Chapter 6 It is No Joking Matter

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         Luka's  POV:

          "Kagami are you sure about this?"  He asks.

             "Turning someone into a vampire is a serious business."

              Luka frowns at the thought of making his wife a vampire. It is not that he thinks she would make a bad one so much as he loves her for the human woman she is already.  He sees no need to turn her into one of the same creatures as himself.

           Besides he thought if I do this then there is no return for her.  It is not like he could turn back time or make the experience less dangerous or painful. Try as he might he did not believe the idea to be a good one.

          He shook his head no to protest the notion.

        Kagami's  POV:

         Kagami feels disappointed at the knowledge he refuses to turn her. It is almost like he thinks it will ruin things between them or as if he does not trust her.  Strange how things have a way of twisting around when you least expect them too.

         Here she is willing to be his vampire bride to make things less hard for him and his family. She can not see why he hesitates or acts as if the price is too big. She has given it a lot of thought.  Okay, so maybe she has only had a week to adjust to the news he is one, but what does that have to do with it?

        "Luka, I am sure as I am that I love you," Kagami tells him.

     Luka's  POV:        

      Luka looks at her in surprise that she is so quick to answer. As much as he loves her, he is afraid to turn her out of fear that she might not like the new her. Besides, he has not explained all the issues with vampire hood anyway.

     "Being a vampire is not all it is cut out to be.  It is dreadful, you live over thousands of years, and you must not eat any garlic.  Garlic makes vampires have bad gas and ruins the lining of the stomach. Then, as a result, you explode,"  Luka explains.

    "The other less common ways to die as at the hands of some crazy commoner who distrusts you and does you in with a sharp, silver ax, a silver cross, or hits you with a silver bullet or arrow."

      He sees her tears as she steps closer to him and kisses his cheek. Then, feels her caress his face.

      "I love you, but the whole thing is well, it is no joking matter," Luka blurts out.

     Kagami's  POV:

      Kagami tells him,  "My parents are dead, as are my grandparents, my siblings, and most of my cousins. Goodness, even the few living cousins do not choose to keep in close contact with us anyway."

     "I  mean it when I say that I will rather be a vampire than die as a regular human. I do not like the thought of your having to take a new bride some time in the future,"  Kagami pouts.

     Kagami notices when he stares into her eyes, then feels him lick her face. She thinks wow, he never licked me before today.  She thought what was that all about anyway. 

      She did not have to wait long to find out.

     Luka's  POV:

       " I want to remind you to remember later that you asked me for this, so do not attack me if you hate the changes that take place within your body as a result,"  Luka warns her.

          Luka sees more tears form in her eyes. He hates nothing more than to see water droplets fall against her cheeks.  He kisses her all over her neck, then her face.  Next, he slowly lets his fangs sink into her neck.  He feels the blood flow loose and free from it, so he gently licks it up.

         He can tell she is nowhere near about to change into a full-fledged vampire. He must not stop now since he did request it.  He only hopes she will not regret it later and that it will not hurt her too much in the process.

        Luka looks at her signs of a struggle, but only hears her moan. He smiles then bites her left arm this time. He knows it is part of the vampire code not to bite twice in the same area when making someone yours for life.  He would have done this years ago if were not for the fact he did not want her to feel forced to be something she was not.

        Now, today it is different since she practically threw herself at him.  He licks up the blood from out her arm next. He sees her face grow pale. He thinks so far phase one is complete. He trembles a bit as it dawns on him how awkward the rest of this might be for both of them.

            Kagami's  POV:

          Kagami backs away from her man just for a short second. She examines herself in the mirror and sees her once near-flawless skin looks rather white as in closer to the shade of whiteout than it does anything else. She also notices her hair has grown and it is a deeper shade of blue than it has been in years.  Plus, her lips are bright red and she feels an urge to mate with her husband.

        She blushes at where her silly thoughts have taken her.  It is never been like this before, she thought.  Perhaps this means she is closer to being a vampire than she thought, oh how she sure hopes so with all her heart.

      She lays the mirror on the table then walks back over to where Luka awaits her. She kisses him and as his tongue meets hers's she feels a small jab on the tip of it.  She knows this means he bit it, yet she does not scream or pull away. She stays and lets him do whatever he wishes. She is his and he is hers.

       No doubt she will make a great vampire!

        Find out more in Chapter  7

    bye, bye little owlets!

       -Summer out!        

PS. No smut will be in this story... It is meant to be clean since it is a fanfiction by me.  I do not write that style. So do not ask for it. Please respect this. -the author

Published on September 1, 2020, and Edits made on November 4, 2020. 

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