3• Heartfelt moments

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I am really very sorry for not updating for two weeks. I had my exams and since a few days I didn't feel like writing. I know that's not justifiable. But I am really very sorry for the inconvenience. And thank you for patiently waiting.


"Nandini slow down." Manik said, holding onto his seat tightly.

"No chance Malhotra. Just enjoy the ride." Nandini said, speeding up the car even more. At one point Nandini abruptly hit the brake and Manik jolted forward, if it hadn't been for the seat beat his head was so gone.

Manik came out of the car and breathed in some fresh air.

"Manik get in. We haven't reached yet." Nandini said, looking at him from inside the car.

"Let me drive then only am getting in." Manik said.

"Manik I will leave you and ho if you don't get in." Nandini warned.

Manik just leaned to her car and stayed silent. "M-A-N-I-K." Nandini shouted as she got out of the car but still he didn't respond. She shook him gently but he just turned to the other side.

"Manik stop behaving like this." Nandini snapped but Manik remained silent knowing that silence was the best way to handle her in such a situation.

She wasn't giving up so easily, was she?

She pressed her body more into him, making his body stiffen.

Stepping on his feet, she somehow managed to reach his level. He was having a hard time. He knew it wasn't right but then at the same time it felt so right.

She pressed her lips against his. His eyes widen when he felt her soft lips against his. He could feel his face heating up. She pulled away and said with a smug smile. "If you won't get in then I am gonna kiss you again."

"But this seems like a better option than that." Manik said, making her shocked. For the first time he wasn't hesitant.

But just a moment later, looking at her shocked face Manik immediately realized what he had just spoken. He immediately regretted saying it. Pushing her away gently, he stepped inside the car.

"What did I just say? How could I even say that? I must be going crazy. Manik watch what you say." He said to himself under his breath. Nandini too got in and looked at him but he looked straight, trying to avoid her gaze.

"The atmosphere just got so hot." Nandini said, making him squirm a bit in his seat to which she chuckled.

"Uh umm where are we going?" Manik asked, trying to change the topic.

"Hukka palace." Nandini said.

"But hukka is just not my thing." Manik contradicted. "I am not going."

She let out a soft laugh. "I was just kidding. If I were with others then I would have hanged out there but it's different with you."

"Why is it different with me?" Manik asked, curiosity building inside him. He knew it very well that if she had insisted on going there than he would eventually have agreed.

"Just. My wish you know." Nandini shrugged, her concentration more on the driving and less on his question.

Manik shifted his gaze from her to the outside view. Just a minute later his phone buzzed and he stuffed his hand on his pocket and took out his phone. It was a message from Cabir.

"I found an apartment near the college area. Wanna go check it out after college?"


His apartment was quite far away from the college and that was also a reason for him being late every time. It had been a week since he had been hunting an apartment and this was going to be the fourth apartment which he was going to check out.

"We are here." Nandini said as she pulled over her car in the corner. Manik looked outside to notice the ocean. He smiled seeing it.

"Let's go." She said as she got out of the car. He too got out and a cool breeze passed by touching his face. He breathed in the fresh air.

The beach had this peaceful and refreshing aura which he had always loved. She hated peaceful places because that made her feel lonely n distant but strangely when she had been walking on the sand with him, she felt nothing but peace.

She looked at him smile and for a moment she got lost. "Is there something on my face?" Manik asked, touching his face

"Yea there is." She smiled at him.

He rubbed her cheeks slightly. "Is it still there?"

"No it isn't."

Manik smiled. "It came back." She said, confusing him.


"Your smile." She said and it didn't take even a second for his cheeks to heat up.

"Stop staring." Manik said as he walked faster and she tried catching up with him, her giggles filling the environment.

Moments later they both sat down on the sand, looking at the rising and falling waves.

"It's been ten years since I last came here." Nandini sighed softly.

"With whom did you come here last time?" Manik asked looking at her.

"With my dad." She said in a low tone with a melancholy smile. "I miss him." She clutched the pendant that she had been wearing. The last thing that her father had left for her.

Manik squeezed her shoulder lightly. He knew what it felt like to not have a father.
"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Manik asked.


"To meet my peace." He said with a small melancholy smile.

After half an hour of driving, they reached a graveyard. Her eyes got teary seeing the graveyard. Coincidentally it was the same place where her father had been buried too.

Manik led her inside to his parents tombstone. Their tombstone was just side to side with just a few inches gap. He came on his knees and caressed the tombstone with his finger. "This is where my mum and dad are." Manik said, his voice almost inaudible but she heard it.

She stood there frozen. "Ma-" She couldn't form any words and without even knowing tears began to sway down her eyes. Her dad's tombstone was just beside his mum's tombstone.

Manik looked at her and seeing her tears he immediately got up and held her close to her, patting her head softly. "Hey ssshhhh."

"My dad Manik." Nandini said, hiccupping. She always had that soft corner for her dad and whenever she paid a visit she always ended up in tears.

That moment he realized even though she acted strong but her heart was frail and that made him want to protect her.

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