30. Love Is A Drug

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Part - 30 

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"If You Are Wrong And You Shut Up, You're Wise. 

If You're Right And You Shut Up, You're Married"

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Karthik's POV

"Done with your shopping" I ask Mithra finding her outside the mall.

"Yeah" she nods. Actually Mithra called me when I was in my office to inform me that she had come to this mall to do some last minute purchases for our wedding which is in three days and I told her to do all the shopping and I will come to pick up her.

"You got all the crunches & cool drinks for tonight's get together?" I ask her. Yes, tonight all our friends Sanjeev-Deepa, Rahul- Ria, even Micheal-Nisha have come to India few days prior to attend our wedding & we all are having a small party at our apartment.

"Yeah, I stocked all that today morning."

"Hmm... Tara is coming right?" I ask.

"Yeah. She said she will bring her fiancé along with her tonight & I am so thrilled to see him"

"Fiancé? she got engaged?"

"Yep! Even I don't know when she got engaged. She only told me the news when I called her this morning & I am really mad at her for not inviting me for her engagement" suddenly Mithra goes to angry mode.

"Come on yaar! We both got married without inviting any of our friends so you can't really blame her" I remind her grinning.

"Oh yeah! Right. I will forgive her" she tells kind heartedly.

"Come" I lead her to the car.

She settles on the passenger seat & turns back to throw her handbag and that's when she notices the box.

"What are these?" She asks frowning.

"Can't you see? Beer bottles for tonight's party"

"You are gonna drink tonight?"



"Mithra, no! Don't stop me. You know I drink on occasions & this is one such occasion I want to enjoy to the fullest so you don't restrict me"

"Karthik, why don't you quit drinking? Then you will be so perfect"

"I like being flawed"

"What gift you are going to give me for our wedding?" She asks changing the track but I can guess where she is heading with this.

"Why you wanna curtail all my happiness, Mithra?" I ask her jokingly.

"What do you mean?" She asks frowning.

"I know you will want me quit drinking as your wedding gift, right?" I spell it out loud for her.

"What do you mean by 'I wanna curtail all your happiness'? Am I a bitch to do that? How can you accuse me of anything I am not and I am not doing?"

"Hey! I meant in a joking way so take it light"

"But that doesn't sound like a joke to me" she retorts. I sigh.

"Mithra, let's stop here" I say with finality & focus on driving. I don't want a fight & spoil my mood or hers. She folds her arms & looks outside the window obviously pissed at me & I didn't bother to talk with her as I know she will pick another fight from our simple convo. We are like a fucking pendulum. We swing from north to south & back to normal in seconds.


"For Karthik & Mithra's happiness" Nisha says raising a toast.

"CHEERS!" We all clink our glasses.

"Mithra, why don't you try some red wine?" Nisha insists.


"Mithra is allergic to red wine." I tell before Mithra can resist.

"Am I?" Mithra asks me incredulously.

"Yes" I nod. She tried red wine once after trying white wine in our Andaman trip and her lips got swollen.

"Oh okay"

"Then try some scotch, pussy cat" Sanjeev forces a glass of scotch to Mithra's mouth.

"Ahnn... I don't want. If you force me I will drink & puke on your ugly face" Mithra says & slaps his shoulder. He laughs.

"I guess its Tara. I will open the door" Mithra says when we hear the door bell ring.

"Hey, Tara" Mithra greets hugging her.

"You all started already?" Tara asks looking at no one in particular.

"Just started, Tara. Come on in & join us" I call her.

"Where is your fiancé?" Mithra asks blocking her way.

"Here he is" Tara says & drags a guy into our apartment. He looks vaguely familiar to me. Where have I seen him before? I wonder.

"Popsicle!" Her fiancé shrieks seeing Mithra.

"Sunny!" Mithra shouts back & they both hug each other. If Mithra knows him then surely I do too but I couldn't pin point where exactly I have seen him before? Guess I am aging and my memory is getting poor.

