13. Night in the forest- 2

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"Nandini that was not a smart move." Manik scolded as I flopped into the tree with a sigh. What else could I do? I couldn't have left him alone to die. So I used all the power I had for now and created a huge fire barrier. Although it's heavily raining but the barrier won't be affected.

You must be thinking why Manik is scolding me then. It's because using our full energy has a lot of drawbacks.

What are they?

I don't know because for now I feel completely fine except for my muscle cramp and back pain. But I know one thing I won't be able to use my powers for few days now.

I tried moving my hand but it was so painful that I couldn't. "Show me your hand." Manik kneeled down in front of me.

I refused to show my bruised and burnt hand but he forcefully held my hand.
"Don't do such kind of thing from now on.." Manik kept on scolding me while he applied some medicinal herbs on my hand. C'mon we are in the jungle we find a lot of herbs here and moreover since a very small age we werewolves are taught about the medicinal herbs and their uses.

"Had you gone mad.." Manik was still scolding me and for some reason I found it tempting. I raised my hands and traced his jawline lightly with my finger. He looked up at me while my other hand was still on his. "Stop moving your hand so-" His words were left incomplete as I bend towards him and captured his lips.

I held his hand firmly as our lips moved in a perfect sync. His lips moved slowly against mine and my lips reacted to his touch. Only when Mr. Oxygen blocked our way. He let my lips go but only for a millisecond. He kissed me again and this time his hand was on my hair pulling me closer. The second kiss was much more mindless and much more passionate than the first one.

I realized when I was lost he was my way back. When I didn't have anywhere to go he was my home. When I was surrounded by darkness he was my light. When I felt lonely he was my only company.

It was my stupidity to push him away. But now I want to come closer to him... Closer than ever.

I pulled away breathing heavily,"Mark me Manik." Although it was a mere whisper I know he heard it. His eyes began to change color and he closed his eyes. After few moments he opened his eyes and his orbs were back to normal color- chocolate brown. That color in which I could drown in.

"Your body is sore now and you need rest." His voice full of care. How did I get so lucky to get him? He ruffled my hair a bit and I made a bad face.

"You are messing my hair." I pouted to which he laughed. The sound of his laughter acts like a music, a music so calm, so peaceful.

"I promise you Manik I will try to love you like the way you do."


"Had you gone mad? You shouldn't have done that." I was continuously scolding her and why shouldn't I?

How stupid of her to use all her power to create a barrier?

Now she wouldn't be able to use her powers for few days plus I know the consequences of this wouldn't be good. I was rubbing the medicinal herb in her hand when I felt a finger cupping my face.

I looked up to see Nandini looking at me.
"Stop moving your hand so-" My words were left incomplete as I felt her lips on mine. She kissed me slowly while her grip on my hand tightened. I couldn't help but respond back.

Then Mr. stupid oxygen came to disturb our romance session. I let her lips go but I wasn't done. I needed more. I captured her lips again and this time the kiss was much more passionate and much more demanding.

She was my drug which I was addicted to. A drug that was enough to drive me crazy. And I love her.

She pulled away breathing heavily. "Mark me Manik." Her voice was a mere whisper but it was enough to give shivers down my spine. I could feel my wolf getting out of control.

No that can't be happening.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm him.

"Parth she just used all her powers to save us. She needs rest. Do you want our mate to suffer?" This was enough to calm him. It took a few seconds but he calmed down.

"I am sorry Manik." He apologized.

"I too am eager to mark her but I don't want to hurt her. She is very delicate."

I opened my eyes only to see Nandini looking at me intently. My baby girl, I love it when she looks at me like that.

"Your body is sore now and you need rest." I said calmly ruffling her hair a bit to which she made a bad face.

"You are messing my hair." She pouted. Aw my cute baby. I laughed. But then something struck my mind, which was enough to make me go crazy.

What struck his mind? Any guesses.😜
Don't worry it's not another attack or somewhat like that.

Thank you for all your love.

Keep showering more and more love. And don't forget to drop your precious comments.

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