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“Jay, Jay!” Heeseung called as I felt his warm hand wrap around mine. I tried to look at him, but his gaze was too intimidating. Why am I intimidated by him?

“You know, when someone leaves class early and ignores your yelling, it normally means they don’t want to talk to you.” I said as I looked at the floor. Something about the olders warm hand made my stomach twist.

He sighed as I felt him rub circles on my hand. He must know he has this effect on people. “I shouldn’t have left the other night. I’m sorry.” Heeseung said. I jerked my hand away from his and took a step back, daring to look him in the eyes.

“Why are you apologizing? You are just the teachers assistant in my class. You tutor me and nothing more.” I said giving him a cold look in his eyes. 

His lips quivered a bit but he gave a nervous smile. “I know you are upet, but you dont mean that.”

“I do, I do mean that. I mean every word I say. I’ve seen the way you look at me, the way you look at Jungwon, I can’t imagine the dozens of other people you’ve looked at that way. You seem to have mastered it, getting close to people and messing with their heads, that a sick game you play Heeseung, SICK!” I spit as I took a step away.

“You’ve hurt me, but I’m not going to let you hurt Jungwon. You stay away.” I sent the older one last glare as I turned away.

Jungwon POV

“Jungwon these photos are…” My teacher hesitated as she looked at my work, a frown forming on her face. “I can’t accept these. You normally have such an eye for meaningful work, but these are nothing more than photos of plants.” She said as she sighed.

My face dropped, I know my work hasn’t been A game latley, but has it really been that bad?

“I can’t accept this. You are one of my best students, but if I take this, your grade will suffer. I will give you one more week, but I want a new folder of photos that will knock my socks off.” She said as she began walking away. “Maybe try working with models again. The photos you took of that one boy seemed to have some chemestry.”

I knew exactly who she was talking about, Jay. It’s been days since I’ve seen him or Heeseung. I’ve been avoiding my Biology class entierly, I will go back soon but I’m not sure how I’ll face them.

I know I should be happy for them, they seem like a cute couple, but I can’t deny the pange I feel in my heart. 

“Jungwon.” I heard someone call to me as I truned around. Sunghoon came trotting up to me, his hair disheveled from stress.

“Hey Sunghoon.” I said casually. I’m almost certin I know why he’s taling to me. Since the argument, Jake swor to Sunoo that he would avoid Sunghoon at all cost, in order for my roomates to repaif their friendship.

“H-have you seen Jake? I’ve been looking for him the past few days but I can’t find him, he has been ignoring my texts and calls.” Sunghoon said, almost embarrised. I would be emberessed too, the attractive kid on campus finally has a crush and is now being ignored. 

“Uh, I have seen him.” I said slowly, not trying to hurt the others feelings.

“Oh.” He said, as if he was processing my words. He gave a small but disapointed nod. “Can you just tell him I need to speak with him?”

I nodded at the boy as he attempted to give me a smile. He was about to say something else when his name was called.

“Sunghoon! There you are.” I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Yeonjun, Niki, and…..Jay walking up to us.

“We’ve been looking for you.” Yeonjun said. “You are late for dance practice, come on.”

“Sorry, I just had to speak to Jungwon.” I heard Sunghoon say, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of Jay. The look he was giving me was soft, almost sympathetic. Sunghoon began walking to them, until Yeonjun called out once again.

“Hey, Jungwon the photographer! Soobin said your work is pretty good, would you mind taking some photos of us during our practice? We are trying to get promotional photos for advertising.” Yeonjun said. Niki tried to stop him, but it was too late. “Please! We could really use the help.”

I bit my lip as my eyes flickered between the four boys. As much as I wanted to reject, I needed models for my photos. Even if that meant putting up with the akward conversation for an hour or two, I could save my grade.

“Uh, yeah. I can help you guys out.” I mumbled as Yeonjun cheered, ignorant to the uncomfortable atmosphere.


“And 5 6 7 8” Yeonjun said as the four of them began their syncronized dance. Their bodys moved in sync with each other. It was impressive, to say the least.

My camera snapped photos of them as they moved, their shoes stomping and hair flipping. They only danced for a few minutes, but as I watched them, it felt like hours. I tried to focus on taking my pictures, but my eyes kept being drawn by the center, Jay. The way his body moved, the facia expressions. I know I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.

“Nice job you guys.” Yeonjun claps took me out of my daze. I smiled and nodded.I caught Jays eyes, he was breathing heavily, hair damp in front of his face. And damn, it was attractive. 

“I have to g-get going but I’ll send you the photos later.” I said as I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the room. My face was burning red as I slipped into the hallway and pushed myself against a wall taking deep breaths,

“Jungwon?” I heard as I turned my head. It was Jay, his disheveled hair and all, the most perfect of all sights. I began stuttering as I looked at him.

“U-uh yeah, hi.” I said as I awkwardly turned away from him. 

I felt soft warm hands on my chin, making my head turn to him. “Don’t look away from me, we need to talk.” Jay said as his hand left my chin and took my hand.

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