Chapter 5 Luka's Vampire Heritage

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       Kagami's POV:

         Kagami decides two nights later it is time she spoke to Luka. It was something she felt was necessary to discuss with him since she now knows the truth he is a vampire. She figures this explains a few things such as why he never allows garlic in the house, and why he freaks out at the wooden stake the neighbors put in their yard.

        She still has a few questions for him.  It is like she has a whole new world to find out more about now that she knows his deepest secret.  She realizes now she knows very little about his family.  She wonders why only his sister came to the wedding years ago. 

       "Luka, dear?"  Kagami remarks.

        "Yes, what is it?" Luka asks. He seems rather quiet.

         "Why were no other family members of yours in attendance at our wedding?  I mean besides, your sister," Kagami responds.

         "It is a bit complicated," Luka replies.

           Kagami gives him that look the one that says please do go on now.

     Luka's POV:

       Luka wonders what makes his wife think about his family.  It is not she had much interest in them before today.  Then, again, he did always try to avoid the topic in the past.  Now, that the bat is out of the hat so to speak he figures he might as well tell her.  

      " It is a very long story," Luka states.

       "Yes, so I have all the time in the world to hear it," Kagami replies.

        "Oh, I hardly doubt that since you are not a vampire," Luka scoffs.

          "Goodness, you do not have to rube it in my face," Kagami retorts.

            "Fine, if you insist, then I will tell you all about my vampire heritage," Luka answers.

    Narrator's POV:

       Just to clear up a few things, Luka's relatives are not allergic to the sun, nor they turn people into vampires.  This is to say they do not against their will the last time this took place was when Luka's great great great grandfather was alive and he was almost executed.  Ever since the Cuffaine family swore not to practice such a morbid thing anymore.  It was either that or risk the whole group being killed from being found out.

         It was not always easy to keep the secret.  Many times there were problems when someone would see their vangs and freak out.  Then, there was the incident with a neighbor's pet guinea pig.  It was an innocent mistake a child was hungry and sucked the blood of the animal.  Fortunately, the animal made it while the child was injured by the angry owners of the pet.

        The vampire kid was soon removed from school to be homeschooled and the family moved. It was far too dangerous to stay in the same location for long. Soon, they moved to a special island safe for vampires and away from any humans. This was to ensure the safety of all involved.  It kept them from falling in love with those outside their kind as well because only other vampires lived on the island.

      No one quite knew how Luka's parents, his sister, and he found themselves in Paris, France. It is not like the land was human-free for it was a well-known fact many humans lived here.  As for this branch of the family, the children have been homeschooled all their lives until it came to go away to college.   

       Luka's POV:
Luka takes a deep breath.  

       "All my life I have been this ever since I was born, see my parents were vampires, my grandparents before they wore, the folks before them, and so forth,"  He states.

       "Oh, I see so you came from a long line of vampires, then," Kagami remarks.

      "Yes, that is exactly what I mean, darling," Luka tells her. 

       "I am not sure what made my folks leave Vampire Isle when they did, but at some point, they left and took my sister and I with them. This is how we came to be in Paris and grew up here.  We were homeschooled and were only allowed to leave home for college studies.  So, you see my folks were not too pleased when I told them about us," Luka explains.

      "Wow, so your parents I take it were furious you fell in love with a human," Kagami says.

       "Yes, in a manner of speaking, but I assure you Juleka, gives us her full support," Luka replies.

       "Juleka, oh yes, she is your sibling,"  Kagami remarks.

         "Did I tell you my great great great grandfather almost got himself killed once by the government before everyone moved to Vampire Isle?" Luka asks.  He looks rather serious now as he speaks.


  Kagami's  POV:

     Kagami shakes her head no.  She finds it hard to believe anyone could be so cruel as to try to harm his great great great grandparent.  She wonders what on earth took place to make the government respond in such away.

     "What happened?" Kagami asks to show her surprise at once at the news.

    "My great great great grandmother tried to convince them it was a mistake, but they would hear none of it.  The next day, everyone left for Vampire Isle a haven for vampires. No one looked back ever since,"  Luka explains.

     "Whoa, no wonder your folks were so strict with you growing up.  They did not want you to suffer the same fate your ancestor almost did," Kagami says as seriously as she can.

       "I suppose, but that does not tell me why they think all humans are the same," Luka says not too happy to speak about them.

     "Darling, I am sure it is just a misunderstanding that is all," Kagami kindly says.

 Luka's  POV:

  "Misunderstanding,  they are stuck in their old ways despite our moving here,"  Luka says.

   "According to my mother and father, my father's great-great-grandfather the one who caused all the trouble was out on a hunt," Luka explains.

    "He was bitting into the neck of one of the local women to drink her blood," Luka goes on to say.

     Luka decides to continue his explanation when his wife does not protest.  

     "Well, apparently he bites down too hard and she went all pale.  Everyone else thought she was dead, but he turned her into one of us. The poor woman was ashamed and frightened, so she tried to vampirized herself,"  Luka states.

      "The only problem was she could not succeed.  Once a vampire always one rather by blood or by force. She was shunned and made to leave outside the human camp, and it was a few days later the people came with their torches and threatened to slaughter my relative and the rest of us bloodthirsty vermin,"  Luka says with tears in his eyes.

      "Oh, dear me," Kagami says in sheer horror at what his family must have gone through growing up.

      "So, you see this is why my kind does not take highly to humans.  It is why most of us do not trust them," Luka tells her.


   Kagami's  POV:

   "Well, as hard it was to share this with me I glad you did it means so much to me. It shows you trust me and that is all that matters," Kagami says.

    She grins as she reaches over and hugs Luka. She figures he could use one after all the sad memories of the past were brought out into the open.

    "What would happen if you were to turn me into one of you?" Kagami asks.

         Luka frowns and Kagami wonders what she said wrong.  She believes whatever it was must trouble him.

        Find out more in Chapter  6

       -Summer out! 

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