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*Mashiro is writing lyrics with help from Tsukushi*


-What's wrong, Mashiro-chan?

Mashiro was thinking about how to write lyrics when she suddenly sighed with a blank piece of paper. Now Mashiro and Tsukushi are together in Mashiro's room.

-I can't think of lyrics...

Mashiro answered Tsukushi's question while putting his head down on the table, burying herself in the pile of papers on the table.

-Come on Mashiro-chan. Just stay calm and write slowly.

Having said that, Tsukushi came closer and gently stroked Mashiro's hair.

-I can help!

Hearing Tsukushi say that, Mashiro also thought of more ideas for the song.

-Um! I will try.

.Mashiro was still sitting there with a blank page. Mashiro was very disappointed, because she couldn't think

-What do you get for the new song?

-There's really nothing I can do...

Even though Tsukushi tried to suggest everything she could think of to Mashiro, Mashiro couldn't seem to turn it into lyrics.

-Don't be discouraged, Mashiro-chan! We can still ask everyone in Mofornica for their opinions. Maybe you'll get an idea if you ask them.

Tsukushi continued to comfort Mashiro, but this time Mashiro did not listen to Tsukushi's words

-I know I'm useless... you don't have to try so hard. It's always the same, I can't do anything alone... even writing lyrics requires you guys' help...

The atmosphere suddenly became unusually quiet, Tsukushi didn't know what to say to Mashiro. As for Mashiro, she still lay there, her mind blank, constantly blaming herself.

-Don't do that again, Mashiro-chan! Get excited!

After a while, Tsukushi almost couldn't stand this atmosphere, so she came closer and lifted Mashiro up. Gently kiss Mashiro on the forehead as a little motivation for that person not to give up.

-It's okay! If you need anything, I can help. Besides, I believe Mashiro-chan will be able to do it, you're the one I love!

Hearing Tsukushi say that, Mashiro also had more motivation to try harder. But it didn't last long... 20 minutes later, everything was back to normal, the number of ideas in Mashiro's head became less and less, the more things were just crumpled pieces of paper.

 Tsukushi was also feel quite helpless because she didn't expect that Mashiro could barely think of anything, Tsukushi could only sigh. Seeing that, Mashiro continued to return to her negative state as before.

-I really can't do anything, I just create trouble for Tsukushi-chan... I'm sorry Tsukushi-chan...

The words Mashiro said next had almost the same content, which made Tsukushi even angrier. She's not angry because Mashiro hasn't finished the song, She is angry because Mashiro doesn't acknowledge herself at all. 

Tsukushi hates the most when Mashiro always blames herself, always considers herself useless and useless. She was so frustrated, without even saying goodbye, Tsukushi left while Mashiro was still blaming herself.

-Ah! Tsukushi-chan. Where are you going? Tsukushi-chan

When Mashiro realized that Tskushi had been gone for a long time, she quickly took her phone and immediately called Tsukushi's number.

-Tsukushi-chan! Why did you leave without saying anything?

At that time, Mashiro heard Tsukushi crying.

-What's wrong, Tsukushi-chan? Why are you crying?

Mashiro asked, confused and not knowing what to do, at that moment she heard a voice from the other end of the phone.

-It's all because of you... Mashiro-chan!


After saying that, Tsukushi immediately hung up. Mashiro tried calling again and again but was flatly rejected by Tsukushi.

-What have I done again...

Mashiro continued to feel disappointed with herself, she continued to bury herself in negative thoughts until the phone rang. 

At first, she thought it was Tsukushi calling, so she quickly picked up the phone.


-What is it, Shiro?

Only then did Mashiro realize that the person on the other side was Touko

.-aaa... Touko-chan!

After realizing that person was Touko, Mashiro didn't know what to do. She hesitated for a while and then continued.

-Why did you call me, Touko-chan?


Touko also remained silent for a while, probably thinking about how to answer.

-Did Fusuke come to your house today, Shiro?

-Um... what's going on?After learning that, Touko suddenly sighed.-

What did you do to her? Shiro...-

Huh? What's wrong Touko-chan?? 

-That was... while I was out there. I suddenly saw Fusuke passing by... She was crying as she walked. You know what, Shiro? 


