Sonnet 52: Fair Youth (Guilt 1)

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More Shakespeare's Sonnets
By Fox-Trot-9

Sonnet 52: Fair Youth
(Guilt 1)

If eyes are open windows to the soul,
And poetry's the doorway to the heart,
Then what in me is there that you extol?
What do you see in me that warrants art?
The airs with which you bind me to ideals
Far greater than my fickle store supplies
Cannot withstand the sins my heart conceals,
Nor justify my deeds in righteous eyes.
Your lines, so noble in their aims, that pen
With grace the portrait of my petty worth,
Share more within the stock of greater men
Who far surpass my short supply of mirth.
      These happy men so happy are in this:
      They need not hide their faults, nor be remiss.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Here's the 3rd and last sonnet for today...  Anyway, that's it for now... See you next time... ( ^_^ )

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