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I ran out of the examination hall and directly went to the parking area where Laksh was waiting. He looked at me and I immediately jumped upon him.

"Finally!" I said squealing in happiness.

"I've never seen anyone behaving like this just because their exams have ended." he said chuckling.

"Then you haven't seen anything at all. The completion of the examination means that such a huge burden has been lifted from us. Like we won the world war. And for me, not only the exams have ended but also my engineering is completed." I said happily as I broke the hug.

"But the result is still left!" he said.

"Huh... You think I'm going to fail?" I asked crossing my arms around my chest.

"Ofcourse not. I was just stating a fact." he replied.

"I am not worried about the result because I know that I'm going to pass with great marks. Let's go." I said and both of us got inside the car.

He started driving. It was more than five in the evening. My exams were in the evening shift.

"Laksh, where are we going? This is not the way to home." I said as he took right turn instead of left.

"Just be patient." he said making me more frown.

I was confused with his action but didn't ask anything after that. It has been so many days that we've spent some good time together. So maybe he was taking me somewhere to spend some quality time. I was busy with exams and he didn't want anything to distract me from my studies. Also, he helped me a lot in preparing for my exams.

And, no kisses during studies! Huh!

He stopped the car in front of a banquet hall.

"Laksh, why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"You don't trust me?" he asked making me shake my head immediately.

"No! I didn't mean that. I'm just curious. I mean, is there something?" I asked.


"What's that?"

"Close your eyes!"


"Don't ask any questions. Just close your eyes." he commanded.

"Fine! Am I allowed to open them secretly and then look?" I asked cutely.

"Dare you!" he said warning me.

I chuckled as I closed my eyes. I felt him opening his side of the door and getting out. He then opened the door for me and held my hand. He took me out and started taking me inside.

"Laksh! Are we going on a date? You should have told me. I would have dressed better." I said as we kept walking, don't know where.

"You look good in everything you wear." he said in return.

"Huh... Nah! If you would have told me then I would have worn that pink dress. You know it has glitter work and it looks so good on me. And... it has no back at all." I said the last line in a teasing way.

"Yaah... Yaah... Then we would not even have come out of the room and there would be no exam, no date or anything." he said making my cheeks heat up.

"Why so?" I asked biting my lower lip.

"Ragini!" he warned.

"Laksh!" I said giggling.

"Stop being a tease."

I laughed hard at that.

"Devil!" he murmured.

Then I heard the sound of opening of a door.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked as we stopped walking.

I waited for him to answer but he didn't reply so I opened my eyes and the view in front of me left my mouth hung open.

In front of me, there was a room or hall which was double the size of my room. It was decorated with red balloons and roses. There were fragrant candles lighting up the place. It was very beautiful but it wasn't what left me shocked. It was the bed. It was having a heart made on it with red rose petals and the flower wires were hanging on the ceiling.

It was looking like it was decorated for someone's first night.

Still with an open mouth, I looked at Laksh who was looking equally shocked, like me.

"Laksh! What's this?" I asked.

"I don't know... How could..."

"We're not married yet." I spoke.

"I know... I know... I didn't tell them to do this. I just told them to arrange a romantic candle light dinner. I swear." he said as he looked at me with a fearful face.

"Relax! I'm not blaming you or anything." I said as I held his arm.

Laksh held my hand and pulled me out of the room. He started shouting for the manager. The manager came running.

"Yes sir! Is there something wrong?" the manager asked.

"Something? Everything is wrong. I told you to arrange a romantic candle night dinner not a honeymoon suite." said Laksh with gritted teeth.

The manager gulped at that.

"So... Sorry sir. I'll just check." he said as he ran in the direction of the room from which we came out a few minutes ago.

"Laksh! It's alright." I said to make him cool down.

"No, it's not alright. It was so awkward. You must be thinking of me as a pervert as I arranged that even after we decided to wait till the marriage." he said making me shake my head.

"Never! I know you. You're thinking too much. I didn't think anything like that. And someday, even we're going to need a similar suite." I said to cheer his mood up and smiled sheepishly.

He looked at me with a frown and then smirked.

"Definitely!" he said staring me down with passion.

The manager came back after a while.

"We're so sorry sir. That room was for some other couple. We gave you the wrong room number. Sorry sir." the manager spoke apologetically.

Laksh was about to bang at him but I stopped him by holding his hand.

"It's okay. Can you tell us the correct room number now?" I asked the manager.

"It's 15, mam." he said pointing to a direction.

I nodded and pulled Laksh into the same direction.

"Why did you stop me? I would have taught him a good lesson for his stupidity. How can they be so careless?" Laksh said angrily.

"Calm down angry young man. We already wasted our time and I don't want to waste more of it." I said as I glanced at him and then opened the door.

I smiled as I looked around the right room my boyfriend made them prepare for us while Laksh closed the door.

