(7) Noah awakes

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Kanda (points an unsheathed Mugen at author): scrletfyre..........you did it again!

author (pleading): I am sorry..........forgive me......

Kanda: not going to happen!

Allen (steps in front of the author): I can't let you harm her Bakada........everyone makes mistakes.........even you.

Kanda (puts Mugen away): che.......fine.  She will live for now.

Lavi: god Kanda.......relax a little bit.

Kanda: ......che......

Allen (whispers to author while blushing): when am I going to .......

author (whispers): soon Allen.......so be patient. Kanda is not a half mer-man.  He is something else entirely.

Kanda (sneezes): are you talking about me?

Allen (bashfully): ......no.......

Lavi:  scrletfyre claim no rights or form to D Gray-man and its characters as they are owned by Katsura Hoshino.  This story is completely her own idea as we ask for readers to leave your reviews telling us what they think.

Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *telepathy/mental speech*, {aquadic telepathic commands}, (author notes), bold - Noah talking, italic - mermaid speech

seven - Noah awakes

Both Kanda and Allen broke the surface of the water as Kanda climbed out first.  Allen stayed in the water not sure of what to make of Lavi as he glared at the red head.

"It's all right Moyashi.....Lavi is a good friend.  There was just a slight miss understanding." stated Kanda as he offered Allen a hand up.  Allen's eyes never left Lavi as the merboy watched him like a hawk.  Lavi sighed out loud as he moved next to Kanda also offering Allen a hand up.  Allen's eyes went wide as he took both of their hands.  Both Lavi and Kanda helped Allen up onto the ground that way Kanda could inspect Allen's wounds.

"Hey Kanda.......are you feeling all right? I mean......" asked Lavi.

"I am fine Lavi.  Whenever I am around him, I never feel any of the symptoms that I usually get.  Maybe because he is a male one and still alive.  I can't be for certain.  His wounds are still serious so until he gets better, I have been keeping him here nursing his wounds and feeding him.  Some of his wounds haven't healed at all like the wound to his left eye and his left arm.  He hasn't said a word since I had found him so I have been calling him Moyashi for the time being." replied Kanda.

"....Beansprout......why that name?" asked Lavi.

"He seems so small and fragile that's why I call him that." replied Kanda. (yes I know that's not the true reason to why Kanda calls Allen beansprout)  Allen tugged on Kanda's shirt sleeve wondering what's going on.  "I am sorry Moyashi......I wish I could understand what you are trying to say." replied Kanda.  Suddenly Allen could feel his left arm pulse as he could hear a voice calling out to him mentally.

*.......Allen......can you hear me....?* asked the voice.  Allen grabbed a hold of his left arm as tears came to his eyes.

*Thank goodness your all right Noah.* replied Allen.

*What happened Allen......where are we.....?* asked Noah.

*We are in the human world, on the surface.* replied Allen.  Noah pulsed harder when it learned about this fact. *Please don't Noah......see my memories and feel what I have been through......the humans are not all what we have come to believe them to be......* stated Allen as he gripped his arm harder.  Allen could feel Noah digging into Allen's memories exploring everything that has happened while it had been unconscious.  Allen could feel Noah calm down as he could hear the Clowned Crown sigh.

*Fine.  I won't hurt those whom have helped you.  Allen in two days the moon will be full so we will need the humans help in order to feed.* stated Noah.

*But there is only one problem.......I can't communicate with them in their language.  I can understand them but you know what will happen if I try to speak.* replied Allen.  Noah let out another long sigh as he did know what would happen. It would mean death to the humans.

*I will use what power we do have left to allow you to speak their tongue as it won't be for a long period of time.* replied Noah.

*I understand that......thank you Noah.* stated Allen as he let go of his hold on his left arm.  Kanda and Lavi looked at Allen in concern when they couldn't get him to respond to them.  Allen could feel Noah's power course through his body which brought a smile to Allen's face.

".....Moyashi........Moyashi....are you all right?" asked Kanda in concern as Allen nodded his head yes.  "Thank goodness.  You had us worried for a minute there." stated Kanda.

".....Thank you.....Kanda....." stated Allen softly.  Both Lavi and Kanda looked at Allen in complete shock.

".....Yuu.....did he just......?" asked Lavi as Allen shook his head yes.  "....But how...?"

"....Can't explain.....need your help.....two days......moon full....need to feed....." stated Allen.

"I don't understand Moyashi." replied Kanda as Allen shook his head before he pointed to himself.

"....Allen..." he stated as Kanda still looked confused.

"I think I might understand.   His name is Allen and he will need our help in two days so that he could feed while the moon is full.  He can't explain it all right know.  Am I right.....Allen?" asked Lavi as Allen nodded his head yes.

"You understood all of that Lavi?" asked Kanda.

"Some what.  Remember what I told you before Kanda.....he is known as the Moonlight Siren which is possibly the reason to why he only ventures out on full moon nights." stated Lavi as Allen nodded his head in agreement.

"I see.......so he must be using what power he has to communicate with us." stated Kanda as Allen slowly slipped back into the water.  "Don't worry Allen, we will come back to help you." stated Kanda as Allen smiled briefly.

".....Thank you.....Yuu...." stated Allen before he sank back down into the water falling fast asleep.  Both Lavi and Kanda made sure that Allen was all right before they left the cave.

"Hey Yuu......tell me how you found him?" asked Lavi in curiosity.

"I found him badly injured laying on the coral rocks of the beach.  I don't know how he got there or why he was there, I just knew that he needed help." replied Kanda honestly.

"I don't know if helping him is a good thing or a bad thing.  But I now that you would never leave anyone whom needed help." stated Lavi.

"Yeah.....its just in my nature.  Maybe in two days, I can get some answers to what's going on." stated Kanda as he felt that maybe Allen had some answers to what was happening not only to him but also why Allen ended up injured like that.

NEXT CHAPTER........wet dreams

author: next chapter things heat up between Allen and Kanda.

Kanda: .......what.....!?

Allen (blushes): ......so soon.....?

author: you have to find out for yourself.

Kanda (glares at author): I can't believe you.

Allen: but we don't know how we truly feel towards each other so why.......?

author (grins evilly): it doesn't matter......  you have to see what happens next in order to better interpret the meaning behind the chapter.

Kanda & Allen: ..............................

Lavi: please don't forget to leave your reviews!

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