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“It’s gotten dark already.” Niki said as I nodded. After practice the two of us decided to catch a movie, but we weren't aware of how dark it had gotten.

“I know, I hope we don’t get kidnapped.” I joked as we walked back to the university grounds.

“Hey Niki, are you-”

“AHHHHHH” I heard as my ears perked up.

“Did you hear that?” I asked Niki as he nodded.

“Must be some party kids.” He sighed as we continued walking. “What were you saying?”

As I began my sentence again, the screaming began.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!!” The noise made me look around. It sounded like it was getting closer.

“Whoever the hell is screaming needs to stop, it’s getting annoying.” I mumbled to Niki.

“AHHHH” The screaming was almost in my ear as I felt something ram into my side, knocking me down on the concrete. My head bumped the ground, but thankfully it wasn’t awful.

“Shit” I muttered as I just laid there. Does the universe hate me? It seriously feels like it does.

I heard running footsteps approach us along with head breathing. “Oh shoot, wonie…” I heard someone say which made me open my eyes.

Niki, Sunoo, and Jake were standing above me, looking down at something. Jake and Sunoo were out of breath as they had sad expressions on their faces, Niki however looked like he was about to laugh.

“What the…” I started as I felt a slight shaking on my abdomen. I looked down and saw a boy holding onto me like he depended on it. He was shaking in terror as he gripped onto me.

“Jungwon?” I asked in confusion, but the boy merley held me closer. Why is he so scared? What happened to him?

Did someone try to hurt him?

“What happened?” I asked as I looked at Sunoo and Jake. The two boys held guilty expressions.

“It’s our fault.” Sunoo began. “We were watching the Zombi tv show All Of Us Are Dead and decided to play a little prank on Jungwon….”

“We didn’t think it would scare him so much that he would run out of the dorm room.” Jake finished for him. We all looked at each other in silence. They scared him?

“Hahaha” The silence broke as Niki bursted into laughter. “That’s rich!” Niki doubled over laughing as Sunoo started hitting his side.

“Stop laughing you idiot! Jungwon is scared and you are being cruel!” Sunoo scolded.

I slowly sat up as Jungwon kept trembling on top of me. I hesitated as I put my hand on his back. He flinched at the sudden contact.

How do I calm him down? More importantly, how do I get him off of me?

“Is everything alright?” I heard as I looked over my shoulder. Heeseung and Sunghoon were running at us from a distance.

“We heard running and wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Heeseung began as he looked around. His eyes landed on Jungwon as he immediately became shocked and kneeled down on the floor.

“Jungwon, are you alright? Did Jay hurt you?” Heeseung asked as he shot me a glare.

“Hey, I didn’t do anything.” I defended but Heeseung ignored me as he gently took Jungwons arm. Jungwon practically jumped into Heesungs arms as he hugged the older. I sudenly felt cold without Jungwon.

“Shh it’s okay, don’t worry.” I could hear Heeseung mutter as Sunghoon walked up to Jake.

“Is everything alright?” Sunghoon asked as Jake explained the situation. I just sat there shocked, looking at Heeseung holding Jungwon. It hurts, but I’m not sure why. It’s a strange feeling that I’ve never felt before.

“We should go inside, it’s getting dark.” I said, trying to ease the tension.

“Oh hell no, I still have to beat this bitch up!” Sunoo said as he kept trying to tackle Niki. Niki just kept laughing. 

“We will bring you guys to your apartment.” Sunghoon said to Jake. “Its better that you guys get home okay.”


The seven of us stepped into Sunoo, Jake, and Jungwons apartment. Jungwon was still clung to Heeseung as Niki was trying to run away from Sunoo.

“How about you guys come in. I can make some dinner to thank you guys for your kindness.” Jake said.

“Oh you don’t have to-” “No, I insist”

We all smiled at the boy as Heeseung led the shaking Jungwon to the couch. Niki kept trying to dodge Sunoo as Sunghoon followed Jake to the kitchen. I took the time to look around as I noticed all the photos and artwork.

There were paintings everywhere, most of Jake and Jungwon. Sunoo must have painted them, I heard he was an excellent artist.

What really caught my eye was the photos spread everywhere. On almost every inch of the wall were professional photographs, some polaroids and others classic photos. The polaroids however, were the best. They were all photos of the three roommates smiling and having fun.

One photo stood out. It was a photo of the three of them next to each other, their faces all covered in animal facepaint. Jungwon sat in the middle with a sheep painted on his face.


I slowly walked over to the couch where Heeseung and Jungwon sat. I sat across from them as I watched how Heeseung tried to comfort the still shaking Jungwon.

“Maybe you should stay away from scary movies and shows.” I said to the pair. Heeseung looked up and shot me a warning glare. What’s his problem.

“Niki and Sunoo calm down, the food is done.” Jake called as he planned out food. Niki practically ran to be first in line and shoved the food into his mouth.

“Jeez, were you raised in a barn?” Sunoo asked him as Niki scoffed.

“Here Jungwon, try a bit. You should eat something.” I heard Heeseung say. I looked over to see Heeseung trying to feed Jungwon.

“Can’t you see that you are making him uncomfortable?” I said to Heeseung. For some reason, watching them made me angry. Heeseung looked incredibly pissed as he slowly let go of Jungwon.

“Jay, outside. Now.” Heeseung demanded as he walked outside of the dorm room with me slowly trailing behind him.

Heeseung POV

“What the hell dude?” I scoffed at Jay as we got outside. “What is your problem?”

“What’s my problem? What is your problem! He is 17, not an infant. Why are you hovering so much and making him uncomfortable? You don’t know him that well.” Jay shot back.

I took a step closer to him. “How would you know if I’m close to him or not. You know nothing.” I whispered.

“Oh fuck off Heeseung.” Jay said as he rolled his eyes.

I smirked as I leaned in and whispered into his ear. “Make me.”

Before I knew it Jay shoved me away from him as he stormed back inside. I couldn’t help the mischievous smile that played on my face.

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