Paris, I'm in Love..

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A/N: Yes, I know there's an Indonesian movie with almost the same title, Eiffel instead of Paris. But the title is not referring to that movie which I never watched, but it's about what the city's nickname is.

Also there will be a scene of implied sexual intercourse in this chapter, so bear with me.

Last but not least, this chapter and the story in general have some parts and statements which might not to be your liking, politically. So if you are easily triggered, you are free to not reading this story.

Anyway, let's get going!

August 23rd, 2024.

"Bienvenue" one of the receptionist, a brunette in her twenties greeted Kousei and Kaori upon their arrival in Shangri-La Hotel, Paris, one of the "heavyweight" hotels near the iconic Eiffel Tower. 

"Merci" Kaori replied. She has some grasp of French.

Then they reverted to English.

"Mr and Mrs. Arima?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, we are"

They had just arrived in Paris after two hours with Eurostar high speed train service from London.

Soon they went to their room. As they are ready to call it a day and retire Kousei suddenly said. "Let's create love here, shall we?"

"About time you said that, honey. So, let's go!" Kaori, knowing what he refers to, burst to happy tears as her husband soon stripped himself, ready for their first lovemaking. In the City of Love...


August 24th, 2024.

As they went to their venue, Philharmonie de Paris with their guards, they saw a group of gendarmes rounding up a group of African and Middle East-looking people roaming on the streets aimlessly.

"They are a bunch of fighting age man anyway" the French chauffeur tasked by the organizer of Kousei and Kaori's performance in France started to rant.

"Syrian war was over years ago. Libya also more stable nowadays, why they don't just go home?" stated one of their guards sat in the front passenger seat inside the car, part of a convoy.

"We in Japan didn't accept those people and most of us want to keep it that way." Said Kaori.

"You definitely know, despite what the media say, upon they come here, this beautiful city essentially get ruined with trashes and more riots and more terror. And I said this as a black.." the driver continue his statement.

To the joy of the Japanese, the city was much cleaner than their last visit a year ago, further validating what the driver's said.

Minutes later, they arrived in their destination and execute their rehearsal along with a group of young and upcoming French classical musicians like them which will play alongside Miyarima.

Another day, another new faces..

A day after

No rehearsal, so it's sightseeing time.

Kaori particularly wants to go to Louvre, so the museum become their first destination.

Inside, Kousei particularly fascinated with the Ancient Greece part of the museum, while his wife is drawn towards the newly opened department of the Louvre; Eastern Asia, with collections of ancient Japanese statues, some back to Heian era, along with Chinese and Korean ones. They also took picture in front of the most iconic painting displayed; Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, along with other famous European collections like Michelangelo's David and Raphael's St. Michael Vanquishing Satan.

Despite their entrance and picture-taking in front of its famous pyramid was interrupted by an unruly Chinese tourist defecating near them, costing a significant time to clean it out; nonetheless their visit, their first visit, in fact, went with no hitch.

"Thank you!" Kousei replied in English as the security guard in front of the museum said the couple, and other outgoing visitors, goodbye. As they and their managers are heading for lunch, a group of Parisians approached the couple in the sidewalk, with some out of the group have peculiarities; such as one in wheelchair and one with walking sticks and glasses.

Kaori handled the conversation initially as they are mostly using French, with some English.

"Are you Mr. and Mrs. Arima?" said one man in his late teenager, excitingly. "I'm also musician, so I know who you are!"

"Yes, we are. By the way, what (instrument) are you playing, young man?" Kousei asked in English.

"Cello" he answered.

"Oh, where are my manners?? My name is Francois Delacroix. Nice to meet you!" the man, had been confined to wheelchair after a car accident, introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Delacroix. So, let us know, do you want to see us play?" Kousei asked.

"Well, I am honored to be part of your play, this time!" Francois replied. "In fact, I got an ensemble with people like me (with disabilities), which will play in your concerts." he added things. 

"You know that we play with everyone. Including you people." Kaori replied.

"This is Regis Jaubert, violinist" he pointed a blond man, shorter than Francois, with glass and walking stick indicating his blindness, beside him.

"I'm Giselle Manette."

"I'm Simone Perreau" The redheaded women, playing flute along with Giselle, introduced herself. She has Down Syndrome while Giselle, a brunette with bobbed hair, only got four fingers in her hands, the same condition a Korean pianist by the name of Lee Hee-ah have.

"My name is Emmanuel Mbappe, Harpist. And I don't have relation with that footballer, you know." A large-built Afro-French stepped forward. Despite this, he is partially deaf and have a special speech device in his wrist.

"I am Hugo Boffrand" Another brunette extended his hands to Kousei and Kaori. Handling percussion, he is autistic.

"We have more, but sadly not all of them come with us today as we have no rehearsals. You will be surprised!" Francois, maintained his jovial expression and considered to be most outgoing in the ensemble, concluded the meeting with Kousei and Kaori.

"See you in the concert!" 


August 29th, 2024.

The big day. 

As the concert is special with PWD performers and audiences, the dress-code, along with rules in noise and movement is significantly relaxed compared to normal classical type performance.

But Miyarima can see Delacroix and his fellow PWD performers, with their ensemble named "Resounders of France" suited up well, as formal as Kousei and Kaori are.

The Resounders of France, inspired by similar group in England with the same name under the banner of Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra can see the Japanese couple's gaze at them, in admiration and respect.

In fact, the first performance will be the collaboration of the Resounders with Miyarima, which deployed a series of pieces by Leonard Bernstein, Suite from West Side Story, from a 1957 musical Broadway theatre with the same title and made into a movie in 1961. The musical itself was inspired by well-known Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

For Kousei and Kaori, the determination of those people shown by the music, further motivated them to play "in tune" with the disabled, and show empathy, love, and determination for a better life together.

They looked at the people watching them; Kousei and Kaori felt their God-given musical acumen had given them a powerful message. "They are not alone. They are loved. Life are worth living"

Not only for those with disabilities, but also normal.

Soon, they played five more pieces, with four are their own making. 

Apparently, What Home Means is particularly touching for many of the audiences, as family issues are the dominant problem in societies worldwide. 

For the closure, the Resounders of France are playing Pharell William's Happy, from Despicable Me. 

The most successful song in 2014; it still maintain its recognition and distinctiveness 10 years later, along with the animated movie its associated with.

The jovial and cheerful rhythm and melody of the soul-type song, easily captivating the audience, many are with their struggle accepting their condition, and having fun in life is beyond physical condition.

For Kousei and Kaori, however, the "fun" inside their head and heart is deeper than just superficial one, they interpreted it for a much long lasting joy, which is a choice, and not determined by circumstances. Basically, joy is manifestation of walking by faith, not by sight alone.

The massive applause sealed the fact that their music was much loved, and for Kousei and Kaori, a realization that their play's reached beyond physical attributes and especially, condition. 

"Germany, here we come. Prepare to be amazed with our blade!" said Kousei and Kaori both, inside their heart, as the applause receded and the curtain closed.

Their visit to Eiffel one day after the concert is different for them.

"We showered Paris with love." they said to themselves as they looked at the scenery, and then, kissing each other, passionately.

A/N: What do you think about my inclusion of PWDs here, along with "Happy"?

This chapter is inspired from this article. Old, but still relevant in terms of inclusion of people with disabilities in public life, including music.

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