Only then did Mashiro realize that she had accidentally made Tsukushi sad because of her words. She continued to torment myself, "why did I say that even though I'm sorry that Tsukushi-chan hates things like that?" Mashiro was silent for a while then answered Touko

 -Maybe it's because of me... 

-Really! It's too late now, you have to tell me more tomorrow! 


After saying that, Mashiro hung up the phone, not knowing how to meet Tsukushi tomorrow. She don't know how she should apologize because she know Tsukushi really hates it when she blame herself. 

-I have to apologize to Tsukushi tomorrow... 

Then Mashiro went to sleep but her mind was still filled with thoughts of Tsukushi.


 ..*Next morning*

Mashiro walked slowly to school. Last night, Mashiro could hardly sleep. When Mashiro arrived, Mashiro immediately met Tsukushi, but when she tried to get closer, Tsukushi avoided her and ran away. Mashiro just went to class. 

As soon as she arrived, Touko rushed out to ask about her story


-a.. Touko-chan.

-Tell me that story quickly! I'm so curious!


-Is that really the case?!After hearing Mashiro talk about it, Touko was surprised because she didn't expect Tsukushi to give Mashiro that much.

-Probably nothing. Fusuke calms down easily... By the evening, you two can make up, right Shiro.Mashiro didn't know what to say, she continued to think. Then she suddenly remembered how Tsukushi always avoided her in the morning.

-But, Tsukushi-chan, it seems likes she doesn't want to see me... I wonder if she'll come to practice this afternoon.

-Don't worry Shiro! Fusuke will come to practice, she is a responsible person. Besides, if you need help, we can help, and if you two keep going like this, Rui will probably 'nag' and help you.

-I hope so...

Touko also seemed to see Mashiro's complicated expression, Touko patted Mashiro's back.

-Don't do that again, Shiro! Cheer up, it's almost time to go to class.

-aa... um. Thank you, Touko-chan.

Then the two said goodbye to each other and returned to their classroom.


*Lunch break*

During all the morning classes, Mashiro couldn't take her eyes off Tsukushi for even a second. But every time there was a break between classes, Tsukushi was always with other students, so Mashiro hardly had a chance to get close.


Mashiro could only sigh, blankly look up at the sky, and continue to blame herself. Then Touko and Nanami came to have lunch with Mashiro. Just as Touko predicted, Tsukushi had disappeared somewhere since the beginning of the break until now. Nanami was also told about this by Touko. At first, Nanami was a bit surprised because after all, these two people rarely quarreled, and perhaps this time it wasn't just Tsukushi who was simply angry.



Then the three sat down to discuss what might happen this afternoon as well as help Mashiro find a way to make up with Tsukushi.

-Shiro, I think this time Fusuke is not just angry at you. As far as I can see, that's another level of anger!

-What is it, Touko-chan?

-Hehee~ You asked Nananmi, I just made it up.

-Huh?-Touko-chan still likes to joke around at this time~ huehe~ You want to know, Shiro-chan?

Thanks to Touko and Nanami's jokes, Mashiro temporarily forgot her mixed feelings until she saw Tsukushi laughing and eating lunch with the others. That made her emotions more chaotic. She both felt guilty and felt that now Tsukushi was the one at fault. Nanami realized that and immediately reached out and gently shook Mashiro's body.



-Are you okay, Shiro?

Mashiro almost turned away from her thoughts.

-I'm fine...

Seeing Mashiro continue as usual, Touko and Nanami didn't know what to do. The two of them just hope that this will not last long because after all, it is greatly affecting Mashiro's spirit.

 At that time, the two discovered that their lunch break was almost over, so they quickly packed their things and said goodbye to Mashiro.

-That's it, Shiro!-See you this evening, Shiro-chan!

-Ah, um...

Then Mashiro gradually packed her things and returned to class.

When Mashiro returned to class, she saw Tsukushi being very happy with someone else. Mashiro's emotions were mixed at that time. Then she decided to go out so she wouldn't have to see Tsukushi anymore. Just as she was leaving, Mashiro met Rui.


At first, Mashiro was a bit surprised because Rui was near her class. She was a bit confused but regained her composure.

-What's wrong, Rui-san? Do you need any help?

-Kurata-san, can you call Futaba-san?

-Eh? Tsukushi-chan...

-Is there anything?

-Ah... nothing...

