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A/n: Been sick but I feel a bit better so I guess I'll give y'all a part. Also, I guess I could trigger warning this part. Let me know if I should change it.


A few days had past until Chris finally decided to show up at my doorstep, with flowers and an apology. He had come almost everyday and I had refused to see him. He had called me millions of times as well, and I ignored them all. I hated it when he had gotten drunk. I remember one time he had when I was still his therapist and he had shown up in my office drunk as ever. But this was at the beginning of our visits. Thank God he had the good sense to take a cab to my office. 

I walked up to the door and answered it with a straight face of disappointment and annoyance. His eyes were full of apologies and I let him in without a word. We walked to my room and I shut and locked the door behind me. It was only after the room was secured that Chris started exploding in questions.

"Amour I am so sorry! I didn't hurt you did I?"


"I remember pushing you into the wall. Baby, I'm sorry, I will never hurt you again."

"Why didn't you just come to me and talk instead of getting drunk?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why wouldn't I?"

" just wouldn't. But I just wanted to come over and apologize for everything I did."

I looked at his face and saw that he had a bandage over his eye brow, his lips were swollen, and it looked like he'd been through hell.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Like I said...I can't tell you."

"Then if you can't tell me, we're through." I said coldly

"Ellie stop playing." He laughed nervously

"I'm not playing. Know what? Get out." I said sternly

I shoved the flowers he gave me into his chest and walked out of my room with him in tow.

"Ellie, let's talk about this!"

"No! I'm tired of you keeping secrets from me and I am tired of you leaving at night for 'runs' and showing up with cuts and bruises, and then telling me not to worry about them or that you're just not gonna tell me! I am so done with secrets and people not telling me shit! So I am done with it Chris, and you need to go."

I opened my bedroom door and looked at him expectantly.


"Just get out Chris. No more secrets and no more us."

"Please Ellie, don't do this."

"Either you tell me where you got those injuries, or we are finished. I'm not dealing with this."

"Fine, I'll tell you."

I stared at him for a few seconds and slowly closed the door back.

"Talk." I said sternly

" I haven't been being completely honest with you about my dreams and where I go at nights."

"That's no surprise. Out with it." I said sardonically

"Well I used to go on walks and then runs to keep the dreams and flashbacks at bay. But after awhile, it wasn't enough. So I started going to bars and getting drunk, and even that stopped being enough. So one night I was actually doing nothing, just minding my own business, when a guy comes up to me asking if I'd be interested in doing a club. At first I was going to tell him off, but something in me was intrigued, so I decided to take him up on his offer. And I soon found out it was a fight club. At first I wasn't going to do it, but I decided to try it out. And I've won mostly every match I've been in. That's where my injuries come from amour. But the club is a secret."

"So you've been keeping all of this this a secret from me. Why Chris?"

"Because you'd worry like you always do."

"Well of course I would worry! I can't believe this Chris, putting yourself in danger for this. That's it, the minute I get a chance, I'm calling VA and we're getting you evaluated."

"You will do no such thing!" He yelled, anger flashing in his eyes

"Why not? You need more than just therapy Chris, and obviously they can help you much better than I or Dr Wilsom can. I'm not gonna just stand by and have the possibility of you getting hurt or killed!"

"There's nothing wrong with me!" He said standing up

I stood up as well.

"Obviously there is! This isn't normal for someone who claims they are fine! Getting into unnecessary fights and then getting into a drunken stupor over something as serious as this! I am calling VA and that is final!"


The back of his hand collided with my cheek and had me seeing stars and also the floor below me. I fell with a harsh thud dazed and cheek stinging. I looked up at him slowly, breathing hard and fists clenched at his sides.

"I'm not a freak Ellie, don't fucking treat me as such!" He yelled

Tears fell down my cheeks as I simply watched him. He took a step towards me and I held a hand out. He stopped in place. His eyes blazed in anger so intense I felt it wash off of him in waves.

"I n-never said you were a freak. I'm sorry." I said tearfully

It's like a switch clicked in his mind and his eyes cleared, the anger dissipating.

"Ellie, I am so sorry-"

"Stay back." I said quietly

He squatted down and hugged me to his chest.

"I'm so sorry, I should've never did that." He said, stroking my hair

He started kissing me all over my face murmuring a 'sorry' with each one.

"I love you amour, you know that." He murmured

I pushed him off of me and made sure he stayed far away.

"Get out." I said quietly


"I SAID GET OUT!" I yelled

I threw his flowers at him and crawled away from him against the farthest wall that I could. He left after staring with me for a few seconds with watering eyes and quickly exited.

 I sat there on the floor and cried. I couldn't believe Chris had smacked me. He needed serious help, but how was I going to get it to him when he refused to see that he needed it?

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