The Night Before

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Reiz was meant to be asleep forever ago, and truly he'd planned on it. After all, tomorrow was the most important day of his life. The man was getting married to the love of his life. 

Which is precisely why he couldn't sleep. That very love was right next to him, sleeping soundly. Carrying his children...Though, neither Kaejin nor Reiz knew that yet. For now, the other just looked so peaceful, so beautiful. 

Reiz wasn't sure how he'd managed to earn that. As far as he was concerned, he was a horrible person. He'd pretty much trapped Kaejin into being his mate...And yet, the other still loved him and forgave him for that. Reiz couldn't believe it still. Part of him was scared that he'd wake up in the morning, alone in bed and alone in life again. He already couldn't imagine life without the other, and the thought alone scared him. Kaejin was his world, and had helped him start building a connection with his siblings. He hadn't had that in so long. 

And Rasko telling Reiz he was proud of him well...That had meant nothing. Ironic, since that's all Reiz had been working for his entire life. But, in the end, actually hearing it after Rasko had set Kaejin up to be hurt...It meant nothing. Kaejin smiling and thanking Reiz had meant so much more to the male, it had made him happier than anything Rasko could ever say to him. Rasko could pass all of Trinity to him, something Reiz had dreamed about since he was a child, and it still wouldn't mean as much to him as Kaejin being happy with him. 

Slowly, carefully and gently, Reiz reached out his hand, running it through Kaejin's hair. He froze as the other moved, scared that he'd woken him. But, as Kaejin settled back in, Reiz relaxed and just kept gently petting him. He wanted to be able to see Kaejin next to him every day for the rest of his life. And, so long as tomorrow went well, he'd be well on his way to that. 

As the minutes ticked by, Reiz eventually began to relax. He retracted his hand from the other's hair, chuckling softly as he earned a small whine from the other. Reiz moved, laying down and gathering Kaejin into his arms. He wasn't sure how awake the other was as Kaejin nestled and nuzzled into him, but as the other went still again Reiz was sure he was asleep. The raven-haired male kissed the other's forehead, taking another moment to stare fondly at his sleeping face. "...Absolutely perfect." He whispered softly, tightening his grip just a bit. "I love you so much darling." It was so hard for him to say that out loud to the other when he was awake. Reiz still felt awkward, and scared that Kaejin would admit he doesn't feel the same suddenly. Reiz closed his eyes, relaxing for a moment. 

"I love you too, now go to sleep and stop staring at me all night." Those words made Reiz snap his eyes open, looking back to Kaejin. The blonde's eyes were still closed, but he had a small smirk on his face as he cuddled closer to Reiz, who let out a small sigh as he got settled again. 

Though, he smiled softly as he pecked the other's lips. "As you wish kitten." He watched as the other's face turned pink, before finally closing his eyes for good, eventually drifting to sleep. 

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