"You knew each other already?" Tara asks in surprise.

"Karthik, don't you remember Sunny?" Mithra asks.

"He seems familiar to me but..."

"Oh oh! We met him in Andaman Islands."

Oh yeah right, he is our tourist guide.

I should have realized it at least when he called Mithra 'Popsicle'. The funny Sunny guy.

Tara & Sunny will make a good comical pair. I thought.

"Hello Sir." He forwards his hand.

"Just Karthik" I take his hand for a shake. "Join us" I gesture him to take a seat on the sofa.

Then I introduced my friends' gang to Sunny and he shared few information about himself like his actual name was Sunil, he has done his Masters in tourism and hotel management & he has his own tourism agency in Andaman now.

Lucky Tara, she can spend all her life in such a beautiful Island. We also discovered that their parents are business partners & they decided to get their kids married to each other. Somewhat close to mine and Mithra's love story, well, of course there wasn't any divorce drama in their love story. It was simple and sweet.

"When you both got engaged?" I ask.

"Last week, we got engaged when I had gone to Andaman for my vacation. 6 months from now we will be having our wedding here in Mumbai" Tara says shyly.

"Oh that's awesome but why wait 6 months to conduct a wedding?" Mithra wonders. There we go again. Why my brat wants to rush things? It's not like the world is gonna end tomorrow.

"We thought we could date in that time and get to know each other better" Sunil / Sunny says with a smile.

"Oh nice"

"To the newly engaged couple" I raise a toast. We all cling our glasses for the second time and take a sip of our drinks.

"So are you guys planning to visit Andaman again for you second honeymoon?" Sunil asks cheekily. Ah! He is a great businessman, already trying to make money from our trip.

"That was a holiday trip." I state clearly. I just got a 'side dish' kiss in that trip and nothing much but this time I am planning a lot to do with my beautiful soon to be wife. "Well, we surely will visit Andaman again but not for our honeymoon trip."

"Where you guys are planning to go then?" Micheal asks. The poor doctor finally speaks.

I shake my head grinning. Not going to tell!

"Where?" Mithra asks scooting closer to me hoping I will tell her secretly.

"S.U.R.P.R.I.S.E" I whisper in her ears & in return she elbowed me on my gut.

"Ouch!" I rub my stomach & from the corner of my eyes I notice Sanjeev & Rahul messing with things near the kitchen island. Maybe they are grabbing some crunches. I thought and brushed aside that matter.

A while later, the girls decided to watch TV and we guys decided to play cards.

Mithra has her eyes mostly on my cards than on the TV screen as she keeps taking nice cards for me and making me win a series of game. She is my lucky charm.

"King is my card. I will surely win this game" Sanjeev bets.

"King is not your card. 'A' is yours because you are an ASS!" Mithra teases him.

"Why don't you quietly watch the damn sob serial like the other girls doing, you interfering idiot?" Sanjeev chides her.

"Deeps, how you tolerate this A-hole?" Mithra asks Deepa.

"Like how Karthik is tolerating you, little brat" Sanjeev says and pinches Mithra's cheek making her yelp in pain. I kick him on his leg asking him not to hurt her.

"Gah! I hate you" Mithra hits him on his chest. I pull her down to me and control her from wiggling out of my hold to hit him again. She angrily throws my hands away from being wrapped around her waist and gulps down her coke directly from the bottle.

"She is crazy and violent, Karthik" Sanjeev complains. I glare at him.

"You started" Mithra barks and tries to walk across and punch him on his face but I stop her.

"Are these two like this always?" Sunil asks in shock seeing them fight like small kids fighting for candy.

"To be honest, they are in their best behavior today" Rahul says laughing. I laugh along with him because he said so rightly. Sanjeev & Mithra can behave even more badly.

"Oh yeah...Wait!" Mithra says as she stands up abruptly & pats the side of her head twice with her palm.

