The Return

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(Y/N) pov

     I am still battling Grimm, as a Ursa goes for a swipe I can't block it in time. All of a sudden, Yang comes in and punches the Grimm to dust. I then look around and see Team RWBY charging in to end the conflict.


Yang: A huntress defends people till the bitter end. We either come back as a team or not at all.

Ruby: What she said!

Blake: You're not just another dude, you're our best friend. Besides I don't think Weiss can stand seeing you in a hospital again.

     After what seemed like the rest of the day, the fighting was over. All the Grimm were dead and we all stood there exhausted, our aura's depleted, out of dust and ammunition. Ruby and I just collapse to the ground, and as Yang and Weiss checked on us, Blake radioed another bullhead.

(Y/N): Is everyone ok? Sound off, (Y/N)

Ruby: Ruby here and tired.

Weiss: Here

Yang: Here, glad that's over with.

Blake: Hey guys, just got word that a bullhead wouldn't be able to get us until tomorrow.

Ruby: Alright, we're gonna have to take shelter in the abandoned village.

(Y/N): Agreed we stand a better chance of survival there rather than in the wilderness.

Weiss: Ok, it looks like it's starting to get dark.

Yang: (Y/N), got any survival tips. We don't have food and no water.

(Y/N): Well, why don't you three find us some shelter and get a fire going. We'll need the fire before the sun sets.

Weiss: What about us?

(Y/N): We are going to find some food and water.

Blake: I saw a stream not far from here. Just to the east.

(Y/N): Alright, we'll start our search there. Let's get moving.

     The team splits up as Ruby, Yang, and Blake go to the village and gather wood. Weiss and I head to the river and take some left over canteens from the battlefield. We find the stream and start filling the canteens. Now time to find some food, as we look for anything to eat I come across a familiar looking plant. Blackjack.

(Y/N): Oh cool, didn't think we could find this plant out here.

Weiss: Which plant?

(Y/N): Blackjack, we throw these on the fire and it will act as natural bug repellant.

Weiss: You just have an answer for everything don't you.

(Y/N): Well spending the last 5 years on the road forces you to know these things.

Weiss: You didn't have anywhere else to go, no other family or friends you could stay with?

(Y/N): Nope, the White Fang wiped out my entire family.

Weiss: I was wondering about that, why target your family?

(Y/N): I honestly have no idea, all I can figure out is that they were scared to face me or my father. I must posess something they fear. I just can't figure out what.

     After that we got somewhat quiet as we approached an apple tree. I grabbed a big basket worth. Satisfied Weiss and I head back to the village and find our teammates around the campfire and setting up beds and matresses around the fire.

(Y/N): Who likes apples, cause thats all we could find out there, and here is water for everyone.

Everyone: Yes, we're starving!

     As we settle down for the night I give (H/N) some apples and water for the night. Then I just take seat just outside the shelter to keep watch. I feel a presence sit next to me, I turn to see Weiss smiling at me. I smile back and she leans her body against mine. I kiss her forehead and take her hand.

Weiss: We may be stuck out here, but I am glad.

(Y/N): About what.

Weiss: That I am here with you.

     We smile and kiss eachother and Weiss goes back to bed to get some sleep. She turns back to me smiling.

Weiss: I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

Timeskip next morning

     I start to wake up and block the sun from hurting my eyes. As I try to sit up, I feel a weight in my chest. I look down and Weiss is snuggled up next to me. I blush as she has never done that before. So i don't know what to do and I try to get up again. Weiss pulls me back again. I then decide to gently wake her up. She then sleepily looks up at me and smiles.

Weiss: Good morning.

(Y/N): Good morning, you enjoying yourself?

Weiss: Yes. I wish we could stay like this.

(Y/N): Well sorry to burst your bubble, but the bullhead is coming today so we need to be ready when it arrives.

Weiss: Just five more minutes, please.

     She stares at me like puppy eyes and I finally sigh in defeat. She pushed it to fifteen minutes, but finally I rouse her and the others up. Just then I hear engines and their getting louder.

(Y/N): Ok everyone, bullheads are coming, get you're supplies together and lets blow this popscicle stand.

Ruby: I don't see a popscicle stand.

(A/N): *Facepalm*

     The bullhead lands and everyone gets on. I signal the pilot that we are good to go. The pilot takes off and we all look forward to getting back to Beacon.

Timeskip Back at Beacon

     We arrived at Beacon and unexpectadly we get a round of applause as we enter the courtyard. Everyone is congratulating us all. The team and I finally manage to get away from everyone and I take (H/N) to the stable and remove his armor. As I watch (H/N) just enjoying having the armor off, Ruby approaches me.

Ruby: (Y/N), Ozpin wants to see us.

(Y/N): We just got back.

Ruby: I know, I know, but I think he wants to show us something personally.

     Ruby and I approach the elevator where the others are waiting. We ride the elevator up and enter Ozpin's office.

Ruby: You wanted to see us Professor?

Ozpin: Yes please, come in.

     We approach his desk as Ms. Goodwitch walks out.

Ozpin: First off, excellent work out there in the village. You not only managed to kill all the Grimm in the area, but you also did this with no fatalities. I am proud of each and every one of you. Well done.

Yang: We couldn't have done it without a kickass team!

(Y/N): For once, I agree with Yang. We couldn't have pulled this off without them.

Ruby: As (Y/N) always says, forever fight as one.

Blake: Agreed.

Weiss: Couldn't have said it better myself, probably.

Ozpin: Well you all deserve some time off. The rest of the week is yours.

Ruby: Thanks professor.

     We head back down the elevator, we all look at eachother.

Ruby: What do guys want to do first?

(Y/N): Nap time?

Everyone: Yes!

     We all head to the dorm room and everyone drops on their beds. As I go to my sleeping bag and get out of my armor, Weiss grabs my hand and I realize what she wants. I give in as she walks me to her bed. She and I lay on the bed and Weiss cuddles next to me. Weiss looks and smiles at me as she gets comfortable.

Weiss: I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

     We kissed eachother on the lips and drift to sleep.

(A/N): Another sucessful mission, but there are still many more adventures ahead. Stay tuned.

Thanks again for reading, please leave comments and have a great day.

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