Chapter 32

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Onboard the alien spaceship, the sound of machines and robots marching provided the perfect cover for the monsters. Stealthily walking in the shadows, the rescue party was doing their best to stay quiet. Often looking behind them, Snowball asked, "Do you think they're okay?"

"Shh!" Chloe hissed angrily, covering Snowball's mouth. Her tail lashing back and forth, she growled, "If we want to find Daisy, we need to keep quiet!" The shapeshifting blob quietly nodded his head in understanding. Sighing softly, she uncovered his mouth and resumed walking. She almost bumped into Ozone and Tiberius, who were frozen in their tracks. Huffing, she muttered, "Now what?"

"We might have a problem with finding Daisy here..." Ozone murmured, pointing to the large army of robotic wolves. About eight feet tall to the shoulder, they were armed with shoulder guns and sharp metal teeth. And there were more of them being made by large machines. The robots marched all over the place, going left and right and up and down. They were all over the place. Her ears pinned against her head, Chloe pinched her forehead between two clawed fingers and grumbled, "Great, just great. Now how are we supposed to find Daisy in this wretched place?!"

"I got an idea!" Snowball exclaimed. After quickly being hushed by everyone, he repeated in a quieter voice, "I got an idea." He then held up a bunch of white and brown hairs. Staring at them, Chloe slowly turned her head towards the shapeshifting blob as she muttered, "Did you actually pluck those from Daisy's head?"

"Her hair smells like flowers," Snowball defended himself. Giving the hairs to Ozone, he quickly morphed himself into a leash. Finally figuring out what his big idea was, Chloe quickly grabbed the shapeshifter and clasped the collar around Tiberius's neck. Before the bird monster could utter a word of protest, Ozone held the hairs in front of his face.

That's all it took.

His light brown eyes flashing red as he got the scent, Tiberius dropped down on all fours with an animalistic growl. Sniffing the air, he picked up Daisy's scent. Snarling, he lunged forward. Holding onto the Snowball leash for dear life, Chloe was dragged behind. Poor Ozone had to run after them, struggling to catch up. Already gasping for breath, he muttered, "Snowball, this idea better work..."

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