"What baby?" I ask.

"Why you are all dancing suddenly? And where is the muuushiqq?" She slurs. She is so unsteady on her feet.

"You are drunk!" I exclaim.

"NoPe!" She says poping the letter 'P', blinking her eyes innocently. Oh good God no! Mithra is drunk but how? Well, fuck me if she doesn't looks so cute.

I see Sanjeev & Rahul suppressing their laughter. So this is what they were doing in the kitchen? Spiking Mithra's cool drink? The bastards!

"You both are mad" I scold them. Is this how they play with someone? Oh God! Mithra is very sensitive to alcohol & I don't want her to fall sick.

"If she falls sick three days before our marriage, I swear I will kill both of you" I threaten them & try dragging Mithra to our room.

"Hey... Leave my hand..." Mithra tries to push me away rather feebly but I wrap my hands around her waist firmly. I don't want her to fall down and hurt herself.

"Baby, come. I will put you to bed" I insist softly.

"NoPe!" She pouts closing her eyes & leans onto me, throwing her hands around my neck.


"I will come only if you join me in bed" she says having a goofy grin on her face.

"Okay. I will." I agree because I want to take her to bed & put her to sleep so that she will be fine by morning.

"I will come to bed only if you are going to make love to me" she says that loudly for everyone to hear. I hear the girls giggle. I close my eyes in mortification. Why oh why? She embarrasses me always in public?

"Baby, can't please keep your mouth shut for a while & do as I say?" I ask softly near her ear. She shook her head in no.

"Karthik, you should thank us for creating this awesome night for you" Sanjeev says chuckling.

"Fuck you, Sanjeev" I shout back.

"No, no, don't eff him! eff me!" Mithra hugs me possessively.


"Karthik, I will let you make love to me only if you tell our honeymoon destination"

"I'm not desperate to make love to you, now"

"You don't want me?" Mithra cries.

"Ahhh!" I groan.

"Karthik, you need any help?" Nisha offers seeing me struggle with my drunk girl.

"Thanks but no thanks, Nisha. You guys carry on. I will handle her." I say & quickly scoop Mithra in my arms & take her to our bedroom without minding her protest. "Hey! Leave me...You will put me down & break my bones" she fights me but I kick the door shut with my leg & walk straight to our bed & dump her on it.

"Ouch! You hurt me" she accuses but I know I didn't. I safely landed her head only on the soft fluffy pillow.

"Now close your eyes & sleep" I command.

"Ahh... You are too bossy... Ahh... My head is spinning... Ahh... Someone is playing drums in my head... Ahh..." She starts screaming and I cup her mouth with my palm, stopping her ear piercing scream.

"Hmm... hmm..." She gags & pushing my hand away and she runs to the bathroom. I follow her. . I just gather her hair & whisk it in to a make shift pony with one hand & rub her back with other hand.

She vomits everything she has eaten a while ago as her body couldn't tolerate the burning sensation of alcohol.

Once she emptied her stomach she sinks down on the floor & I let her sit there for a minute. She seems completely exhausted after vomiting profusely.

"I am going to fall sick" she moans, leaning on my shoulder & clutching my arm tightly.

You have already fallen sick, baby.

"Ugh... I am stinking" She has spat vomit on her cloths too. "I need a bath" she slurs & staggers up on her feet.

"Let me help you" she allows me to undress her without any protest.

What a tempting morsel she is? God! How I wish she was sober so I could just take her in the shower.

I lead her to the shower & hold her tight by her arms so that she won't sink down to the floor again. She stands quietly under the shower head with her eyes shut.

Once she is clean I turn off the shower & pull her out of it. I wrap her body with a huge towel & with another towel I dry her hair.

"We both should shower together one day" she says loosely hugging me.

She is still in the effect of alcohol & feeling weak otherwise I bet & say she would have pulled me into the shower already & we would have fucked in there.

