"Commercial Break" :)

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Hello and welcome to the break. I am your host J Cole and today or...tonight I will be talking about an important part of the story: Ellie. Lol as well as Leo and Chris. Alright, let's begin:

This is not an update. Please don't be mad at me :/ I would've done a part but I have to twist my hair and I also have to get up early in the morning. All my natural haired girls know the struggle of and how time consuming natural hair is :) Sorry guys.


Now I know alot of you are pissed at Ellie for what she does and how she acts, especially when it comes to Leo but there's good reason for that. Now I've noticed a lot of you commented on the Ellie- Chris and Ellie- Leo situation and I'm gonna shed some light on that:

For starters, Ellie like I said before is kinda based on myself. Insecure, untrusting, and yes, even stubborn. But the one thing she likes to do as well like myself is fix others. She loves feeling needed and wants everyone around her happy, but that doesn't mean that once you cross her or betray her in anyway that she'll welcome you with open arms. And if you want to get back into her life after doing something as detrimental as cheating, you got a hell of a lot of work to do. Again, I possess the same qualities she does so of course I understand her more than you guys probably do lol.

Now, with the Chris situation: Again, Ellie is a fixer, so she wants to help him because she does care about him. You can still care about someone and not love them. Or love them in a different way than everyone is accustomed to. It can be the "I care about your well being and therefore, I show my love by making sure that you are healthy and happy." And yes, some would say it's selfish of her to stay with Chris when she still has great feelings for Leo (Not a huge surprise lol) but you got to understand that when you're dedicated to someone and making sure they're happy, it doesn't matter what happens. That being said, Chris pushing Ellie has given her pause and has her thinking, and of course things will escalate in the next chapter but for now just focus on the concept that someone needs help and she wants to be the hero, she wants others to be happy even if she isn't. She's gone to the Peace Corps, she's a therapist, and she's a caring person who just wants others happy, even at the expense of her own well being.

Now with the Leo situation, you have to understand that to Ellie, Donna was a huge threat in His. Meeting her in person made it even realer when she saw just how pretty Donna was and you know, her own insecurities. The fact that Donna was the very person Leo told Ellie she didn't have to worry about was the same that she saw Leo kissing. There was a woman who shouldn't have existed but she did. Not to mention this is the man Ellie lost her virginity to, something very important to her and important to a lot of people. So she of course fell in love and got attached, and then she got hurt. And even though leaving the country and staying away from Leo for two years seemed to work, coming back home it was clear that all she managed to do was put a bandaid over the proverbial bullet hole. 

Out of sight, out of mind.

Sure, she healed but it doesn't mean that it healed properly, nor was it a permanent fix. She is now slowly but surely finding that out. And like I mentioned earlier, Leo really hurt and betrayed her. And like I also mentioned, in order for her and Leo to even remotely talk of getting back together, he has a lot of work to do, even if it is to become her friend again. We'll see how things turn out.

If there are anymore questions please don't hesitate to ask me. Maybe i'll do another "Commercial break" in the future lol bye guys ^_^

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