5 Days Till Christmas

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I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I was still on the couch. Melody wasn't anymore. Jazzy was still asleep on my lap.

"You missed breakfast and lunch." Melody said from the doorway. "Jazzy has been taking naps in your lap. Are you feeling ok? Even you don't sleep this much." I shook my head no. I felt way too tired, even now. My legs felt like jelly. Melody came up to me and put her hand to my forehead. She pulled away her fingers quickly.

"You're burning." She said. She picked up Jazzy, who woke up then and placed her on the floor. "Alice! I think Kyle's sick!" Melody called. Alice came into the room. She felt my forehead.

"Tired again? Bones of jelly?" She asked. I shook my head. She sat down and put my head in her lap. I closed my eyes. "This happened to him last year too, a little earlier in December. I don't know why. Last time he just had to sleep a lot and eat very little and it went away in a few days," Alice continued. I nodded by head slowly. I sat up, as Alice stood up.

"I'll make some tea for you two. Melody you didn't eat did you?" Alice asked.

"I didn't have lunch." Melody said.

"I'll get tea and cookies. They're not as good as De La Melody and Kyle, but they'll do." Alice said with a smile. I smiled. Our cookies were pretty good weren't they. Melody sat down next to me. I put my head on her shoulder, my eyes already closing. Melody pulled out the book, The Lightning Thief, and started reading.

I was asleep. In moments.



The whole day went like that, waking up a bit, then back to sleep. I couldn't move from that coach. I didn't want to. I just stayed put.

Melody was always in the room. In he brief times I was awake, she would read out loud. When I was asleep, she simply played with Jake, Jack, and Jazzy in the room. She was also taking care of Lidia at one point. I didn't see Mina, or Zach the whole day.

Kelley came in and slapped my face to get up once. I pushed her to the floor and rolled myself to the other side. Melody was yelling at Kelley for a while after that. I didn't see Kelley after that.

Only five days till Christmas and I can't even stay awake enough to celebrate.

Great. Just great.

Author's Note

Helio! How's the story going? I felt like this chapter was a little boring. Not much going on. Next chapter will be better. I hope. Lol.


Q: age?
A: young teen

Word Count: 456

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