Only then did Mashiro remember that Rui still didn't know about you and Tsukushi. Part, Mashiro wanted to help Rui, besides, she wanted to talk to Tsukushi. She mustered up all her courage to get closer to Tsukushi. At this time, Nanami also passed by and saw Rui.

-aah! Rui-rui what are you doing here?

-Hiromachi-san... I'm waiting for Futaba-san...


When she was about to leave, Nanami realized something unusual and stopped

.-Wait... if Rui-rui was waiting for Tsu-chan, then who called Tsu-chan?


Nanami stood still for more than a few seconds when she heard Rui's answer.

-Why do you call Shiro-chan that Rui-ruiiii!

When she saw Nanami say that, Rui almost didn't understand what was going on, tilting her head to show that she didn't really understand.

-I asked Kurata-san because she is close to Futaba-san so why, Hiromachi-san?

At this point, Nanami almost completely ignored Rui. She quickly ran back to class and called Touko to come.

-TOUKO-CHAN!!! Something happened!!

Touko was startled when she saw Nanami so panicked.

-What's going on, Nanami...

Touko's face was frozen, not understanding what was going on. Nanami approached, speechless.


-Shiro and Fusuke?

-Come on, Touko-chan.

-Here I come!

Then the two of them went together quickly to see, much to Rui's shock. The two stood outside, looking into Mashiro and Tsukushi's classroom, watching Mashiro's every move.

-What is this, Nanami?

-Rui-rui asked Shiro-chan to call Tsu-chan for her...


Touko turned to look at Rui, her expression mixed between happy and troubled emotions.

-It's true that Yashio-sensei is the best!

As soon as the two arrived, Mashiro approached Tsukushi, and she gathered all her courage


But at this moment, Tsukushi suddenly stood up and went to Rui's place

-Rui-san. Do you need help?

At this time, both Mashiro, Touko and Nanami were surprised by what Tsukushi did. It turned out that Tsukushi had seen Rui, who turned to look at Touko and Nanami

-What are you two... doing?...

At this time, when Tsukushi called, both of them didn't know how to answer. They looked at each other for a while and then Touko came up with an excuse

.-Ah... It's nothing... haha... we were just...

At this point, Touko continued to be confused, luckily Nanami had thought of the reason

-We were just going to call Shiro-chan~!

-Correct! That's it.

After saying that, they both laughed and turned to look at Tsukushi but their eyes looked away. Tsukushi looked at it and let it go because she trusts people very easily and she also doesn't want to get involved with Mashiro right now. She turned to Rui

-Rui-san, do you need anything?

-Here, Futaba-san. Please send it to everyone.Rui said as she held out the documents to Tsukushi.

 After saying that, Rui left.Tsukushi continued to turn to look at Nanami and Touko, who were still standing there.

-And you two, you didn't just come here to see Mashiro-chan.


The two of them stopped at the same time. Looking at Tsukushi, she was still standing there, staring. The two looked at each other not knowing what to say, then Touko immediately pulled Tsukushi's hand and called Nanam

i-This... is not convenient to talk about here..


Having said that, the three went to a corner of the garden. Then she was silent for a few minutes, breathing heavily.

-So... *pant... what you two want... 

-Fusuke, the things we asked are coming up. You must answer truthfully and as clearly as possible.

-That's OK...

Then the three started a stream of questions, mostly from Touko about Mashiro and Tsukushi


-Is that really the case?! Even though I know it's the same no matter what.

-If you two already know, why you still asked...

-Are you going to make up with him, Tsu-chan?

From Nanami's question, everyone became silent once again.


Then Tsukushi's eyes stung, she wanted to cry but had to hold back. The other two people also panicked when they saw that

-Aaaa. Fusuke, you don't need to think about it, it's okay later.

-Touko-chan is right, Tsu-chan. You don't have to think about that now.

The two tried to say things that would make Tsukushi forget about it but, she already shed a tear...

-I... want to apologize to Mashiro... but...

Seeing that Tsukushi wanted to talk so much, Touko and Nanami also listened silently.

-Mashiro... doesn't understand anything about herself... I hate that so much...

Having finished speaking, Tsukushi stood up and ran out of there. Nanami and Touko stayed, looking at each other for a long time.

-What a bother, Nanami.

-That's true, both of them...