"Okay, baby. I am looking forward to do that" I plant a kiss on her temple.

"You are wet" she pulls herself away from me. Oh yeah! My shirt got wet while holding her in the shower.

"Remove" she insists & leans against the wall to keep her balance. I quickly discard my shirt without arguing with her & take her out of the bathroom to dress her up.

"Here. Wear this" I pull her night gown from the wardrobe & hand it to her. She throws it aside & takes my t-shirt & wears it. Thanks f**k! She puts her panties on instead of my boxers.

"You must be dehydrated. You need some citrus. I will go bring you some orange juice."

"I need only sleep" she mumbles & flips back on the bed.

"Wait!" Suddenly Mithra shouts when I was heading towards the door to go out and get her a glass of orange juice.

"What?" I rush to her, worrying she wants to throw up again. If you want to throw up, please don't in our bed, baby. I pray.

"Put your shirt on & go. I don't want the girls to ogle at you and your sexy abs" she grunts. I sigh. In this sorry state also she is being so damn possessive and I fucking love it.

"Okay" I say & walk back to the wardrobe to pull out a shirt & put it on.

"That's like my boy" she grins like a small baby.

When I walk out of our bedroom, I hear Sanjeev calling my name but I ignore him. I am in no mood to listen to his nonsense.

I won't deny the fact that Mithra had played too many pranks on Sanjeev & at times with Rahul too but that's all nothing compared to what they did to her, today. I am really mad at both of them.

"How is Mithra?" Ria asks me following me to the kitchen.

"She is better." I say as I take the carton of orange juice from the refrigerator.

"Sorry for what Rahul & Sanjeev did. They just did for fun." Ria apologizes.

"You don't have to feel sorry, Ria but making someone sick is not we call as 'fun'. It's too much." I state. She nods agreeing with me & walks back to the living room.

I search for the medical kit to take a medication for her headache.

When I turn around I find Mithra leaning on the refrigerator.

"What the f**k you are doing here?" I shout.

"My head is throbbing Karthik... Do something..."

"You go to our room. I will bring headache pills." I order.

"No! I will stay with you"

"Mithra, I don't want my friends to see you like this..."

"Why? I am dressed only." She argues.

"Barely. I don't like the guys to ogle at you and your sexy legs"

"But these are just legs" she stretches out her slender legs. Why she is annoyingly stubborn?

"If you don't go back to our room this moment, then I will take my shirt off & flaunt my sexy abs in front of the girls" I blackmail her & that does the trick.

"No!" Her mouth sets to a perfect 'O' as her drowsy eyes pops out of the socket.

I smirk victoriously when she retreats to our room.

"Here" I pull her up to a sitting position & pop the tablet in her mouth & help her drink the orange juice.

"Good girl" I kiss her lips & tuck her under the duvet.


I feel someone nibbling my earlobe & immediately I know it's my Mithra. I smile still having my eyes closed.

I guess she is not having a hangover. She is fine and I am happy about that.

She is also in a playful mood & that's why she started with her naughtiness morning, morning. I don't want to interrupt her so I pretend asleep.

"Oh Mithra... Let this poor soul sleep" she chides herself loudly.

"But how can I let him sleep when he is so delicious like hot melting chocolate fudge caramel?" she talks out loud again. I try hard not to laugh & spoil the fun. Hmm... Chocolate fudge caramel? Yummy! Fuck! I sound like my baby brat.

"You intoxicate me, Karthik." She kisses the corner of my mouth assuming I am in deep sleep. Intoxicate? I suppress my laugh. She is still in the effect of alcohol I guess.

Mithra traces her index finger over my forehead drawing some pattern before dragging her finger down to my nose to my lips & there I caught her finger & give it a sharp bite.

"Ahhh..." She shouts.

"Good morning, baby" I kiss her.

"Good morning" she smiles brightly. My heart skips a beat seeing her beautiful smile.

