Baby Talk

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Daisy's POV

It was a day since Peach was sick. It was a lot work, definitely. She would ask for a lot, all the time. A few times I would fall asleep in the kitchen, my head on the counter and my body on stool. I hardly gotten any sleep when Peach was sick. Luigi every time would try to take me to bed, I wouldn't budge. That's what Luigi told me when I finally returned to our bed. 

I was sleeping like a rock, until 9 am, when Luigi came in with breakfast in bed.

"Morning, Daisy! I have a beautiful breakfast for you." Luigi smiled as he handed me the tray full of breakfast goodies. He brought me a cup of tea, orange juice, pancakes, bacon, and some sunny side up eggs.

"So, how is my wife?" Luigi said as he sat right beside me after he served everything.

"I'm great! How is my husband?"

"I'm great, now that you are back here with me. You've been taking care of Peach for awhile." He said to me as he held my hand. I saw the sparkle in his eye. He,after a little bit of baby talk while Peach was sick, he wants a baby.

"I can see the look in your eyes, Luigi. You want a baby." He nodded.

It was a few weeks later since we last talked about a baby.

It was a normal day, like any other day. I made breakfast, making lunch for the boys and kissing Luigi before he goes to work.

I was feeling different, a little tired, but I figured it was because when Peach was sick I didn't really get any sleep. That was a great explanation.

"Daisy! Do you like this dress or this one?" Peach yelled as she ran over with her face green with face mask and a pink bathrobe around her. She held up a short pink sundress with a magenta belt in her right hand and in the other was a magenta and pink sundress and a pink ribbon around the middle.

"I like the one on the left a little bit better." I said, looking at Peach and she had a wierd look on her face.

"Are you okay? You seem a tiny bit different today."

"Oh, I'm fine, Peachy. I'm still not caught up with sleep still from when you had that cold of yours." I said and she smiled.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Daisy... I'll make it up to you." She then ran into her bedroom, shortly there after she returned.

"Daisy, why don't we have a day in Little Chinatown and go see our friends down there."

"That sounds great, we deserve a little time down there. Let me get ready."

"I already had your outfit planned, here." And she hands me a yellow box. I opened it and it was a dress like Peach's, except it was yellow and orange.

"It's my present to you, Daisy, my sister-in-law." And she smiled as I took the dress and found new knee socks in the box.

"Come on, Daisy! Get yourself dressed, we are going out on the town!" She yelled and I ran into my bedroom. I got dressed, the new dress and my converse with my new socks. I then came out and Peach had another surprise for me. She led me to the stool and placed a metal headband with daisyies all over it.

"There, now you are complete!" She said as she put her hat, wedge heels, and sunglasses on. She dragged me outside and hailed a cab. She was definitely getting better at being in the city.

"Where to girls?" A familiar voice rang out of the taxi.

"Little Chinatown, Eddie!" Peach said as she stuffed me in the cab and Eddie drove.

"How are you ladies today?"

"Great, how have you been?" I asked before Peach could even open her mouth.

"I've been great, it's been somewhat normal for a taxi driver." He said as he drove on.

We arrived in Little Chinatown, going straight to the Chinese food restaurant. Mrs. Lin greeted us at the door. I smelled the amazing smell of Chinese food.

"Daisy! How are you?" Ming yelled as she ran over to hug me.

"I'm great! How are you, Ming?"

"I'm great! I'm so glad you came. How has it been being married and all?"

"We've been fine." I smiled and Mrs. Lin brought some green tea over. We enjoyed some tea as Mrs. Lin made lunch.

"So, when's the baby carriage coming?" Ming asks and I blush really hard.

"None of us are pregnant, Ming." I said and she nodded. "Makes sense, it's only been like a month or so."

We then tried to change the subject, but we couldn't get baby talk out of our heads. Even Mrs. Lin got into the conversation, talking about many different things.

"Daisy, you would be a great mother." She said as she set food out. We all enjoyed our meal, talking and such.

After our meal, we needed to get home, the boys were going to be coming home. We got hugs from Mrs. Lin and Ming and headed on our way back to the apartment.

I got into the apartment and felt a little off. It was definitely not normal. I just took deep breaths and then got to work, cleaning and thinking about what to fix for dinner when the boys get home.

The boys come home as usual, Luigi coming to give me a kiss as he held me close.

"How was your day?" Luigi said finally.

"Good, went to Little Chinatown with Peach." He looked at me for awhile and looked at me strangely.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off."

"I'm okay. Never felt better." Then I felt really nauseous. I got away from Luigi's grip and ran to the bathroom. I got sick. What was wrong with me? I'm not running a temperature and I feel great. Just a little tired and a little nauseous. I had to take the test.

After a few minutes, it revealed it.

I was pregnant.

I came out of the bathroom after that sickness episode. Luigi looked at me and wondered if I was alright.

"Luigi, you're going to be a dad." I told him. He was shocked, but then smiled. We were going to have a baby.

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