After saying that, both of them looked at each other and laughed .A moment later, Touko suddenly exclaimed, her voice panicked

-Nanami... What if Fusuke and Shiro can't make up today...?-


Both panicked, not knowing what to do. Just keep looking this way and that way. Then the two saw Rui walking down the hallway.

-Or I should ask Rui-rui now. She's over there...

Having said that, Nanami and Touko both looked towards Rui.

-There's no other choice, Nanami... That person has to know anyway... it's best to let she know as soon as possible.

Saying that, the two rushed straight to Rui


Then Touko and Nanami started telling Rui everything.


-Sigh......~Mashiro was currently walking home absent-mindedly, not knowing how she should really apologize to Tsukushi. But this time, after knowing the exact reason, Mashiro tried her best to be optimistic so as not to make Tsukushi sadder when she continuously blamed herself. 

At this time, Mashiro saw Tsukushi's figure in front of her house. At first, Mashiro panicked and didn't know what to do when she saw Tsukushi struggling to know whether to ring the bell or not.Then Mashiro took a deep breath and decided to get closer to Tsukushi.


Mashiro said while patting Tsukushi on the shoulder. Tsukushi shook a bit then turned to look at Mashiro. Her face right now is a tomato. Feeling confused, shy and not knowing what to say.


Seeing that, Mashiro grabbed Tsukushi's hand without hesitation. She then pulled Tsukushi straight into her room.

-Mashiro-chan...?!Just like that, Mashiro locked the door, pushed Tsukushi onto the bed, and she sat on one side. Struggling for a while.

-Tsukushi-chan... I... sorry...

Mashiro still sat there, not looking at Tsukushi but facing the other direction.


Tsukushi approached Mashiro. She hugged Mashiro

-I... am sorry too... perhaps... I was a bit too much...

Just like that, Mashiro's tears kept falling, as did Tsukushi. They both hugged each other and cried for a while.


-Tsukushi-chan... you're not mad at me anymore, right?

After a while, Mashiro started to pamper Tsukushi. She kept burying herself in Tsukushi's neck. Seeing that, Tsukushi did nothing and continued to hug Mashiro. Then she pushed Mashiro away and kissed the person in front of her lightly on the forehead

-If only Mashiro-chan continued writing lyrics.

Hearing Tsukushi say that made Mashiro feel more motivated.

-Um! I'll try!... Besides, Tsukushi-chan... I have an idea...


-Um... so Tsukushi just needs to wait a bit... I think it's almost done...

Seeing Mashiro filled with confidence different from the previous days, Tsukushi smiled unconsciously. Then she kissed Mashiro's forehead.

-The empowering spell helps Mashiro-chan work faster!

It unconsciously made Mashiro tremble and her face turned red.


Then Mashiro hurriedly sat down to write with Mashiro's usual haughty effort.

*So, Mashiro finished her lyrics.


*Next morning*


As soon as Mashiro entered the school, she was immediately caught by Touko.

-Ah... Fusuke too...

Touko was a bit surprised because she didn't expect the two to go together even though it was the same day.

-You two... made up?... After just one evening...?

-It has nothing to do with you...

Tsukushi just said that and went straight to class, this time, she took Mashiro's hand with her.T ouko could only look and then go back to her classroom.

-Took me so much time thinking about it all last night... aisss...

When Touko arrived, Nanami was already waiting


-Ah... Nanami..

.-Did those two make up?

-That's probably it. Just look at it and you'll know right away.

-Huh?-I'm wasting my time thinking of ways to help those two make up. Sigh...~

-Pretty tired right? ~But Touko-chan, take a close look at those two. There must have been something fun last night~

-What is it, Nanami?!



-So have you two had really made up?

While rehearsing with Mofornica, the two told Rui and apologized to everyone for that.

-We're sorry about that... Also, these are the lyrics of Rui-san's song...

-I understand...

Then all five people talked about the new song.


-Shiro and Fusuke,... What happened last night??

When Touko asked that, both Mashiro and Tsukushi blushed

-Tomorrow is a day off~

Seeing Touko say that, Nanami also followed suit.

-You two!..

Tsukushi was very angry but could do almost nothing. After a while, Mashiro and I greeted the other two people and then we went to Mashiro's house together

-Mashiro-chan... Continue tonight?

-Uh... well... if Tsukushi-chan wants...

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