2. Partners

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After assembly me and Misty went to classes. First we had maths, no sign of the blonde girl. Next class was art, and just before we started, the blonde girl  came running in with a few of her friends. I figured out her name from the register. Serena. I whispered to myself: "what a pretty - what?" Everyone was looking at me. "Oh! Yes miss?" The teacher carried on reading down the list. After the register we had our books handed out, and Mrs Plank ( the art teacher ) started pairing people up. Finally she got to me. I begged for it to be Serena. "Ash and..." She paused for a second and frowned in thought. "Misty" she said pointing to misty across the other side of the room. "Damn" I whispered to myself, as I picked up my bag to go to where misty was sitting. Misty was so excited she started to run, and tripped over a chair leg. She was sent to medical soon after. Mrs Plank had to pick me a new partner. And guess who it was, SERENA!!! 😲😲😲 I awkwardly went and sat next to her, not saying anything. She turned around and looked at me. "Hi" she said, giving me the cutest smile ever.😊 " I-I hi?" I stuttered, making an utter fool of myself. Then the teacher gave out our instructions and we got on with our work. We barely said a thing to eachother, until Serena said something. " Hey, you seem really nice but I don't have the time for a relationship " I was dumbfounded. She just ASSUMED that I liked her. I was starting to have second thoughts. Then another kid on a nearby desk chipped in. " Yeah, staring googley eyed all art isn't obvious AT ALL." I turned to see who it was, lo and behold it was Johnny, what a great wingman. He could get any girl he wanted, and he mushed me in front of the one girl I actually liked. Just great. And that's day one. After art I went to medical to see Misty.

The first thing she said when I walked in was, I heard about the Serena thing, is it true? I took a moment to reply. "Of Course not " I said happily, trying to not make a fool of myself. Why did misty care anyway? She seemed a lot happier when I said 'of course  not'. Girls, I just don't understand them.

After a few minutes she came outside and we ate some of our lunch. I saw Serena come out of the building being chased by about 40 people. It was like paparazzi following a celebrity. She looked really distressed. "Misty I'll be back in a minute" I said, leaving my bags behind. I went as close to the crowd as I could, to see what was going on. "Serena what happened in art!?" "Serena are you getting married?!" "SERENA SERENA SERENA" It was CRAZY, and it was all my fault. "EVERYONE!" I shouted. Everything went quite apart from this kid trying to sell candy. "ARE THOSE TEACHERS MAKING OUT!?" I shouted excitedly, pointing towards a large bush, where 2 tall students were standing behind it. They would have to do as 'teachers'. One kid started running, and the rest followed. I took a glance and misty, and once she saw Serena with me, gave me a scowl. Perhaps she didn't get the sandwich that she wanted. "Thanks. You didn't have to do that you know." She said, with an embarrassed look on her face. I blushed. "After my fail in art, I thought I owed you something." I said shyly.

Thanks so much for reading guys, keep voting to keep the story going!

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