"How are you, Mithu?" I ask in concern.

"Good. Thanks for taking care of me, Karthik" she says sincerely.

I simply smile & peck her lips. I love taking care of you angel because that's what gives me happiness.

"Do you remember what all you said last night?" I ask. She frowns.

"I don't remember much but one thing I do remember" she says & bites her lower lip.

"What?" I ask having a wolfish grin on my face.

"We both should shower together!" she says and drags me out of the bed

Fun time!


"Karthik, I am sorry yaar. We just did what we did for fun but never thought she will fall sick. Forgive us!" Sanjeev pleads holding my hand. Why he has to be so melodramatic?

"Karthik, please talk to me. I can't take this silence of yours. It's hurting me, here" he pangs his fist over his heart. I had a great morning showering with Mithra but now this guy is pissing me off with his nonsense talks and spoiling my good mood. f**k!

"How many times I have to tell you not to hold my Karthik's hand or sit closer with him rubbing yourself on him?" Mithra comes from nowhere & smacks Sanjeev's head from the back.

"What the f..." Sanjeev starts & stops when I glare him murderously.

"Sweetie, how are you?" He asks Mithra grinning goofily. What an actor he is?

"Don't act you moron. Why the hell you spiked my drink?" Mithra asks pissed.

"I thought you liked the taste of scotch as you dunked it down in a go?" He asks amusingly sweet.

"Well, that was an interesting adventure. I liked it" Mithra suddenly sides with Sanjeev.

Getting drunk & puking an adventure? I stare at her in disbelief.

"Ah! I knew it" Sanjeev hits her palm with his.

"But don't think I forgave you for what you did" Mithra says in a serious tone.

"What I should do to earn your forgiveness?"

"Be my slave for the next three days" Mithra orders crossing her arms over her chest. Super baby! I love you.

"You have Karthik, right? Then why me?" Sanjeev asks innocently.

Bloody hell! I'm not her slave. Before I could kick him on his ass, Mithra smacks him hard on his head.

"Karthik is not my slave. He is my husband" Mithra says, offended.

"Husband is no less than a slave to his wife" Sanjeev grumbles rubbing his head.

"Fact!" I don't know why but I agree with him & give him a hi fi.

Mithra shoots a dangerous glare at me.

"If husbands are slaves to wives, then what are wives to husbands?" Mithra tests Sanjeev.

"Wife is a liability" Sanjeev says without any reservation & this time I didn't dare to agree with him & make Mithra go thermonuclear on me.

"Deepa, you heard that?" Mithra asks looking straight at Sanjeev. F**k! She played smart.

Dipali emerges out from the bedroom. Uh-huh! She was standing in & listening to our convo, waiting for the right moment to make her appearance.

"Didn't I warn you not to marry this useless piece of shit who thinks you are a liability to him?" Mithra asks Deepa shaking her head in disapproval of Deepa's choice.

"If a wife is liability to you, then how do you describe a girlfriend? A Witch or A Bitch?" Mithra asks Sanjeev taking a threatening step.

"I guess both" he blurts out with a humorous chuckle.

He must be a f**king fool to say that when his girlfriend his standing right in front of him like an angry bird.

"Come with me" Deepa orders and drags him into the bedroom and slams the door shut with a loud bang. He is screwed.

"Happy?" I ask Mithra hiding my smirk with my middle two fingers.

"Very" she gives me a satisfying smile & sits on my lap to kiss me.

"Am I a liability, Karthik" She asks sweetly after breaking our kiss.

"No baby. You are not." I assure her with a smile, caressing her soft cheeks.

"Then what a wife is to you?" She asks shyly.

"Wife is a...um... headache!" I say honestly with a genuine smile. Mithra grits her teeth angrily and grimaces her face & only then I realized what I just said. Oh shit! I guess the filter between my brain & mouth is malfunctioned. Now, I am screwed!

... To be continued!!!



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