17) Bhabhi

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'There's so many beautiful reasons to be happy'


Anika started choking and Shivaay laughed and patted her back, and Anika looked at him giving her best death stare.

"Why the hell are you laughing?!" She snapped at Shivaay

"Nothing, its just that the whole situation is too funny", he said trying to stop laughing

Anika shook her head and started speaking to her unknown sister-in-law, "Look, I don't care, who you are, I will not ever accept you as my bhabhi, because only one person in the world is fit to be my bhabhi", she said in style looking outside the car window not wanting anyone to see her tears.

"And who is that?" Arnav, Khushi and Shivaay asked with interest and Anika started telling them...

FLASHBACK--when Anika was 13 and Aadhi was 15--

Anika was playing by herself in the orphanage as Aadhi had went to the boy's playground and Anika had to stay in the girl's playground. She didn't make any friends because no-one was ever really kind to her and would insult her.

Then she felt a soft hand on her shoulder, she looked to see the face and it was a girl of her brother's age who was a smiling at her.

"Hi baby, why aren't you playing with anyone?" The kind girl asked Anika

"I don't really talk to anyone as friends here to be honest" Anika said looking up at the girl.

"What? Oh that's okay, you have got me now. Let's introduce ourselves" The girl said looking at Anika who was happy to find a new friend.

"Myself, Anika" Anika said cutely

"Myself Mallika" Mallika said smiling

Anika fell down when looking at Mallika and she quickly went to her when she saw that Anika was crying, "Don't cry, sweetie, look, the pain's gone now" Mallika said blowing on the injury.

Anika smiled with tears and looked hopefully at Mallika and both of them knew that from that day onwards they would be the best of friends. They would have fun where Anika would call Mallika- junior and Anika would call Mallika- senior.

Anika introduced Mallika to Aadhi and both of them felt a connection at that time itself and Anika would tease both of them for blushing whenever they heard each other's names.

Anika even started calling her bhabhi and then finally they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend and they were the cutest couple who cared for Anika so much.

One day, an older gang who was jealous of Aadhi had said to Aadhi that they would attack Anika and do something to her if Aadhi and Mallika go out as boyfriend and girlfriend but they told him to NOT EVER tell Mallika about this or else something will happen to Anika.

Aadhi being an overprotective brother felt heartbroken but knew he had to do this so he went and spoke to Mallika

"Mallika, I don't think this is working out,I want to focus on my studies, let's break up", Aadhi said quickly not looking in to Mallika's eyes

Mallika had tears in her eyes and said, "I can't believe that you would do this to me but always remember this, even though you want to break up and you want me to leave you. I love you and you will always be with me, here" pointing to her heart

Aadhi was also crying but he did not know what to do and just left and all of this was witnessed by Anika, she had seen her brother be threatened and the break up and she was feeling so guilty about that but she could not do anything.

After that, Mallika was not seen anywhere in the orphanage, but Anika got a small note from her which said

"Hey Junior

I need to go far, far away to think over some things, I don't know if I will see you again, but I love you and I love your brother always, okay... now I know that you want to be a magician when you are older so as my wish, I want you to fulfil your dreams.


Your Senior"

And on top of the note was a small wand which was always precious to Anika.

After this, Anika left Aadhi to go to the magic school as she passed on scholarship.


"She is my superhero" , Anika said proudly looking at the sky whilst they got down from the car.

" I really don't think that I will be able to accept anyone else as my bhabhi" Anika said looking at Arnav, Khushi and Shivaay who were close to tears.

From, the car, the person who was driving, Aadhi's wife stepped out and took slow steps to Anika and said, "Missed me junior?" smiling widely

" Bhabhi?" Anika said in shock and runs up to her and hugs her tightly and started shouting, "How dare my partner in crime leave me? How could you?!"

"Hey I thought I was your partner in crime?" Aadhi said coming down from the car, next to the driving seat, "At least your not angry?!"

"Angry, my foot?! How dare you guys get married without me in your wedding?!" Anika started shouting and Shivaay quickly said, "Calm down, Angry Bird!" rolling his eyes to which Anika started chasing him and then Aadhi separated them and quickly explained as to how they solved the misunderstanding recently and got married in a registration office with no-one there.

Mallika thought of something and asked, "Anika, is that your boyfriend?!"

"No..." Anika said awkwardly and Shivaay looked at her and she avoided it.

"You two look good together!" Mallika said and Shivika just looked elsewhere in embarrassment.

Anika quickly ruffled Shivaay's hair and ran away and she ran to the beach which was near them and they started running on the sand where Shivaay finally caught her and pulled her wrist and she fell on him.

(something like this but Shivaay and Anika are smiling :))

"Woah, your fast, how the hell do you run like that?!" Shivaay panted asking her

"Its natural I guess" Anika said smugly to which Shivaay started tickling her asking, "Is it now?" and they both started laughing out loud, they were having so much fun together and Shivaay wanted to confess his feelings but didn't ant to embarrass her.

Anika had developed her feelings for Shivaay and they both sat on the sand and said, "The waves look beautiful na"

"They are beautiful with them going slowly into the distance in to the sunset" Shivaay said admiring them and Anika realised that all of these adventures, this whole journey was only amazing because Shivaay was in it, he was the one who made her smile all of the time and she finally realised that she loves him and she blushed thinking about it.

Shivaay was confused and asked "What happened to your cheeks?"

"Oh it happens, when its hot?", Anika stammered hoping Shivaay would believe her.

"Hmmm" Shivaay said and both of them looked at the sunset and Anika rested her head on Shivaay's shoulder.

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