The One Where They Get Gas Station Food

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I tried to blink out the light in the room from the window with no success. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Alexander was gone and his bed was near perfect. The cardboard box remained in the room, under his bed where I assumed he kept his clothes. Both his backpack and his laptop were gone so I assumed he just had classes that started earlier than mine. I purposely planned to take classes that started after 9 because I would not be up before 8:30 to be in class on time. My phone read 8:22 and I got up, pulling on dark jeans and a grey shirt and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I went down to meet Lafayette and Hercules for breakfast, though none of us actually ate anything, we all just got coffee.

I was waiting in line to get a coffee because I had received a text from Hercules saying that he and Lafayette already got theirs and they were sitting under the tree that they normally meet at. I got my black coffee and was making my way over to our tree when I saw Alexander hurrying away from Hercules and Lafayette and the two guys nearly doubled over in laughter. "What's so funny you two?" I asked, sitting down next to them.

"Hercules just told that kid that Professor Washington's law class was in the arts building!" Said Lafayette who nearly spilled his almost white coffee on his pants.

I almost spit out my coffee, "Not the kid with the long hair?" I asked, "Right?"

They stopped laughing and looked at each other. "Yeah, why?" asked Hercules.

I didn't even answer I just got up and started running towards the art building where Alex was sure to be by now.

I had ditched my coffee and saw Alexander looking around at the room numbers, Jesus the kid was clueless. "Hey!" I called to which a few people turned their heads, "Hamilton!" I called, which luckily grabbed his attention. "My stupid friends sent you to the wrong building!" I yelled slowing to a stop in front of him, slightly out of breath.

He looked devastated. "No, you're kidding," he looked at one of the clocks mounted on the wall, "The class starts in six minutes and I still don't know where it is." He looked about ready to cry.

"Hey calm down man," I said putting a hand on his shoulder, "I have the same class and I know where it is," I started walking in the direction of the history building. Alexander was close behind. "Washington is a good teacher if you stay on his good side." I said walking up to the class with a minute to spare.

Alexander rushed into the room and immediately took the first seat he saw. I took the seat next to him just because I didn't feel like looking for another seat and Washington was bound to walk in any second. Alexander already had his laptop out and loose papers out with a pencil on top.

I lazily pulled out my laptop and put it in my lap, immediately opening a blank file and just staring at it. Washington had been talking for about ten minutes and I had all of three words typed onto the file when my eyes drifted to Alexander who had almost three paragraphs and was momentarily scribbling down dates on the paper. I'm pretty sure I spent most of that lesson watching Hamilton frantically type things and scribble nonsense onto the papers next to him.

I was reading the chapter of the novel assigned to me by my English professor on my bed, listening to the clack of the keys on Alexander's laptop as he typed the content of the loose papers he had onto another file on his laptop. I swear the kid didn't sleep some nights. I closed the book and looked up at Alex hunched over the keyboard at his desk, "Hey, Alex," I started.

"Hmm?" he hummed in response, not looking up from the screen or slowing in the speed of typing.

"You wanna go get something to eat with me?" I asked tentatively.

He didn't respond.



"Are you even listening?"


I sighed and got off my bed, sitting on the chair next to him. I closed Alexander's laptop and looked at him.

"Hey! I was doing something!" He whined.

"Yeah but you really need a break. You haven't gotten up in almost three hours."

He let out a breath, defeated. "So where do you want to go?" He asked.

I smiled and got up, taking his hand and pulling him out the door.

"Where are we going?" he asked for the third time, we had been walking for almost ten minutes and I stopped.

"Right here," I said, looking at the building in front of me.

"This is a gas station," He said, confused.

"Yeah I know, but this specific gas station has really cheap slushies." I dragged him inside and to the back where the slushie machines were. I immediately grabbed two large cups and filled one with cherry ice and put the lid on. "What flavor?" I asked him.

"I've never had a slushie." he said to me like it wouldn't offend my ancestors.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, "Where are you from that doesn't have slushies?"

"The Caribbean?" He said almost in a question.

"Well which one looks the best to you?" I asked him.

"Uh, the blue one?"

"Blue Raspberry it is then." I said, filling the cup with the blue ice. "We need more than just slushies though," I handed him the two cups and walked through the snack isles, grabbing a big bag of Doritos and a bag of gummy worms. I also picked up two glazed doughnuts and walked to the cashier, putting the junk food on the counter and pulling out my wallet.

"Is this everything for you two?" The cashier asked, batting her eyes at me.

"Yep," I said filing through my cash to find a ten.

"Okay, that'll be 9.57," she said.

I slid her a ten and took the bag of foods.

"Here's your change and receipt," she said handing me both.

"Thanks," I said ushering Alex out of the building.

"You seriously have never had a slushie before?" I asked Alex, grabbing more gummy worms and taking a sip of the cherry beverage.

He shook his head in response, not talking his mouth off of the straw in his slushie.

I laughed at him and shoved the gummy worms in my mouth.

"Oh my goodness this is amazing!" he said finally taking his mouth off of the straw.

I laughed again. "Aren't you glad I stopped your studying?" I said eating another gummy worm.

He nodded, his mouth back on the straw.

I put all the food away on my trunk and sat back on the floor with Alex, who had gotten his laptop while I was cleaning. I set my laptop on the TV stand and turned on a movie on Netflix, leaning against Alexander's bed.

Alex was still typing away until halfway through the movie I crawled over to him and took it away from him, closing it for the second time that night, forcing him to watch the movie. He didn't do much watching though because he fell asleep and slumped over onto my lap within fifteen minutes.

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