Chapter Four: Drama begins

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     The next day, Rebecca was getting ready for her first period. She was a pure science student who hoped to become a veterinarian so the subject she was having this period was an important one. It was chemistry. 

Their teacher, Mrs Shemilore was known for her level of discipline. To avoid getting into trouble on the second day, she decided to sit quietly and pay attention when their teacher arrived. She didn't talk to anyone until the period was over.

     During a free period, Gabriella saw Rebecca and Hannah studying in the library. Gabriella had always regretted what she did to Rebecca but Rebecca had never given her a chance. Rebecca would never forgive her and she thought this was terrible. Suddenly, Tom walked into the library. Wanting to know what he was up to, she quickly sat down and pretended she was engrossed in a book.

     Hannah was teaching Rebecca some further math formulas when Tom walked up to them. Rebecca was too busy trying to remember what she had been told so Hannah spoke.

"Hi Tom, what's up?" She said in a friendly manner.

"Nobody seems to understand the further math class work we were given. So I came to ask if you did" He said as he showed her the note.

Hannah was confused. She hadn't understood this problem either when she had attempted it. Tom say at Hannah's right side meaning that Rebecca was sitting on her left. Tom was interested but not too interested in Hannah and Rebecca. He just needed their help sometimes and they were always happy to assist. Hannah decided to ask Rebecca about the equation.

"Rebecca, do you remember how to solve this?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, actually one of the formulas you taught me could be useful for this Hannah" She said as she reached for Hannah's pen. Tom wanted to write the question in Rebecca's note pad to make things easier so he also reached for the pen.

 Rebecca got to the pen first but Tom mindlessly reached out and touched her hand.
Rebecca blushed and for a while, they were stuck in that position looking into each other's eyes. After what seemed like forever Tom pulled his hand away. Rebecca picked up the pen and solved the equation explaining quickly. When she was done Tom left thanking her not wanting to make things more awkward.

       The bell was rung by the time keeper and Rebecca walked back to the class with Hannah. Gabriella had seen everything and didn't know what to do. She decided not to leave immediately but to wait for a bit so as not to be seen by them.

     Rebecca on the other hand was really embarrassed. Hannah tried to call her down.

"What's the big deal?" She asked " Your hands just touched, it's not like you kissed him or anything"

Unfortunately, nothing Hannah said could calm her down. All she wanted was to find solace in her books. 

What if the librarian had seen them? What would she have said? Or a worse thought what if the prank group had seen them? Rumours about her and James would have spread around the school like wild fire. She quickened her pace. She knew Hannah wouldn't tell anyone but she had a feeling that someone else has been watching them. Hopefully it would remain a feeling and what had happened on the library would stay there. 

Tom was also feeling bad about it too. He was wandering if he should apologise to Rebecca as he made his way to the biology class.

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