dressed beautifully giving a warming smile to Shivika.

Shivaay and Anika looked around to see if they knew anyone there when an unknown elderly lady came to them and said, "God bless you, children. You must be a young couple, you seem to be really generous looking at you..."

"Thank you Dadi", they said in unison not wanting to make her upset but didn't look at each other feeling awkward however they were both happy inside.

After looking everywhere, Shivaay went to look for Arnav whilst Anika went to look for Khushi.

"God, man, you actually look quite decent for once", Shivaay teased Arnav

"Hey!" Arnav said fake glaring at Shivaay, "You love her, don't you...Anika"

"Urmm, what, why the hell does everyone ask me that? Okay I kind of do but she probably doesn't love me so I should forget about these stupid feelings" Shivaay said aloud in a deep mode.

"I told you from the first day itself that you had the disease of love", they heard a voice behind them

"Rudy!" Shivaay exclaimed shocked and hugged his brother who was smirking at him with Arnav, "Okay give it up guys"

"I'm going to look for gorgeous girls out there", Rudra said walking away and Shivaay replied looking at him, "What about Bhavya?" and hearing the name Rudra ran far away.

"Shivaay, I don't know, this is going to be like a normal wedding isn't it?" Arnav asked looking up  at Shivaay.

"Well, I think so, obviously, why? You DO want to get married to Khushi, don't you?" Shivaay asked Arav who nodded.

"But, I don't know, I want it to be special, unforgettable  for everyone but it is gonna be a normal wedding in a normal hall", Arnav moaned

"Shut up and come sit down next to the priest" Shivaay murmured whilst Arnav listened to him, while this was happening, Anika was with Khushi who was looking beautiful also thought the same thing...

"I wanted our wedding to be unique, but its not, its just gonna be a boring wedding where everyone comes eats, watches and wishes the newly wedded and goes. Plus there is a small thing which only Arnav knows, my dad wants to separate us, he does not want us to be married." Khushi said pouting

"WHAT?!!" Anika said looking at her

"Well, my dad's not here yet, so that's a good thing but he is planning to stop the wedding and separate us, he is probably on his way right now. Arnav knows but he said everything will be alright..." Khushi said shrugging her shoulders confused on life.

She heard a different squeaky voice which said, "Maybe"

"Harini?" Anika's expression changed to a smile

"I was with Rudy bhaiya, for the whole time, I was missing you a lot didi" Harini pouted

"Awww baby,I missed you too" Anika said hugging Harini whilst Harini said she was gonna play with the other children so she skipped away.

Anika sent Khushi to sit down with Arnav on the mandap and watched them both blush as they were taking the seven vows and walking around the fire , Anika saw that the other children were so damn bored so she went up to them and  was like, " Sit down then, I'll tell you all a story"

The children were excited and waited for Anika to tell them a story, "There was once a cat which was always grumpy arguing with everyone it saw.."

"Stop it, I'm yawning already, BORING, now what are you gonna say, the cat found another cat and fell in love" Anika looked up to see Tia who had interrupted her

"Oh my god, did you seriously have to come?!!" Anika grumpily shouted

"Khushi invited me, I was actually one of her primary school friends back in the day, oh my God, is that Shivaay baby?" Tia said dramatically and ran off to Shivaay who hid behind the curtain hearing Tia's voice

"Oh, I don't know where he is, oh children, if you all pay be 500 rupees each, I'll tell you a better story..." Tia said fake smiling at them whilst Anika rolled her eyes and told Shivaay to stop hiding

"What, I'm not hiding, I'm admiring the pattern of the curtain..." Shivaay gave the worst excuse and Anika gave the weirdest look to him, both of them looked at Arnav and Khushi who were also kind of bored.

Arnav suddenly saw Khushi's dad and his gang who looked furious coming through the side entrance of the hall and Arnav thought of something and whispered it to Khushi who tried to sign it to Shivika but they were so confused.

It definitely looked really weird for the audience who was just looking at them weirdly thinking what on earth they are doing in front of everyone.

The instruments started playing and Arnav and Khushi as he filled the vermilion on her hairline. As Arnav tied the mangalsutra, the audience started throwing the petals and the priest said, "You are now husband and wife"

"Finally!" Khushi shouted in relief making everyone look at her weirdly.

"Cheers man" Arnav thanked the priest and holding onto her hand,

They both started running fast towards the main exit towards the car and as they were running, they gestured Shivika to follow along who were so confused and ran quickly along behind them.

(It looked something like this)

Khushi's father and his gang tried running behind them but alas they were too late.

The band was still playing whilst everyone was shocked. Arnav, Khushi, Shivaay and Anika jumped inside the car which was waiting for them outside and the car raced away. Shivaay and Anika looked behind to see Khushi's dad and his crew standing there furious and both of them understood why they ran now.

Khushi's dad simply put his hand on the trumpet which was playing happily, glaring at the band who quickly stopped.

Inside, the crowd started chattering, "What kind of marriage is this?"

"A runaway marriage" a child replied laughing

"Well at least it is an UNFORGETTABLE wedding" Shivaay and Anika said laughing whilst Arnav and Khushi fake glared at them trying not to laugh.

"Wait, who is driving?" Anika asked curious

"Your bhabhi..." A voice came from the front

"Bhaiya is married?" Anika choked...

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