Chapter 4 Darling, I am a Vampire

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     In the previous chapter, "Babe, I know I should have told you this before the trip," Luka says.

"Told me what exactly?" Kagami blurts out! She looks rather ticked off right now.

      In the current chapter, Luka can see she is rather angry.  He thinks great this makes it way harder to explain anything to her now.

      "Luka, what have you not told me?"  Kagami blurts out.

      "Kagami, I special,"  Luka explains.

    "Special, well I can certainly see that since I was told you are dead, but you are alive,"  Kagami scoffs.

     "Sweetheart, calm down. This is harder to tell you than you could ever imagine,"  Luka tells her.

      Kagami glares at him then sobs. She thinks he did not did he? 
 "Did you cheat on me?"  Kagami asks.

   "No, Kagami, I have been faithful to you the whole time,"  Luka replies.

   "Then, what on earth is it?"  Kagami asks.

        Kagami's  POV:
    As she waits for his answer, she imagines all sorts of crazy things.

        She thinks did he kill someone?  

        Does he have some horrid past he is ashamed of for some reason?

         Is he on the run from the law?

     Luka's  POV:

      Kagami looks at me like she does not even know me.

       There must be some way to assure her that I did not harm anyone.

        It is not every day you have to tell your wife about your unique qualities that she lacks.

      It is not easy to bring up, but it is necessary to tell her.


          Luka's  POV:

       The secret has been kept to myself for too long already.

       It is time for me to share this with my spouse.

       If I can not trust her then who can I trust?


        Kagami just stares at him as she waits for a response.  She believes it must be important since he appears to be nervous.  The question is why it takes him so long to answer her?

       Luka looks at her with sad eyes. He fears she might refuse to look at him the same way or threaten to leave him.  He decides it is now or never. He might as well get the awkward conversation done.

       "Darling, I am Vampire,"  Luka blurts out.  He just spills out as if it is normal to say such a thing to her.

      "Whoa, is this a prank?   If it is then it is not very funny,"  Kagami states.

      "I assure you it is not a prank,"  Luka replies.

      "How do I know that you did not make the whole thing up?"  Kagami asks him.

        Luka steps closer to his wife and shows her his fangs. He thinks now what do you have to say.

      "L-Luka, oh my g-goodness, it is true, you are a v-vampire!" Kagami says in shock.

      "You are not upset with me for not telling you sooner are you?" Luka asks sadly.

   "I am just surprised that is all.  I mean if someone else would have told me my husband is a vampire, I would have thought they had lost their mind,"  Kagami responds.

     Luka smiles in relief that she is not angry with him.  He is happy she has not run off yet.

       "I  am not sure how to respond to this news, to be honest,"  Kagami tells him.

          Luka frowns then sighs. He wonders what this means for them both and their future together.

               Luka's  POV:
            He thinks oh dear now my wife is all rattled.

            He worries that she will not be able to love him anymore.

        Why did he think it was a good idea to tell her his secret?


                 Kagami's  POV:
           She thinks what on earth could make him think something so big should be kept from me?
            Why did not he tell me sooner he is a vampire?

             It is not like he told me this before our wedding day or on it.

            The whole thing is just a shock coming so late into our married life.

             Luka's  POV:
 He sighs as she looks away from him.

          He believes maybe he messed up somehow.

        What is he to do now?  He can not just let her leave.

        He loves her, but can he make her stay?  

        He sobs as he feels the sadness of his marriage falling apart.

       Find out more in Chapter  5...

       -Summer Cheng


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