The room was decorated with blue and white balloons and white flowers. It has blue and white curtains. The balloons were spread on the floor also. It was dimly lit. There was a middle sized round table in the centre with candles and food on it.

"It's beautiful. I loved it." I said happily as I turned to look at Laksh.

"I'm glad you did." he said, finally smiling.

"Okay! Food first and everything else later. I'm feeling so hungry." I said as I pulled him towards the table.

He took out the chair for me and I took a seat. He then pulled the other chair for himself.

He removed the lids from the dishes and my mouth watered at the delicious sight of tasty food.

"I can't wait." I said rubbing my hands together and licking my lips.

Laksh chuckled as he started filling a plate with the food. He was about to fill the other for himself but I stopped him.

"Let's eat from the same plate." I said smiling at him.

He smiled back as he kept the other plate aside.

He picked up the spoon and started making me eat with his hands while I did the same for him.

After we were done eating, he cleaned his face and also mine with the tissue paper.

"Okay! Now that my stomach is full, we can talk. It has been so many days that we've talked about something besides studies." I complained.

"I not only want to talk to you but want to talk something very very important." he spoke in a serious tone.

I sat straight as I looked on.

"What's that?" I asked nervously.

He got up, pushing his chair back and then sat in front of me, on both of his knees.


"Shh... I'll forget the lines I have memorized." he said cutting me off.

I chuckled at that.

"And I think I forgot them already. Damn!" he said looking nervous.

I moved my right hand and kept it on his right cheek while he held my left hand.

"You see, I have never felt so nervous but this thing is making me hell nervous. Even though I know that you're not going to say no but still, it's a big thing. It's about our future, yours and mine. Ours." he said as he kissed the back of my hand.

"As I forgot all the cheesy lines, I'll just say that I love you, a lot. So much that I can't see my future without you in it. I want you, for me. I want you to become mine, in every aspect, in the eyes of everyone. I want you to make us official. I want everyone to know that you're mine. Ragini, will you marry me and become Ragini Laksh Maheshwari?" he asked as he looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I was happy, happier, happiest but my eyes were filled with tears. This man makes me feel so special, so wanted, so loved.

"I love you too Laksh and I'll marry you. I'll be yours, in every manner." I said as I bend down and merged my forehead with his.

He smiled widely as he lift his head up and sealed our promise with a kiss.

When we pulled away, he slipped his hand inside the pocked of his suit jacket and brought out a pink colored square shaped box. He opened the box and I smiled seeing the beautiful ring.

"It's amazing." I said.

He asked me for my hand and I happily kept my left hand in his. He slid the ring inside my ring finger.

"Now it's priceless." he said making my smile widen, only if it was possible.

I looked at the ring and then at him. He got up and made me stand up as well. He held me through my waist and pulled me dangerously close to him that our chests were merging and we could clearly hear each other's heartbeats. He bent his head down and kissed me again. The kiss was more passionate this time. He pulled me up that my legs were now in the air. We kissed until we were in the extreme need of oxygen.

Both of us were trying really hard to catch breath after breaking the kiss. Laksh made me stand on my feet and both of us started laughing, looking at each other.

Just then we heard a knock on the door. We looked at the door and then at each other.

"Who's there?" Laksh asked loudly.

"Shekhar Gadodia!" I heard dad's voice and my eyes widened.

I looked at Laksh who was looking terrible. His face turned pale.

"Dad is here!" I spoke, jumping in horror.

"Yeah, the sadu father in law is here." Laksh mumbled but I heard it.

I glared at him and he smiled nervously at me.

"Are you going to open the door?" asked dad.

I urged Laksh to go ahead and open the door but he denied, shaking his head and pushed me ahead.

I rolled my eyes as I started walking towards the door. I turned back to look at Laksh who was biting his nails now. I couldn't help myself from chuckling at his state.

I turned towards the door again and opened it only to come face to face with my father.

"Hey dad! What's up?" I asked showing all my pearls to him.

He gave me a look and then peeped behind me and passed a death glare in Laksh's direction. He got inside and moved towards Laksh.

"Why did you bring my daughter here? What were you planning to do?" dad asked to Laksh.

"No... Nothing, I wasn't..."

"Dad, you're making a wrong picture. We were just on a date." I defended my boyfriend.

"You didn't tell me about it." dad pointed out.

Because I myself didn't know.

"Arhm... It slipped my mind." I lied.

"I don't believe it." he said shaking his head.

"Dad! You need to stop doubting Laksh." I whined.

Dad made faces as I said that.

"He's a nice guy and he loves me." I said proudly.

"And you know what!" I said excitedly.

"What?" dad asked with raised eyebrows.

"He just proposed me for marriage and I said a yes!" I chirped with shiny eyes while my father's eyes widened.


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